Facultative class 3 - adjustment of observations  

Multivariate variables, multivariate normal distribution, correlation, the first-order and the second-order regression, orthogonal regression. Verification of statistical hypotheses, nonparametric hypotheses, parametric estimation: estimator theory, estimation methods, estimation of expected value, estimation of variance. Variance analysis univariate classification, multivariate estimation by the least-squares method. The nonlinear equation, Gaussian method, orthogonalisation methods, Marquardt method. The most general case of alignment. Lagrange function, successive linearization, duality CLP observation code. List of NXY points. PointSearch function. Function observation CLP Modified Choleski-Banachiewicz algorithm with uncertainty control. Global test, detailed tests Parametric alignment. Aligned by conditional method, topological conditions. Row, stochastic, free parametric alignment with location conditions on unknowns.
Facultative class 3 - adjustment of observations

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