Lectures: Elements of topography, basic features: real terrain object, topographic object, topographic data. Conceptual model of topography, data model and types of reality notations: DLM, DCM, DIM.
Basics of the topographic data bases designing. The rules and sources of topographic data acqusition. Features of contemporary Polish reference spatial databases. DTMs and they features and
applications: methods of surveying, modeling and visualization. Problem of generalization of topographic data. Updating of topographic data recoures. Coordinate systems used in topographic models.
Civil and military topographic databases. Database management system of BDOT10k, rules of its updating. Projects: 1.Using the mathematical rules of sheet of civil topographic map. 2.Structure of BDOT
and analysis of data. Selection with SQL and spatial operators, selection by attributes, cartographic visualization of results. 3. Updating the topographic database (BDOT) using ortophotomap by WMS -
exemlpary objects. 4. Cartographic visualization of topographic data - elements of topographic map 1:25000 using BDOT as a data source.