EU objective
The main objective of the EU is to provide the basic knowledge to understand flows in underground reservoirs. We mainly deal with "hydrogeological" applications which by definition are interested in water, but all of the physics and many engineering techniques are comparable to the approaches used on hydrocarbon reservoirs. Consequently, the EU is also able to provide an understanding of the concepts that a “reservoir” engineer must master in the petroleum context.
Content of the lessons
Descriptive hydrogeology: hydrogeological maps, flows at the reservoir scale, identification of the main reservoirs at the regional scale and their interactions.
Flow in porous media in steady state: simple calculations for sizing trenches, wells and other structures in underground reservoirs.
Flow in transient regime: writing and discussion of equations, study of the transient regime in forced flows for the identification of hydrodynamic parameters of reservoirs.
Basic notions of mass transfer (solute, oil saturation, pollutants, etc.) in porous and/or fractured media: writing and discussion of equations. Some generic elements influencing these transfers (sorption on the solid phase, kinetic or equilibrium reactions, etc.)