Innovation management and entrepreneurship  

Learning Outcomes Nowadays, technical knowledge is not the only competence necessary for a successful career. Many space start-ups are founded and large companies and agencies adapt to challenges using new methods of innovation management. This module introduced current key themes in innovation and entrepreneurship, including human-centered design and innovation eco-systems. This practical course will guide students to create new valued products, services or processes, from idea generation through to business concept development, testing, and presentation. After successful completion of this module, students will be able to - systematically explore, create and modify business-driven ideas, - explain the human-centered design and innovation process to develop new products, services, or processes, - validate assumptions and test prototypes, - explain the innovation and business creation eco-system, - transform new ideas into valuable solutions considering their impact, - work in and lead interdisciplinary innovation project teams, - present a concept in a pitch format. Content - Innovation processes and methods - Innovation strategies - Innovation and gender - Business models - Effectuation and entrepreneurial mindset - Space related aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship - Agile management
Innovation management and entrepreneurship

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