
Unit Information High speed flows and the effects of compressibility, fundamental ideas of aerofoil and wing theory, potential models for aerofoils and wings, introduction to helicopter aerodynamics. Aims: To establish a basic understanding of fluid flows related to fixed and rotary wing aircraft. To provide fundamental tools and concepts required for experimental, theoretical and computational modelling. Your learning on this unit Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to: explain the various levels of approximation used in aerodynamic modelling, and state the limitations of each model; apply 2D incompressible, inviscid theory to model the flow around simple bodies and aerofoils, in particular using thin aerofoil theory and panel methods; apply 3D incompressible, inviscid theory to model the flow around finite wings, and to explain the effect of planform on aerodynamic behaviour and on the generation of lift-dependent drag; use basic compressible flow theory to model simple 1D and 2D flows, and explain the impact of compressibility on intake and nozzle flows and on wing characteristics; apply simple fluid mechanics models to the aerodynamic design of rotary wing aircraft; take part in aerodynamics experiments and analyse and interpret collected data

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