Airborne wind energy  

Course Contents Lecture 1: Introduction to airborne wind energy Lecture 2: History of kite applications Lecture 3: Implemented AWE concepts Lecture 4: Physics of tethered flight Lecture 5: Theory of tethered flight in three dimensions Lecture 6: Flight navigation and maneuvering Lecture 7: Operation of AWE systems Lecture 8: Practical use of AWE systems Lecture 9: AWE in the future energy system Lecture 10: Design and flight dynamics of kites Lecture 11: Aerodynamics of kites Lecture 12: Aeroelasticity of kites Practical: AWE workshop with Jupyter Notebook Study Goals Give an overview of developments in airborne wind energy, developng mathematical models for kites and designing kite power systems for industrial scale generation of energy.
Airborne wind energy

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