Signal and Image processing  

This course offers the student a hands-on introduction into the area of digital signal and image processing. We start with the fundamental concepts and mathematical foundation. This includes a brief review of Fourier analysis, z-transforms and digital filters. Classical filtering from a linear systems perspective is discussed. Next wavelet transforms and principal component analysis are introduced. Wavelets are used to deal with morphological structures in signals. Principal component analysis is used to extract information from high-dimensional datasets. We then discuss Hilbert-Huang Transform to perform detailed time-frequency analysis of signals. Attention is given to a variety of objectives, such as detection, noise removal, compression, prediction, reconstruction and feature extraction. We discuss a few cases from biomedical engineering, for instance involving ECG and EEG signals. The techniques are explained for both 1D and 2D (images) signal processing. The subject matter is clarified through exercises and examples involving various applications. In the practical classes, students will apply the techniques discussed in the lectures using the software package Matlab. Prerequisites Desired Prior Knowledge: Linear algebra, Calculus, basic knowledge of Matlab. Some familiarity with linear systems theory and transforms (such as Fourier and Laplace) is helpful. Recommended reading Principal Component Analysis, Ian T. Jolliffe, Springer, ISBN13: 978-0387954424. More information at:
Signal and Image processing

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