Project management  

Learning Outcomes Space systems engineers plan project activities and manage technical teams. This module focuses on developing the practical skills required for the successful management of space projects. After successful completion of this module, students will be able to - differentiate between the various project management methods (linear, agile, hybrid) and assess them theoretically, - structure projects according to the waterfall model (based on PRINCE 2 and PMBOK) (phase model), - recognize the need for different roles in linear project management, - evaluate, select and use instruments (e.g. Mind Map, Scamper, PESTEL, Stakeholder Analysis, WBS, Gantt Chart) in the relevant project phases, - use different project management controlling instruments, - use the Scrum method in the context of agile management methods and explain the entire process with its activities and roles, - analyze the dynamics of a project team (Team Management System) and initiate measures to improve the team, - assess international project teams and recognize and correctly evaluate various cultural phenomena. Content - Fundamentals of project management - Factors of project success - Project initiation phase and environmental scanning - Work breakdown structure / analytic hierarchy process (AHP) - Resources and time planning - Risk management - Project implementation - Project management standards: PMI - Leading a project team by using team management systems - Basics of agile project management (Scrum) - Scrum versus waterfall project management - Controlling - Team management systems - Leadership in project calculation for project managers
Project management

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