Astroparticle physics  

Introduction (The standard model (SM) of elementary particles. Fermions and bosons in SM. Units in astrophysics and elementary particle physics. Natural units.) Lagrange formalism (Introduction. Classical fields. Lagrangian for scalar fields. Conserved quantities from the Lagrange function. Lorentz-Transformation. Invariance under global gauge transformations. Noether’s theorem.) Quantized fields (Spinor fields and Dirac equation. Scalar field and Klein- Gordon equation. Quantization of the scalar field. Vector fields and quantum electrodynamics: the classical electromagnetic field, lagrangian of the electromagnetic field, quantization of the electromagnetic field. The evolution operator. Wick’s Theorem. Feynman’s diagrams. Mott and Rutherford cross-section. The phenomenology of weak interactions. Lifetime of the neutron and beta-decays. Neutral interactions. Neutrino-electron interaction. Higgs mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking.) Thermal evolution of the Universe (Physics at lepton era: a recourse in thermodynamics, thermodynamics of ultra-relativistic and non-relativistic gases, particle-antiparticle annihilation and neutrino decoupling. Nucleosynthesis. Recombination: helium-recombination, hydrogen-recombination.) Cosmic rays (Primary cosmic rays. Secondary cosmic rays. X-rays and γ-rays. The abundances of cosmic rays. Ultra-high energy cosmic rays. Particle acceleration mechanisms. Interaction with CMB radiation.) Supernovae and neutron stars (Stellar evolution and supernova progenitors. Collapse phase. Neutrino emission. Nucleosynthesis in supernovae. Neutron stars as laboratories for particle physics. Structure of neutron stars: Equation of state and gravitational equilibrium. Neutrino cooling of neutron stars. Axion cooling of neutron stars. Physics of neutron star magnetosphere: composition, particle acceleration, synchrotron emission.) Neutrino physics (Neutrino interactions with matter, cross-section. Neutrino masses. Solar neutrinos. Supernova neutrinos. Neutrino oscillations and propagation through matter. Atmospheric neutrinos. Neutrino telescopes, Cherenkov effect in water and ice. Sources of high-energy neutrinos.)
Astroparticle physics

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