Introduction to exact sciences and technology  

Content: Basic principles of Physics and Engineering * principles of mechanics and orbital motion * electromagnetic spectrum and radiation laws * structure of matter and fundamental interactions Basic principles of Life Sciences * introduction to the human body: cells, tissues, organs: the various systems composing the body and their main role * introduction to the cell, cell components (organelles, cytoskeleton), difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells * introduction to cell division (mitosis, meiosis), DNA, RNA, transcription, transduction, gene expression Course material: Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology: - Anatomy & Physiology: 6th or 7th edition. Authors: Kevin T Patton, Gary A. Thibodeau Introduction to Cell Biology: - Essential Cell Biology, 3rd or 4th edition. Authors: Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Karen Hopkin, Alexander D Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter Introductory handbooks made available to the students (e.g. Jewett and Serway, Introduction to Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Wiley ) Introductory texts on topics related to the space sector Format: more information The general aim is that all students - irrespective of the nature of their initial master - are able to follow the 'truncus communis' courses at the required academic level of the covered discipline, without the necessity of additional specific introduction for students with different backgrounds. Students with a more technical background, follow a course covering the relevant human sciences, and vice versa. Introductory handbooks and/or basic texts are handed over to the students, well before the academic year formally starts. Guidlines are given with respect to the relevance of different topics for space studies. The basic format of the course is that the knowledge adquisition occurs through self-study, with regular feedback from senior and junior academic staff. More information at:
Introduction to exact sciences and technology

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