
General knowledge of aerodynamics of non-stationary flow, main equations, Lagrange integral, velocity potential, boundary condi- tions, aerodynamic effects of circulationless and circulatory flow. Flow of a thin airfoil with finite velocity at the flow edge. Effect of wing haunch. Flatter, equations of motion, flexion-torsion flatter of wing airfoil. Influence of geometric, elastic and mass characteristics on critical flatter velocity. Flex-torsional flatter of a finite span wing, equations of equilibrium. Approximate methods for calculating flat- ter velocity and frequency. Galerkin method. Criteria of elastic sta- bility of a structure in flow. Wing flatter oblique wing. Low elongation wing flatter. Flatter of the tailplane. Flatter with one degree of free- dom. Flatter free-from-attachment aircraft. Flatter of plates and shells. Non-linear flatter issues. Detachment Flatter. Static aeroe- lasticity problems. Flatter research from historical perspective.

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