Avdasi 2 - group design, build, and test  

Unit Information This unit provides practical hands-on experience of a multidisciplinary task to design, build and test an unmanned aerospace vehicle by application of the core unit methods. The learning experience covers applicable technical disciplines, and the practical disciplines of manufacture, project planning, management and communication. Your learning on this unit On successful completion of the unit the student will be able to: carry out the design, build and test of a functioning major UAV assembly as part of a team, using applicable interdisciplinary concepts and methods; work as a member of a team, employing appropriate project management and planning tools to create, monitor and deliver a project plan; utilise introspective and reflective methods to identify opportunities for enhanced individual and team performance in future projects; discuss key health and safety responsibilities for engineers; and using recognised risk management tools create risk assessments to analyse a variety of project risks; communicate technical information via written documents and presentations; and utilise feedback given to establish improvements in successive presentations.
Avdasi 2 - group design, build, and test

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