
#### Prerequisites * Foundations of Physics 3A (PHYS3621) AND (Discovery Skills in Physics (PHYS1101) or Laboratory Skills and Electronics (PHYS2641) or Laboratory Skills and Electronics 3 (PHYS3681)). #### Corequisites * None. #### Excluded Combination of Modules * None. #### Aims * This module is designed primarily for students studying Department of Physics or Natural Sciences degree programmes. * It provides experience of work in a research environment on a topic at the forefront of developments in a branch of either physics, applied physics, theoretical physics or astronomy, and develops transferable skills for the oral and written presentation of research. #### Content * The syllabus contains: * A research-based project carried out within one of the Department's research groups. * In the case of industrially linked projects, some time may be spent at the industrial site. * Projects may involve small groups of students working in a team. * Presentation and communication skills. * Research methods and techniques, scientific writing and presentation, interviews. #### Learning Outcomes Subject-specific Knowledge: * Having studied this module students will have an understanding of the techniques used in either theoretical or experimental physics together with an appreciation of their applicability to a research project. Subject-specific Skills: Key Skills: * Students will be able to work independently and develop an effective work plan. * They will be able to solve problems with originality and be able to complete tasks efficiently. * They will be able to resolve complex problems by identifying creative solutions. * They will have the facility to express problems and communicate their solution via oral and written means. * They will have the confidence to advance and extend knowledge through the development of an independent learning ability and personal responsibility. * They will have further developed communication and oral presentation skills, including written communication of scientific concepts to a general audience. #### Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module * The project is based in a research group and may involve extensive private study, work on one or more computers or practical work in one of the research laboratories. * In the case of industrially linked projects, some time may be spent at the industrial site. * Supervisors monitor progress and provide guidance on the development of the project during weekly meetings. * Students will be able to obtain further help in their project by approaching their supervisors and/or other members of the appropriate research group. * The seminars provide formal instruction on communication skills, both written and oral, that are then reinforced by the project supervisors during the weekly meetings. * The seminars include training sessions on general computing, testing and debugging. The drop-in sessions are designed to allow each student to obtain programming help and guidance through discussions with computing demonstrators. * Progress is further monitored by a formatively assessed interim project progress report written over the Christmas vacation. * Together with the project seminar, this provides opportunities for feedback and for the students to gauge their progress. * Student performance is summatively assessed through technical performance during the project, through a formal final report on the project, through the project seminar and via an oral examination on the project report. More information at:

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