Life support systems for planetary exploration  

Earth environment: ecosystem, water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle; atmosphere; magnetosphere, radiation environment. Space environment: upper atmosphere, gravity (Earth, Moon, Mars), radiations (cosmic rays, solar particle events, Van Allen belts, different radiation levels at ISS, at the Moon, during a trip to Mars, at Mars), space debris (micrometeoroids, shielding). Effects of space environment on human body: bone loss, muscle loss, motion sickness (ear), vision problems, cardiovascular system (shift of fluids), effects of radiation: different particles, dose limits, possible risks (cancer, Alzheimer, bone loss). Countermeasures: exercises and history of exercises, radiation (dosimetry, shielding, pharmacological), immune system, psychology. History of human space exploration: from Gagarin to the ISS, ISS-related accidents and incidents and lessons learned (Apollo 1, Valentin Bondarenko, Soyuz 11, space suits, …), space exploration (Moon, Mars, unmanned/manned, travel duration). Basic of life support systems: open loop vs closed loop, budgets (air, O2, water…), physical-chemical LSS, regenerative LSS, CELSS, bioregenerative LSS, description of main subsystems: air revitalization, water management, waste management, closing the loop. Physic-Chemical Life Support Subsystems: atmosphere management (carbon dioxide reduction/removal, oxygen generation, atmosphere monitoring and control), water management (urine recovery, hygiene recovery…), waste management. The International Space Station as a case study: history of the design, description of modules, description of LSS systems. Terrestrial applications derived from LSS for spacecraft: basic ecological research, atmosphere, water and waste regeneration, biomass production and research. Space suits: history, design, LSS in the suits, pressure in the suit and procedure to donning and doffing, future space suits. Bioregenerative life support concepts: plant physiology (photosynthesis, phototropism, gravitropism), effects of microgravity, algal systems, higher plants, fungi, animals, experiments (Biosphere 2, Veggie, Melissa). Future Life Support Systems: artificial gravity, hibernation (human, animals), bioprinting, nanotech, lunar base, Martian base. Astronauts: selection and training, spaceflight operations, social and psychological effects (MARS 500), psychology of Survival (Antarctic exploration).
Life support systems for planetary exploration

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