Thermal rocket propulsion  

Course Contents The course focuses on thermo-(chemical) rocket propulsion system analysis and design. Topics dealt with include: 1. Fundamentals of (thermo-chemical) rocket propulsion; 2. Ideal rocket motor/nozzle: Ideal performances, optimum thrust, characteristic velocity and thrust coefficient, and quality factors; 3. Nozzles: Types of nozzles (conical, bell, etc.), nozzle dimensions, flow divergence, boundary layers, under- and overexpansion, and Summerfield criterion; 4. Chemical propellants: Molar mass, specific heat ratio and adiabatic flame temperature calculation for gas mixtures (based on known reaction equation), mass density, dynamic viscosity, thermal conductivity; 5. Chemical equilibrium calculations, hemical equilibrium flow, frozen flow and chemical kinetics; Introduction to program for calculation of chemical equilibrium gas composition and gas properties (in tutorial); 6. Heat transfer & cooling: Convection, radiation and conduction; 7. Cooling: Thermal insulation, ablation, radiation, film, dump and regenerative cooling; 8. Liquid rocket engine combustor design: Steady state internal ballistics, liquid injection, operating pressure, chamber pressure drop, and characteristic length; 9. Solid rocket motor combustor design*: solid regression, grain shape and internal ballistics including operating pressure, necessary condition(s) for stable operation, pressure sensitivity for initial temperature and change in Klemmung, local conditions (flow velocity, pressure, etc.)), and two phase flow; 10. Hybrid rocket motor combustor design*: Solid regression, grain shape, (quasi-)steady operation (operating pressure, and local conditions (flow velocity, pressure, etc.)); 11-13 Liquid propellant storage and feed systems including gas-pressure and pump fed systems, motor cycles and propellant distribution; 14. Capita Selecta * Only one of the two will be dealt with. This varies from year to year. Study Goals At the end of this course, the student shall be able to perform important steps in the analysis and design of thermo-(chemical) rocket propulsion systems using basic methods that allow for taking into account fluid flow, heat addition, propellant thermochemistry, heat transfer and cooling, liquid, solid or hybrid ballistics, (liquid) propellant feeding, and propellant storage.
Thermal rocket propulsion

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