Remote sensing  

Remote Sensing is a core focus of contemporary GIS application, both in research and professional / business contexts. The purpose of this course is to provide adequate knowledge pertaining to concepts, principles and utility of Remote Sensing technology and to prepare students to apply this technology to their discipline of interest. It will also provide a sound understanding of principles and applications of remotely sensed digital image processing. The specification and use of digital imagery for investigating Earth resources and environmental applications will be discussed. Digital image processing of aerial/space borne sensors including radiometric and geometric correction, image enhancement and interpretation, mosaicking, segmentation a swell as classification techniques and its integration with GIS will be covered. Learning Outcomes: On completion of the module you will have gained the following skills: - Understanding of theoretical remote sensing considerations and technical information pertaining to a range of sensor platforms. - Ability to use the complete range of remote sensing tools for a broad range of operational and application tasks. - Ability to efficiently and accurately correct and interpret remotely sensed digital imagery. - Understanding on the use of statistics pertainning to radiometric/geometric correction and classification as well as segmentation techniques. - Knowledge and application of image enhancement techniques. - Knowledge to use the electromagnetic spectrum to generate a variety of image products. - Ability to discuss the interaction of remotely sensed data in a GIS and vice versa at a philosophical and practical level.
Remote sensing

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