Optimal control of dynamics systems  

Learning Outcomes Should be able to solve an optimal control problem using calculus of variations. Should be able to design a linear quadratic controller in the continuous and digital domain. Should be able to design an optimal state estimator and incorporate it in a control system. Should be able to design a linear and non-linear model-predictive controller. General Competences Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies Adapt to new situations Make decisions Work autonomously Work in teams Work in an interdisciplinary team Appreciate diversity and multiculturality Respect natural environment Demonstrate social, professional and ethical commitment and sensitivity to gender issues Be critical and self-critical Advance free, creative and causative thinking Course Content (Syllabus) 1. Overview of automatic control principles 2. Optimal control problem formulation Performance index selection – Constraints 3. Variational calculus in optimal control problems Unconstrained and constrained problems 4. Linear quadratic control Disturbance rejections and set-point tracking problems 5. Introduction to digital systems z-transform – digital transfer function Stability of digital systems – Digital PID 6. Control systems design in state space Controllability and observability State feedback – Observers and Kalman filters 7. Model predictive control Linear and non-linear systems Numerical solution and practical implementation
Optimal control of dynamics systems

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