Foundations of physics  

Objectives and Contextualisation A basic knowledge of the electromagnetic field. From electrostatics and magnetostatics (in vacuum and in materials) to Maxwell's equations, going through electromagnetic induction. Several solutions of Maxwell's equations are given, including electromagnetic waves. Brief introduction to wave movement, mechanics and thermodynamics Competences Electronic Engineering for Telecommunication Develop personal work habits. Develop thinking habits. Learn new methods and technologies, building on basic technological knowledge, to be able to adapt to new situations. Resolve problems with initiative and creativity. Make decisions. Communicate and transmit knowledge, skills and abilities, in awareness of the ethical and professional responsibilities involved in a telecommunications engineer's work. Telecommunication Systems Engineering Develop personal work habits. Develop thinking habits. Learn new methods and technologies, building on basic technological knowledge, to be able to adapt to new situations. Resolve problems with initiative and creativity. Make decisions. Communicate and transmit knowledge, skills and abilities, in awareness of the ethical and professional responsibilities involved in a telecommunications engineer's work. Learning Outcomes Apply the basic concepts on the general laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetic fields and waves to resolve engineering problems. Define the basic concepts on the general laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetic fields and waves. Develop independent learning strategies. Develop scientific thinking. Develop the capacity for analysis and synthesis. Manage available time and resources. Manage available time and resources. Work in an organised manner. Prevent and solve problems. Work autonomously. Content 1. Vector analysis Vector Algebra.- Gradient.- Divergence.- Divergence theorem.- Rotational.- Stokes' theorem.- Helmholtz's theorem.- Other coordinate systems. 2. Electrostatics Electric charge and Coulomb's law.- Electric field.- Electric field equations.- Electric potential.- Poisson's and Laplace's equations.- Conductors.- Energy of a charge distribution. 3. Magnetostatics Electric current and Ohm's law.- Continuity equation.- Magnetic induction: Biot and Savart law.- Force between circuits.- Lorentz force.- Rotational of B: Ampère's theorem.- Divergence of B.- Potential vector. 4. Dielectric media Multipolar development.- Electrical dipole and magnetic dipole.- Field created by a dielectric.- Vector Displacement D.- Dielectric constant.- Field created by a magnetic material.- Magnetic intensity H.- Types of magnetic materials. 5. Slowly variable fields Electromotive force.- Law of Faraday.- Applications.- Differential expression.- Mutual inductance and selfinductance.- Transformer.- Magnetic energy of several circuits.- Energy in function of the field. 6. Electromagnetic fields Displacement current.- Maxwell equations.- Boundary conditions.- Scalar and potential vector.- Poynting's theorem.- Electromagnetic radiation. 7. Waves Properties of waves.- Wave equation.- Superposition of waves.- Electromagnetic waves in a dielectric.- Electromagnetic waves in a conductor.- Guided waves.- Electromagnetic spectrum. 8. Fundamentals of Mechanics and Thermodynamics Newton's Laws.- Kinetic and potential energy.- Rotation of a rigid body.- Harmonic oscillator.- Temperature and heat.- Heat transfer.-Thermal properties of matter.
Foundations of physics

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