Symbolic computation and control  

This course consists of two interrelated parts. In the first part, we focus on basic techniques for the digital control of linear dynamical systems using feedback. We start by addressing system stability and we discuss the technique of pole placement by state feedback to solve the regulation problem. Then we introduce state observers to solve the regulation problem by output feedback. Next, we extend our scope to tracking problems. This involves the design of additional dynamics to characterize the relevant class of reference signals, which are then integrated with the earlier set-up for output feedback. Finally, we discuss the classical topic of optimal control, which can be employed to avoid using prototype systems for pole placement, and which allows the user to design a feedback law by trading off the cost involved in generating large inputs against the achieved tracking accuracy. In the second part, we address computational issues, related to the field of systems and control. Classically, computers have been designed primarily to perform approximate numerical arithmetic. Modern software packages for mathematical computation, such as Maple and Mathematica, allow one to perform exact and symbolic computation too. We shall explore this new area. It is demonstrated how speed, efficiency and memory usage considerations often lead to surprising and fundamentally different algorithmic solutions in a symbolic or exact context. Applications and examples involve stability of linear systems, model approximation, and linear matrix equations with free parameters. Practical classes serve to demonstrate the techniques and to make the student familiar with exact and symbolic computation. Prerequisites Desired Prior Knowledge: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Mathematical Modelling. Recommended reading Richard J. Vaccaro, Digital Control - A State-Space Approach, McGraw-Hill International Editions, 1995. ISBN 0-07-066781-0. More information at:
Symbolic computation and control

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