Coastal remote sensing  

The Coastal Remote Sensing module will provide students with theoretical background on both remote sensing and coastal processes. In this module an overview of coastal processes will be given that are relevant in an applied context, from the coastal shelf to the dunes. It will be discussed at which spatio-temporal scales coastal processes occur, and how these scales relate to remote sensing techniques, from in situ onshore and offshore techniques to satellite systems. An overview will be given of remote sensing techniques for measuring bathymetry and topography, including echo-sounding, laser scanning and photogrammetry, but also the role of spectral techniques will be discussed, to e.g., assess sediment load, sea water temperature and dune vegetation properties. Finally, processing techniques to extract information from data, including data fusion techniques, time series analysis, uncertainty assessment and relevant machine earning methodology will be covered. Study Goals On completion of this module, the student will be able to: Explain which remote sensing techniques are suitable to assess coastal processes in terms of the spatio-temporal scales at which they occur. Develop a workflow to answer a research question on coastal processes using a suitable combination of remote sensing techniques. Extract information from coastal remote sensing data and evaluate the results to answer a research question Associate an error budget to different kind of coastal remote sensing data products and apply this error budget to assess the uncertainty of work-flow outcomes. Defend the results of an implemented workflow
Coastal remote sensing

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