Programming fundamentals with python  

The goal of the course „Programming Fundamentals with Python” is to provide with the basic knowledge and skills about algorithms, programming and the process of design of computer programs. Course tasks: mastering basic knowledge and skills of programming in language C++; mastering programming skills using structured and object-oriented programming paradigms; mastering the main principles of problem solving with computer programming. The course is intended for teaching in Latvian and English. Results Knowledge 1. Explain the main principles of creating algorithms and programming; 2. Describe various programming constructs – branching, looping, functions, classes; 3. Explain the principles of writing and structuring a Python computer program; 4. Explain basic methods of data representation and processing, and data structures. Skills 5. Create Python programs according to a specification; 6. Create computer program using lists, character strings and other data structures; 7. Create computer program using functions and classes; 8. Create computer program to process files. Competencies 9. Able to choose the appropriate solution for the problem; 10. Evaluates usage of programming constructs of different levels to creates programs.
Programming fundamentals with python

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