Branch standards and data quality  

The aim of the study course is to master the standards of the geounformatics industry, on which the development of modern geographic information systems (hereinafter GIS) and the exchange of geospatial data are based; to acquire basic knowledge about data quality, principles of its determination, based on ISO standards. Tasks of the study course: 1. to get acquainted with the TC211 family of geographical information standards; 2. get acquainted with OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards; 3. learn to call OGC web service teams and retrieve information; 4 4. learn to work with the standard "ISO 19131 Geographic information - Data product specifications". By way of example, the technical directives of the EC Directive of 14 March 2007 establishing an infrastructure for spatial information in the European Community (INSPIRE); 5. to gain an understanding of the quality of geospatial data and to learn to apply it with the standard “ISO 19157 Geographic information - Data quality”. Language of course teaching: English, Latvian. Results Knowledge: 1. Understands Metadata Standards, 2. Understands Geospatial data quality indicators, 3. Understands the methodology of quality control of geospatial data, 4. Understands Geospatial Information Standards, their requirements, 5. Understands Information technology development and maintenance standards, their requirements. Skills: 6. Identify the necessary geospatial data and their sources, 7. Evaluate the content and quality of metadata, 8. The geospatial data quality standard shall be used, 9. Verifies the compliance of the data with the quality indicators, 10. Evaluate the compliance of the quality of geospatial data with the requirements of the solution, 11. Geospatial information standards shall be applied, 12. Apply information technology development and maintenance standards, 13. Separate the impact of geospatial data quality from the impact of solution functionality or other aspects on test results. Competence: 14. Prepare technical documentation in accordance with industry standards and examples of good practice, 15. Evaluate the quality of geospatial data.
Branch standards and data quality

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