. "Instrumentation-telescopes, Detectors, And Techniques"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "High contrast Imaging"@en . . "3" . "In this course you will learn how we detect faint structures next to bright stars, from exoplanets to circumstellar disks. The noise level in high contrast imaging is not set by the sky background but by the effects of diffraction in the telescope and science camera, summarised in a contrast curve that shows detection sensitivity as a function of angular separation from the central star. The relative contributions and characteristics of these noise sources are presented and discussed. We cover diffraction, quasi-static speckles and their time evolution, and the most recent developments in coronagraphs, and algorithms such as ADI, SDI, PDI, LOCI and PCA.\n\nThe course consists of a series of weekly lectures followed by a computer practicum class. The completion of the practicums will be part of the homework. There will be a take home exam at the end of the semester that will form part of the final grade.\n\nIn the course we cover:\n\nAstronomical sources of interest – exoplanets and exodisks\nA brief history of high contrast imaging\nThe Point Spread Function and its changes due to the atmosphere\nPoint source signal to noise and the contrast curve\nCoronagraphs: Lyot, band limited, pupil plane, focal plane\nAngular Differential Imaging, Spectral Differential Imaging\nDiversity and Algorithms: LOCI, PCA, optimized PCA\n\nOutcome:\nYou will gain an understanding of how to plan and take high contrast imaging data, how to interpret the attained sensitivity by generating contrast curves, and understand how several different algorithms are used and implemented to increase the sensitivity for faint point and extended sources.\r\n\r\nAfter completing this course, you will be able to:\r\n\r\nIdentify the data reduction techniques required to extract the astrophysical source\r\nWrite computer code and reuse code developed during the course\r\nDetermine the signal to noise of the resultant observations\r\nIdentify artifacts introduced by the algorithms and determine astrophysical signals" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master of Astronomy and Data Science"@en . . "https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/education/study-programmes/master/astronomy/astronomy-and-data-science" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "In the master’s specialisation Astronomy and Data Science you focus on development and application of new data-mining technologies, fully embracing modern astronomy as a data rich science. You combine the research curriculum in Astronomy with in-depth training in Computer Science.\n\nThe Astronomy and Data Science master’s programme is built on world-class computational astrophysics research as well as hightech industry expertise. It covers a wide range of research areas studying complex astronomical phenomena, including radiative transfer, computation of dynamical internal galaxy structures and hydrodynamical modeling of galaxy formation and evolution of the intergalactic medium.\n\nThis two-year Astronomy and Data Sicence programme uniquely combines advanced Astronomy courses of the Leiden Observatory and relevant courses from the Computer Science master’s programme of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science including advanced data mining and neural networks. To this end, the Leiden Observatory offers sophisticated computational facilities ranging from local computer clusters to high-performance systems at national and international computing centers.\n\nOutcome:\nDuring the programme, you learn to perform academically sound research and evaluate scientific information independently and critically. Without exception, you actively participate in current research within the institute and are individually supervised by our international scientific staff. Students with a Leiden degree in Astronomy become strong communicators and collaborators and can easily operate in an international setting. You will acquire extensive astronomical research experience and highly advanced analytical and problem solving skills."@en . . . . . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "2314.00" . "Euro"@en . "19600.00" . "Mandatory" . "Most graduates holding a MSc degree in Astronomy from Leiden University find work in many different capacities, including:\n\n1. Research: universities, observatories, research institutes\n2. Industry and consultancy: ICT, R&D, telecom, high technology, aerospace\n3. Finance: banking, insurance, pension funds\n4. Public sector: governments, policy makers, high schools\n5. Science communication: journalism, popular writing, museums\n6. Typical jobs for Astronomy graduates include:\n\nScientific researcher (postdoc, research fellow, professor)\n1. R&D engineer\n2. Consultant\n3. Data scientist, statistician\n4. Policy advisor, public information officer (e.g. Ministry of Foreign Affairs)\n5. High school physics teacher\n6. Scientific editor for magazines, newspapers and other media\n7. Research at Leiden Observatory\n\nIf you want to get more deeply involved in research after graduating in Astronomy, consider pursuing a PhD at Leiden Observatory. If you have completed the Leiden master’s degree programme in Astronomy, you are directly eligible for admission to our PhD programme"@en . "no data" . "TRUE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .