. "Remote Sensing"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Satellites remote sensing: acquisition system and data processing methods"@en . . "9" . "Cap. 1 - Generalities on the remote sensing and physics principles. Introduction, remote sensing system, Properties of \r\nthe electromagnetic radiations, source of the electromagnetic radiation, Interaction with matter, remote sensing \r\nindicators, Interaction of the electromagnetic radiation and the terrestrial atmosphere – – Equation of the radiative \r\ntransport (RTE) – Estimate of the surface temperature. Description of the General Split Window Technique, using the \r\nthermal emission for estimating the sub-surface characteristics. Appendices: A – Beer law, scattering, absorption bands, \r\nrefraction, surface backscattering, B – Description of the General Split Window Technique, C – Using the thermal \r\nemission for estimating the sub-surface characteristics. Exercises: Software PclnWin e PCModWin. \r\nCap. 2 - Remote sensing sensors. Photographic & electro-optical sensors. Micro-wave systems (active and passive), \r\nLidar. Calibration techniques. \r\nCap. 3 – The remote sensing and the space environment. The terrestrial upper-atmosphere – the San Marco satellites \r\ndata. The Space Debris – Techniques for the observation and monitoring. The atmosphere of the outer planets (Mercury, \r\nVenus, Mars, the giant planets). \r\nCap. 4 – Principle of remote sensing of the terrestrial atmosphere. Atmosphere sounding. Satellite based measurement \r\nof the atmospheric ozone. Occultation techniques with active systems. \r\nCap. 5 – Remote sensing orbits. Orbit properties. Orbit perturbations. The requirements of the orbits for remote sensing. \r\nGround tracks. Remote sensing satellite constellations. Exercises: Software STK, Matlab Orbital Mechanics. \r\nRemote sensing systems (Landsat, SPOT, NOAA, Sentinel, MSG). Appendices: A – Drift of the orbit operational \r\nparameters, B – Computation of the acquisition times at the ground station, C – Design of an orbit crossing a given \r\nstation at a given crossing time. Tutorial: Software STK, Matlab Orbital Mechanics. \r\nCap. 6 – Acquisition systems and satellite images pre-processing. Ground receiving station, Image re-construction, \r\nenhancement and information extraction. Image registration. Map projection. Appendices: A - pixel Geo-location, B – \r\nStatistical analysis and enhancement of the images (Discrete Fourier Transform applied to the images, Wavelet, \r\nPrincipal Components, Maximum auto-correlation factors, MAF). Tutorial: Software ENVI, MATLAB Image \r\nProcessing tool. \r\nCap. 7 – Theory and practices of image processing. Selection of the classification algorithms (Unsupervised and \r\nSupervised classification). Topographic models. Image registration (Ground Control Points, Mutual Information, \r\ninvariant moments, contour matching). Change detection (algebraic methods, Multivariational Alteration Detection, \r\nMAD). Introduction to the processing of hyperspectral images (Modeling the measurements, linear un-mixing, pure \r\npixels). Object recognition (Mathematic Morphology, Hough Transform). Tutorial: Software ENVI, Arcview, Image \r\nProcessing tool di MATLAB. \r\nCap. 8 – Project of a Remote Sensing Sensor." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master in Aerospace Engineering"@en . . "SPECIAL MASTER OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING | Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale (uniroma1.it)" . "no data" . "Presential"@en . "The learning objective of the Special Master of Aerospace Engineering is training experts that can be employed in advanced research and development centers in aerospace engineering.\n\nAn important aspect of the program consists in giving students a system-oriented approach to aerospace engineering. The capability of having a system-oriented and global vision of a space mission is not common in the industry because complexity of each subsystem pushes engineers to focus on single aspects. The design of the general architecture is assigned to the system engineer who is a long-experienced engineer that is able to have a global understanding of the project due to their experience acquired in various subsystems. System engineers are increasingly more difficult to find due to discontinuities that occur over time in the development of large space projects.\nMaster programs in aerospace engineering tend to provide students with at most a basic education in one of the areas of aerospace engineering because of the continuous technological advancement. On the other hand, complexity of current space programs asks for professionals capable of having an insight in extremely various technical aspects. Thus, education offered by the Special Master is extremely important in the industry since it trains system engineers in astronautics."@en . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "no tuition, other costs may apply" . "no data"@en . "no tuition, other costs may apply" . "None" . "The Special Master of Aerospace Engineering leads to the following career opportunities\n\nin the industry: system engineer for industrial aerospace projects, engineer for automatic and robotic systems,operator of systems for remote sensing, observation, and surveillance\nsupervisor of space missions, including launch operations and ground operations for tracking, remote control, remote sensing, and data processing expert for engineering aspects of the effects of space environment on human beings and on parts of aerospace systems, consultant for strategic and decisional processes of space agencies. \nin research centers: researcher in space systems, researcher in the development of innovative materials for astronautics, researcher in astrodynamics and control of aerospace systems, expert for scientific missions for exploration of solar system.\nin the area of education and cultural activities: instructor for industry and military staff, disseminator of aerospace culture"@en . "no data" . "FALSE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .