Satellite subsystems  

One problem inherent with space projects is the length of time from concept through launch and operations. The aim of this course is to bring each student team (3-4 students) through the complete satellite system development process in one trimester. The aim is to make these small satellites (which we call ‘TupperSats’) as capable as possible and to (i) develop a payload compatible with platform, budget and mass constraints; (ii) launch these satellites by weather balloon, or other suitable launch vehicle; (iii) operate the satellites and telemeter data and (iv) recover the satellite. Students are introduced to project management, project phases, systems engineering, collaborative tools (e.g. GitHub) and documentation. Learning Outcomes: On completion of this course, student should be able to: • Implement a simplified space system development process, including documentation • Write code in Python to run the instruments on the satellite and communicate data to the ground station • Work effectively as part of a multi-disciplinary team and stick to a schedule • Prototype different instrument concepts • Assemble, integrate and test the complete satellite • Launch the satellite using a suitable vehicle (weather balloon…) • Operate the satellite using a ground station to collect data • Recover the satellite using portable tracking equipment and analyse data
Satellite subsystems

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