Reactive transport in the hydrosphere  

The course teaches students how to create and use mechanistic and spatially explicit models to study (bio)geochemical processes in the various compartments of the Earth’s hydrosphere including sediments, aquifers, rivers, lakes, and oceans. By the end of the course, students will have a general understanding of concepts and methods needed to quantitatively describe (bio)geochemical reactions and transport processes in various compartments of the hydrosphere; be able to formulate models (conceptually and with mathematical equations) to describe transport and reactions in Earth's surface environments; be able to solve models numerically using appropriate modeling software (R, with relevant packages ReacTran & deSolve); be able to perform sensitivity analyses to understand model implications; be able to interpret the results of the models in the relevant context (e.g., geochemical processes in rivers, lakes, aquifers, sediments, oceans); be able to report the results in written and oral forms. Content Model formulation: from conceptual diagrams to differential equations Introduction to R Spatial components and parameterization of models Model solution (using R-packages deSolve and ReacTran) Applications and case studies: coupled chemical reactions: atmospheric ozone dynamics surface reactions: mineral dissolution/precipitation acid-base chemistry: pH dynamics ecology: aquatic food-webs epidemiology: COVID pandemic global-scale models: Earth's global carbon cycle biogeochemistry in water bodies: anoxia in an estuary biogeochemistry in porous media: early diagenesis in sediments The course will also help develop the following transferable skills: Ability to work in a team: Practical exercises and group projects will be done in teams of 3-4 students. Students will need to distribute the tasks, organize and execute the workflow, and share responsibility for presentation of the results. Written communication skills: results of group projects will be presented as reports. Feedback will be given after report submission. Verbal communication skills: results of group projects will also be presented orally, as a group effort. Students will receive feedback on the quality of their presentations. Analytical/quantitative skills: Throughout the course students will solve quantitative tasks using numerical methods. They will also interpret their results in the wider environmental context. Strong work ethic: Students will be required to follow fixed deadlines for delivering results of group projects.
Reactive transport in the hydrosphere

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The statements made herein do not necessarily have the consent or agreement of the ASTRAIOS Consortium. These represent the opinion and findings of the author(s).