. "Geodesy 2"@en . . "4" . "Lecture: Gravity field models: elements of potential theory, boundary problems of potential theory, expansion of the potential into series of spherical harmonics, the normal gravity field, geodetic reference frame GRS'80, theory of normal spheroid, geodetic effects of tidal phenomena. Outline of the theory of the figure of the Earth: gravimetric reductions and gravimetric anomalies, the basic equation of physical geodesy, the outline of Stokes theory, deflection of the vertical (vertical deviation), astronomical-gravimetric levelling, height systems (dynamic and orthometric heights), the Molodensky concept - normal heights. Changes in the field of gravity with time: tidal force potential, reform potential, geodetic effects of tidal phenomena. Geodetic reference systems: European reference system EUREF, EUREF-POL and POLREF networks, problems of the orientation of reference ellipsoids, European height reference system EVRS. GPS satellite levelling: global, regional and local approaches. Ties the local observation systems with the global system: traverses between satellite points, coming to Total Station measurements. Introduction to the problems of geodynamic research. Project: Precise levelling: technology of levelling measurement, measurement of the height difference on the bench, basic levelling network, checking and adjusting the leveler, measuring the leveling section, developing the results of level measurements, laboratory and field comparison of levelling staffs, analysis of the accuracy of the levelling network measurement, principle of code levellers. Trigonometric levelling: preparation of electronic total stations, measurement technology of trigonometric levelling, trigonometric levelling taking into account the gravity field, the problem of refraction in trigonometric levelling. Power supply for surveying instruments. GPS satellite levelling: geometric heights versus orthometric heights, determination of the geoid height in relation to the WGS-84 ellipsoid, methods of determining the geoid inclination in small areas." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Geodesy"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Bachelor in Geodesy and Cartography"@en . . "https://www.gik.pw.edu.pl/gik_en/Studies" . "209"^^ . "Presential"@en . "Geodesy is historically the science of surveying the Earth and presenting its image in the form of maps related to cartography. Modern geodesy and cartography is still the field of science related to surveying, but with the use of many observational techniques starting with geodesy and geodynamics through satellite and airborne photogrammetric imaging, remote sensing techniques to classic ground-based surveying and legal aspects of cadastral and property management. The variety of Earth observation techniques is constantly increasing the role of a surveyors and cartographers as those who can integrate all these data, providing precise spatial location and georeferenced and is able to present and interpret occurring phenomena."@en . . . . "3.5"@en . "TRUE" . . . "Bachelor"@en . "Both" . "Not informative" . "Euro"@en . "Not informative" . "Mandatory" . "no data"@en . "7"^^ . "TRUE" . "Downstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .