Semester 1 focuses on the basics of astrometry (coordinate systems, ime, efects perturbing the observaions) and the methods of transformaions and reducions. Paricular atenion is paid on the acquirement of skills in conversion calculaions.
Topics: Spherical astronomy; Astronomical coordinate systems; Transformaion between coordinate systems; Rising and seing of celesial bodies; Time and calendar; Efects perturbing the observaions; Precession and nutaion
Semester 2 gives on introducion to the subject of celesial mechanics.
Topics: Two-body problem; Ellipical moion; Orbital elements and their connecions to the constants of integraion; Kepler's laws; Orbit determinaion from three observaions; Restricted three-body problem; Jacobi-integral and zero-velocity curves; Stability of the equiblirium points; Perturbaion theory; Dynamics of the Solar System