The sun and the heliosphere  

### Teaching language English ### Objectives Course that presents the main phenomena of solar activity, introduces magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) for the description of plasmas in astrophysics and provides some examples of its application to the Sun. Describes the heliosphere and presents some models for its description. Introduces and explores the concept of space weather. ### Learning outcomes and competences 1- To distinguish between the active and the quiet sun and to identify the main solar active phenomena associated with its magnetic field 2- To use magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) as a theory to describe the behaviour of plasmas in the presence of magnetic fields 3- To obtain MHD solutions for static fields and for waves in plasmas 4- To use MHD in order to model the equilibrium in arcades/prominences, the energy release in solar flares via magnetic reconnection, the heating of the solar corona and the acceleration of the solar wind 5- To describe the heliosphere and its main properties recognize its importance for the space weather ### Working method Presencial ### Program 1\. The Sun \- Observations of the Sun. Solar activity. \- Photosphere, transition region, chromosphere and corona. \- Structure and configuration of the solar magnetic field 2. The magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) description \- Properties and fundamental equations \- Equilibrium solutions \- Waves in MHD 3. Applications of MHD to the Sun \- Equilibrium models for sunspots, arcades and prominences \- Magnetic reconnection and solar flares. \- Models for heating the solar corona. \- The solar wind. models 4\. The heliosphere. \- Origin and exploration \- The global magnetic field of the heliosphere \- Space weather ### Mandatory literature Eric Priest; Magnetohydrodynamics of the Sun, Cambridge University Press, 2014. ISBN: 0521854717 E. R. Priest; Solar Magnetohydrodynamics, Reidel Publishing Company, 2000. ISBN: 9027721386 ### Complementary Bibliography Andre´ Balogh, Louis J. Lanzerotti, Steven T. Suess; The Heliosphere through the Solar Activity Cycle, Springer, 2008. ISBN: 978-3-540-74301-9 F. Shu; The Physics of Astrophysics. Volume 2: Gas Dynamicss, University Science Book, 1992. ISBN: 0935702652 L. Golub, Jay M. Pasachoff; The solar corona, Cambridge University Press, 1997. ISBN: 0521485355 Mari Paz Miralles, Jorge Sánchez Almeida; The Sun, the Solar Wind, and the Heliosphere, Springer, 2011. ISBN: 978-90-481-9786-6 H. Zirin; Astrophysics of the Sun, Cambridge University Press, 1988. ISBN: 0521316073 Markus J Aschwanden; Physics of the Solar Corona. An Introduction with Problems and Solutions, Springer, 2005. ISBN: 3-540-30765-6 ### Teaching methods and learning activities Expository method intercalated by problem solving. Some problems will be given to students in order to be solved in classes or at home. Presentation of an article in a short talk and report, from a list provided at the beginning of the semester ### keywords Physical sciences > Astronomy > Astrophysics ### Evaluation Type Distributed evaluation with final exam ### Assessment Components exam: 75,00 Written assignment: 25,00% **Total:**: 100,00% ### Amount of time allocated to each course unit Autonomous study: 120,00 hours Frequency of lectures: 42,00 hours **Total:**: 162,00 hours ### Eligibility for exams The student has frequency to the course if he/she misses no more than 1/4 of the planned theoretical-practical classes (TP's). ### Calculation formula of final grade Distributed evaluation: Final Mark = 25% of Mark of the Mini Test + 25% of Mark of the Talk presenting the paper and its critical analysis + 50% of Mark of the Test (to take place in 1st exam season). Minimum mark in Test: 7/20. The Final Mark will be the mark of the normal (1st) season. If the student has not passed, he can use the 2nd season exam for this purpose. In this case, the exam will be used as an alternative to the mini test and test components, corresponding only to 75% of the final grade. The students with a special status, namely working-students will be subject to an evaluation equal to the remaining students. ### Classification improvement It is not allowed to improved grades on the Report/Talk presenting the paper. An improvement in the components of the Mini Test and Test is possible through an exam which counts only for 75% of the final grade. More information at:
The sun and the heliosphere

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