Stability & analysis of structures I  

Course Contents This course introduces analytical and numerical techniques for the analysis of representative aerospace structures under mechanical loading, with particular emphasis on determining their stability. The course covers the connection between variational formulations of energy, the equation of equilibrium and the stability of a system. Basic structural components are analyzed using beam and plate theory. The analysis is extended to representative aerospace components using elements of shell theory. Emphasis is placed on the understanding of the models, their assumptions, and ranges of applicability. The topics covered include: -General principles of structural analysis and structural stability -Beam theory and stability -Plate theory and stability -Buckling of beams, plates and thin-walled aerospace structures Study Goals 1- Understand the energy formulation of equilibrium and equations of motion 2- Model simple aerospace structural components using engineering theories 3- Apply energy methods for the evaluation of structural response 4- Derive buckling load expressions for beams and plates 5- Develop insights into buckling phenomena of aerospace thin-walled structures
Stability & analysis of structures I

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