Astrophysics I  

Introduction, basic definitions, stellar parameters: Astronomy as an observational science, astrophysics. Celestial sphere, coordinate systems used in astronomy. Stellar parallax, cosmic distance scale, distance ladder. Blackbody radiation. Stellar spectra, flux, effective temperature. Spectral classification. Magnitude scale, bolometric magnitude, luminosity, colour index. Stellar parameters. Determination of stellar masses and radii. Hertzsprung- Russell diagram. Tools of astrophysics: Electromagnetic spectrum, observing windows. Ground-based and space observatories. Telescopes. Detectors. Infrared, ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma astronomy. Observing techniques: imaging. Observing techniques: photometry. Observing techniques: spectroscopy. Observing techniques: optical and radio interferometry. Observing techniques: astrometry. Observing techniques: polarimetry. Stellar atmospheres: Description of radiation field. Interaction of light and matter, stellar opacity. Radiative and convective transfer. Transfer equation and its formal solution. Equations of hydrostatic and radiation equilibrium. Gray atmosphere, diffusion approximation, LTE approximation. Models of stellar atmospheres. Spectral lines and their profiles, formation of spectral lines. Atmospheric abundances of stars. Ages of stars. Stellar structure and evolution: Interstellar matter (IM), dust and gas, absorption by IM. Formation of stars, virial theorem, the Jeans mass. Pre-main sequence evolution. Stellar interiors, hydrostatic equilibrium. Basic equations. Sources of stellar energy, opacity, equation of state, transport of energy. Models of stellar interiors. Degeneracy of matter. Main-sequence evolution. Post-main-sequence evolution. Testing the theory of stellar evolution (stellar clusters, stellar pulsations). Stellar variability and its origin. The Sun: Solar interior. Solar atmosphere. Activity of the Sun, solar cycle. Solar pulsations. Solar neutrino problem.
Astrophysics I

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