Resources and planning of territorial developmental  

The aim of the course is to deepen the understanding and improve practice-related knowledge about the complex assessment of territorial development resources, the main planning directions, approaches, methods, tools and to acquire skills in formulating planning problems and solutions. The main topics of the course are: Territorial development resources and their evaluation; Development of planning ideas and approaches; Social motives, principles and ethics of modern planning; Planning systems; Methods and tools in the territorial development resources assessment and planning. The tasks of the study course are: 1. To provide students with basic knowledge about territorial development planning as a tool for evaluation of municipal territorial development resources, achievement of development goals. 2. To provide basic knowledge about the role of institutions of different levels and the process and tasks of elaboration of spatial development policy and planning documents in relation to territorial development resources, means and practice of planning implementation. 3. To promote students' creative, critical thinking, acquisition of methods and planning skills in the analysis of territories of different levels. 4. To provide knowledge about living environment, public space, natural environment, landscape issues and quality criteria. 5. To provide knowledge about the formation of public participation, social and community planning. 6. To gain experience in the content and group work of territorial development planning by participating in the elaboration of development proposals for a specific place, territory. 7. To promote students' acquisition of knowledge about the formation of planning ideas, their current implementation. The study course includes lectures, seminars and practical work, in which tasks related to specific territories are solved. Language of instruction is Latvian and English. Results Knowledge 1. Describe the types, directions, levels and approaches of development planning of places, territories and regions; 2. Explain the planning system, determination of planning links, taking into account practice abroad and in Latvia; 3. Understand and explain the principles of evaluation of territorial development resources; 4. describe resource evaluation methods; 5. Discuss about regional policy across Europe and its relationship to spatial development planning. Skills 6. Evaluates the peculiarities of the formation, structure and development of complex territories, using laboratory and field research methods; 7. Demonstrates skills to research a territory or place and analyze the current situation; 8. Identifies and comprehensively evaluates the factors determining the development of territories; 9. Analyzes planning situations in historical and contemporary contexts, evaluates planning motives and substantiates the choice of approaches and methods. Competence 10. Plan the structure, course, activities of the research of territories and places, develop the substantiation for the selection and application of methods; 11. Presents the developed study works and substantiates their content and methods; 12. Critically evaluates the study works of other students and provides a reasoned opinion.
Resources and planning of territorial developmental

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