. "Astrophysics"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Radiative transfer simulations in astrophysics"@en . . "6" . "• Interstellar dust: formation and destruction, shapes, size distribution, optical and calorimetric\r\n• properties.\r\n• The radiative transfer equation: derivation, source and sink terms, line and continuum\r\n• transport, scattering by dust, dust absorption and re-emission in local equilibrium conditions.\r\n• The photon package life cycle: Monte Carlo basics, primary emission, interactions with the\r\n• dust, escape and detection, panchromatic simulations and dust emission.\r\n• Spatial grids: grid traversal, regular Cartesian grids, hierarchical grids, Voronoi grids.\r\n• Sampling from spatial distributions: random number generators, inversion method, rejection\r\n• method, decorating geometries with spiral arms or clumps, importing hydrodynamics\r\n• simulation results.\r\n• Optimization techniques: forced scattering, continuous absorption, peel-off, composite\r\nCredits 6.0 Study time 180 h\r\nTeaching languages\r\nKeywords\r\nPosition of the course\r\nContents\r\nCourse size (nominal values; actual values may depend on programme)\r\n(Approved) 1\r\nAccess to this course unit via a credit contract is determined after successful competences assessment\r\nThis course unit cannot be taken via an exam contract\r\nend-of-term and continuous assessment\r\nexamination during the second examination period is not possible\r\nAssignment\r\nGroup work, lecture, independent work\r\n• biasing.\r\n• Parallelization: shared and distributed memory, redistribution of parallel data between\r\n• simulation phases, performance scaling.\r\n• Inverse radiative transfer: fitting analytical models to observations, searching large parameter\r\n• spaces.\r\n• Extensions to the basic radiative transfer equation: dust heating in nonequilibrium conditions,\r\n• polarization, kinematics, radiation hydrodynamics.\r\n• Other radiative transfer simulation techniques: ray-tracing, moment method, dealing with high\r\n• optical depth, benchmark efforts.\r\nSeveral of these subjects are illustrated with astrophysical science cases, and the\r\naccompanying practical project links directly into many of the theoretical subjects.\nFinal competences:\n1 Derive the radiative transfer equation and understand its components.\r\n2 Describe the Monte Carlo photon package life cycle and related techniques for spatial discretization, sampling from three-dimensiomal distributions, computational optimization, and parallelization.\r\n3 Explain the pros and cons of the various techniques used in radiative transfer simulations.\r\n4 Describe some science cases to which to radiative transfer simulations are applied and\r\n1 explain why they are relevant.\r\n5 Apply a state-of-the-art radiative transfer code to basic science cases.\r\n6 Adjust a scientific code written in C++ to specific research demands.\r\n7 Interpret radiative transfer simulation results in a numerical and astrophysical context.\r\n8 Orally convey the findings of a radiative transfer simulation project to experts." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master of Science in Physics and Astronomy"@en . . "https://images.communicate.vub.ac.be/Web/VUB/%7Be03fbc44-87f1-488a-badd-e287777c0353%7D_WE_oplBrochure_MB_EN_Physics-Astronomy_8P.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=eloqua&utm_content=MARCOM%20REKRUTERING%20brochure%20download%20ENG&%3Cutm_campaign= https://www.vub.be/en/studying-vub/all-study-programmes-vub/bachelors-and-masters-programmes-vub/master-in-physics-and-astronomy/program/master/master-physics-and-astronomy-minor-research\n" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "The Master of Science in Physics and Astronomy: Minor Research is composed of 30 ECTS compulsory courses, 30 ECTS master thesis, 10-12 ECTS external mobility courses and 48-50 ECTS minor Research Electives. Our Master is jointly organized with UGent.\n\nPhysics aims at understanding the world around us by observing it from the smallest scales to the scale of the universe itself. From those observations, models are built to allow us to understand, explain and eventually predict the behavior of nature. The Master in Physics and Astronomy provides a comprehensive education in physics covering the particle physics, general relativity, astrophysics and the study of complex systems.\n\nThis master will give you quantitative and analytic skills that are useful to solve many problems arising in many areas beyond physics."@en . . . "2"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "1092.10" . "Euro"@en . "3620.00" . "Recommended" . "As a physicist you will be in high demand on the job market. With a master in Physics and Astronomy from VUB, you will have the knowledge and skills to land a job in one of many diverse sectors.\n\nThere is plenty of work in scientific research at universities and research institutes. In industry, in modelling, statistics and informatics. Alternatively, work on risk analysis and modelling in the banking, finance or pharmaceuticals sectors. You will also be valuable in the field of education. Infinite opportunities, in fact!"@en . "2"^^ . "TRUE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .