Introduction to wind turbines: physics and technology  

Course Contents Wind turbine technology, aerodynamic theory, wind climate, energy production, drive train, control, dynamic modelling, Campbell diagram, strength and fatigue, wind farm aspects. Study Goals By the end of this course, you will be able to understand what a turbine is and how it interacts with the environment: what it is like, why it is like that and how to calculate values for its characteristic properties. Specifically, you will be able to: describe the components and configurations of wind turbines describe the characteristics of wind, use models that quantify wind speed variations and estimate the energy yield of a wind turbine describe the aerodynamic processes at work in wind energy conversion, calculate the forces and power generated and produce a simple rotor design explain the working principles of drive train components and determine the operational conditions that affect power, torque, pitch angle etc. identify the drivers of dynamic behaviour and calculate their typical values describe the principles of structural analysis of wind turbines and carry out preliminary predictions of structural failure describe the effect of wind turbines on downstream conditions and quantify wind speed and turbulence in wakes
Introduction to wind turbines: physics and technology

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