Solid waste treatment and management  

Learning Outcomes They will be able to manage solid waste with environmentally friendly and financially viably systems. They will be able to utilize decision making tools and to implement them for solving problems that concern solid waste management. These tools are Life Cycle Analysis, Geographic Information Systems, carbon footprint and material flow analysis. General Competences Apply knowledge in practice Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies Make decisions Work autonomously Work in teams Appreciate diversity and multiculturality Respect natural environment Demonstrate social, professional and ethical commitment and sensitivity to gender issues Be critical and self-critical Advance free, creative and causative thinking Course Content (Syllabus) (1) Specifications for environmental friendly and economically feasible systems for the management of solid waste and the role of engineering in them. (2) Solid waste. Source and production, qualitative and quantitative characteristics, prevention, reduction, reuse. Treatment technologies and administrative practices: Waste transportation, collection, transfer. Recycling, separation systems, separation and transport equipment, elaboration examples. Mechanical – biological treatment, anaerobic digestion and energy recovery or secondary raw materials production. Sanitary landfilling, specifications, biogas recovery and energy utilization. Thermal treatment: Technologies of grates and elaboration, energy recovery, flu gas cleaning, residues treatment. Toxic waste treatment. (3) Decision making tools and their applications for solid waste. Life Cycle Analysis, Multicriteria Analysis, Geographic Information Systems, carbon footprint, material flow analysis.
Solid waste treatment and management

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