Symmetry groups  

• Introduction: Introduction and definitions; Group theoretical notations • Representations: Reducible, irreducibele, equivalent representations; Orthogonality • relations for matrix elements and characters ; Reduction of representations and • character tables; Restricted and induced representations • Basis functions and supplements to representations: Transformation of functions and • operators; Basis functions and eigenfunctions; Restricted representations and • symmetry lowering; Projection operators; Direct product of groups and • representations; Selection rules • Twodimensional rotation and rotation reflection group: Introduction and • twodimensional rotation group; Twodimensional rotation-reflection group • Three dimensional rotation group and the group SU(2): Introduction - symmetry and • conservation laws; The group SU(2) and SO(3) - SU(2) homomorphism; Reduction of • direct product representations - addition of angular momenta; Wigner-Eckart theorem • Applications of group theory - capita selecta: Vibrational problems; Inversion • symmetry ; Translation symmetry of crystalline solids - space groups - band • structure; Time reversal symmetry - Kramers' theorem; Spin and double groups - • crystal field theory Final competences: 1 Being able to recognise symmetry present in physical systems. 2 Being able to make use of the symmetry present in physical systems in a creative way. 3 To master the mathematical methods of representation theory and to be able to apply them in practical situations. 4 To understand and to be able to predict the degeneracy of eigenvalues and the behaviour under symmetry. 5 To be able to identify the features and properties of physical systems related to symmetry. 6 To know and to be able to evaluate the possibilities and limitations of group theory. 7 To have enough understanding with respect to group theoretical information in order to use and evaluate literature data in a correct way. 8 To be able to apply group theoretical knowledge in other scientific domains as, e.g., Atomic and Molecular Physics, Solid State Physics, Subatomic Physics, Chemistry, Spectroscopy, etc.
Symmetry groups

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