Aero engine technology  

Course Contents The course presents advanced concepts in aircraft propulsion. This is an hydrid course in which the lectures are pre-recorded and some for tutorials will be solved in the classroom. The course is aimed at looking into the details of an aircraft engine, the various components of gas turbine and their interaction. The course is divided into various modules which deal with the various aspects / disciplines that are essential in an aero engine. The important modules of this course are engine performance, sustainability in aviation, new engine/propulsion concepts, engine inlets, turbo machinery, combustion, engine exhaust systems, gas turbine performance and engine controls. Throughout the course, practical examples of systems from aircraft engines and gas turbines will be used to demonstrate the various methods and techniques. The learning goals will be supported by lab visits and guest lectures by experts from aviation industry. Study Goals After the course the students will have basic knowledge of the various modules and disciplines that play an important role in aircraft propulsion. The specific study goals of the course are 1. Calculate thermodynamic parameters of Brayton cycle and variations of the cycle. 2. Identify differences in cycle characteristics between Brayton cycle and other thermodynamic cycles. 3. Calculate the design point thermodynamic performance of an aircraft gas turbine 4. Evaluate the effect of engine design parameters on the engine performance 5. Evaluate the effect of engine architecture on its performance 6. Compare the efficacy of different engine architecture for different missions 7. understanding the environmental effects of different aircraft emissions 8. Evaluate various options of making aviation sustainable 9. Understand the basic fluid mechanics involved in turbomachinery 10. Perform the conceptual design of axial compressors and turbines 11. Compute the flow angles and flow properties within a axial and radial turbomachinery components 12. Determine matching conditions for compressors and turbines 13 Analyse the cooling requirements and compute the effect of cooling on engine performance 14. Evaluate the calorific values for various fuels 15. Understand the basics of combustion and emission formation in Aero engines 16. Understand the working of gas turbine combustor 17. Understand the basic principles of gas turbine controls and evaluate different strategies for control 18. Enhance reporting and presentation skills
Aero engine technology

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