Aircraft radioelectronic systems  

Theoretical fundamentals of radioelectronic systems. Fundamen- tals of radioelectronics and radiolocation. Range of radioelectronic equipment and systems. Radioelectronic methods of measure- ment of navigation parameters. Distance measurement by impulse method - DME system. Distance measurement by the frequency method. Direction finding by a phase method - VOR system. Non- directional radio beacon and automatic radio compass. Aeronauti- cal radio-communication equipment. Satellite communications. Air- craft rescue equipment and systems. Radioelectronic equipment for military air defence systems. Air traffic control equipment and systems. Principle of operation and use of secondary radar in avia- tion. Collision avoidance systems - TCAS. Low Altitude Flight Con- trol Systems TAWS. Pulse Doppler Radar. Multi-role airborne radar -Principle of operation and use.
Aircraft radioelectronic systems

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