Satellite operations project  

Learning outcomes In the satellite operation project, students are trained in the operation of the TU Berlin satellites. With successful completion of the Intermediate examination you will receive a license to operate satellites independently under supervision and within the framework of the regulations Possibilities. In advanced project work, what has been learned is directly applied to improve knowledge of satellite operations and thus... Deeper understanding of space systems. Teaching content • Basic orbit mechanics and orbit propagation (“Why do the satellites come to Berlin when and for how long?”) • Redundancy as a guiding principle for the safe development of space systems • Basics of amateur radio • Overview of the BEESAT-2 and -4 satellites and their subsystems • Ground station architecture of the TU Berlin and its radio link • Telecommand and telemetry structure of BEESATs • Introduction to the operating programs TM-Viewer, TC-Control and TM-Analyzer and support software (gpredict and others.) • Basic operating procedures (“NOP”, telemetry and image download, reset) • Complex operational procedures (commanders, imaging, attitude control and GPS experiments) Different aspects of satellite operations are dealt with in depth in project topics that change every semester. Become there addresses various interdisciplinary target groups
Satellite operations project

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