Combustion for propulsion and power technologies  

Course Contents 1. Thermodynamics of combustion 2. Chemical kinetics 3. Radiation and transport processes 4. Premixed and diffusion flames 5. Turbulent reactive flows 6. Combustion experiments and diagnostics 7. Laboratory Tutorial & Exercise 8. Practical combustion systems for aerospace applications Study Goals Write chemical equations and perform stoichiometry calculations. Compute heating values of fuels, enthalpies of formation- and adiabatic flame temperature. Apply principles of thermodynamics to analyze reacting mixtures at chemical equilibrium. Describe the fundamentals of the physics involved in premixed- and diffusion flames. Derive equations related to turbulent reacting flows and chemistry interaction. Explain laser diagnostics and their role in understanding combustion. Discuss critical mechanisms for improving the efficiency and reducing the emissions of air-breathing combustion systems. Provide phenomenological descriptions of pollutant formation of conventional combustion systems.
Combustion for propulsion and power technologies

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