Stochastic aerospace systems practical  

Course Contents Application of MATLAB or Python software to aircraft specific turbulence responses: 1. Calculation of aircraft time-histories due to both symmetrical and asymmetrical, longitudinal, lateral and vertical turbulence components. 2. Calculation of analytical transfer functions, frequency response functions, and auto- and cross Power Spectral Density (PSD) functions of state- and output variables (e.g. acceleration levels). 3. Numerical calculation of frequency response functions, and auto- and cross Power Spectral Density (PSD) functions of stateand output-variables. 4. Calculation of (co)variance- and correlation-functions of aircraft state-and output-variables. 5. The effects of Automatic Flight Control Systems on the aircrafts responses on atmospheric turbulence. Study Goals Introduction to both time- and frequency-domain identification and simulation techniques using MATLAB or Python. The techniques are applied to example aircraft (amongst others Cessna Citation 500).
Stochastic aerospace systems practical

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