Latvian language for beginners I  

The aim of the course is to promote the acquisition of the Latvian language knowledge and to build the students’ communicative and intercultural competence at beginners' level. The tasks of the course are the following: - to develop listening, reading, writing and speaking skills of Latvian; - to develop linguistic competence of Latvian grammar, lexis and syntax. The language of instruction is mostly English. Results Knowledge 1. Know basic Latvian grammar. 2. Know topic-based vocabulary acquired during the course at level A1. Skills 3. Understand rudimentary phrases and simple sentences. 4. Read and understand information at A1 level. 5. Communicate in simple everyday situations. 6. Communicate in written form in everyday situations. Competence 7. Use Latvian language in everyday life and study process.
Latvian language for beginners I

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