Complementary activities to research  

Specific Competition CE1 - Understand the basic conceptual schemes of Astrophysics CE7 - Know how to find solutions to specific astrophysical problems by themselves using specific bibliography with minimal supervision. Know how to function independently in a novel research project General Competencies CG3 - Analyze a problem, study the possible published solutions and propose new solutions or lines of attack CG4 - Evaluate the orders of magnitude and develop a clear perception of physically different situations that show analogies allowing the use, to new problems, of synergies and known solutions Basic skills CB9 - That students know how to communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them, to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way Exclusive to the Theory and Computing Specialty CX2 - Apply knowledge of computer science, physics, astrophysics and computing to build numerical simulations of astrophysical phenomena or scenarios Exclusive to the Specialty in Observation and Instrumentation CX9 - Understand advanced astrophysical instrumentation including cutting-edge telescopes and detectors and adaptive optics techniques 6. Subject contents Theoretical and practical contents of the subject - Professors: María Jesús Arévalo Morales, Josefa Becerra González - Topics (headings): 1. Seminars: Every week, a researcher from the Department or the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands will present to the students in a talk the state of research in their field of research. work, describing his personal contributions. 2. Tutored practices in observatories: Each student will attend observations (preferably with advanced instrumentation at the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory and/or the Teide Observatory) assigned to a real research project. Prior to the observations, she will meet with the research team and become familiar with the observation proposal. Additionally, she will participate alongside professional astronomers in observations for one or two nights, learning field work at the observatory.
Complementary activities to research

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