Dynamics of the water cycle in a watershed  

EU objective The general objective of this module is to provide students with basic knowledge and skills for understanding the continental water cycle and the transfer processes of water and elements in hydrosystems. Particular attention will be paid to surface and subsurface processes as well as the metrology associated with these different processes. Statistical quantification or modeling tools will also be presented and applied during exercises. Content of the lessons The first part of the module aims to describe the water cycle in detail by focusing on the main transfer processes – i.e. precipitation, evapotranspiration, infiltration and surface runoff. For each of the processes in question, a physical description, the factors that may impact them as well as the measurement techniques will be presented. An introduction to tracing methods as well as modeling will also be offered. The second part of the module will focus on tools for quantifying extreme events. The notions of floods and low water levels will be defined. The notion of return period and the tools allowing it to be calculated will be introduced and then handled in an exercise. Advanced statistical tools to quantify uncertainties will also be presented.
Dynamics of the water cycle in a watershed

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