Experimental methods in aeronautics  

Anotation: Introduction to the basic methods of measuring non-electrical quantities, procedures for conducting engineering experiments, evaluation and processing of data. Introduction to basic methods of aircraft specifics testing. Processing of individual labs and practical demonstrations of experimental techniques and procedures. Study targets: Introduction to basic methods of aircraft specifics testing. Course outlines: 1. Motivational first introduction, overview of quantities, dimensional analysis, the organization of the experiment, safety, accuracy of measurement, uncertainty, the comparison of results of experiments and calculations 2. Data aquisition software for experiment control and data processing, basic instrumentation 3. Analog and digital signal processing, signal filtering 4. Sensors for measuring non-electrical values 5. Aerodynamics - tunnel force measurement, pressure measurement 6. Mechanics - strain gauge analysis 7. Mechanics - specifics of testing aircraft materials and assemblies, strength testing, buckling 8. Mechanics - Stress tests of aircraft structures, fatigue 9. Climatic resistance 10. Measurement of vibration and noise, experimental modal test, aeroelasticity 11. Flight Tests 12. Excursion - strength and fatigue testing 13. Excursion - testing of turbine engines 14. Evolution of aircraft structures testing methods Exercises outline: 1. Aerodynamics - basic pressure measurements 2. Aerodynamics - advanced measurements of flow fields 3. Strength - determination of basic strength properties of materials 4. Strength - application of strain gauges 5. Modal analysis 6. Noise 7. Nondestructive testing of structures
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Experimental methods in aeronautics

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