Research skills  

RESEARCH SKILLS PHYS5015 Academic Session: 2023-24 School: School of Physics and Astronomy Credits: 10 Level: Level 5 (SCQF level 11) Typically Offered: Semester 1 Available to Visiting Students: Yes Short Description This course provides students with an opportunity to develop generic scientific writing and presentation skills by preparing a 10-minute oral presentation and detailed scientific literature review (approx. 2000 words) on a current research topic in physics or astronomy. Timetable None Excluded Courses None Co-requisites None Assessment 1) Assessment of oral presentation (50%) 2) Assessment of written report (50%) Course Aims (1) To develop critical assessment and communication skills, to a level appropriate for a career of leadership in academia or industry (2) To employ these skills in preparing and delivering a written report and oral presentation on a chosen research topic. (3) To encourage students to work effectively, to develop a professional attitude to what they do and to take full responsibility for their own learning. Intended Learning Outcomes of Course At the end of the course students should be able to: (1) Recover, evaluate and summarise the professional literature and material from other sources concerned with a chosen research topic in physics or astronomy. (2) Prepare an oral presentation summarising the current position in the chosen research topic. (3) Prepare a written literature review on the current position in the chosen research topic, which should include a critical comparison of material from the sources he/she has identified and a summary of likely future developments. Minimum Requirement for Award of Credits None More information at:
Research skills

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