. "Physics"@en . . "Electrical engineering"@en . . "Climate Science"@en . . "Aerospace engineering"@en . . "Satellite Engineering"@en . . "Astronomy"@en . . "Faculty of Aerospace Engineering"@en . . . "English"@en . . "Mathematics"@en . . "Mechanical engineering"@en . . "Research methodologies"@en . . "2.00" . "Course Contents The aim of the course is to be a research-driven preparation for the aerospace engineering MSc thesis in the final year of the\nMSc. It will help you prepare for the challenges of your thesis work.\nThe course will consist of 6 units and will be taught as a fully online course using video lectures and other online contents.\nThe set up is as follows:\n1. Research Design in MSc - Introduction to research, research framework\n2. Research Methods - Stages of a project, Research objective, research questions, research strategy, research methods\n3. Data Analysis - Quantitative & Qualitative methods\n4. Validation & Sustainable Research - How to validate & verify your work? What does it mean to conduct sustainable research?\n5. Project Management - How to manage your project and your thesis progress. How to plan, expectations, Gannt Charts\n6. Academic Writing - Learn the peculiarities of academic writing.\nThe course has been designed to be suitable for distant learning but the exam will be on campus.\nStudy Goals At the end of the course you will be able to:\n1. formulate a scientific research question(s).\n2. correctly cite the relevant literature.\n3. understand the appropriate methodologies and tools in research.\n4. learn how to set-up a clear research plan." . . "Online"@en . "TRUE" . . "Experimental simulations"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents Experimental simulation (in aeronautics) deals with the systematic approach required to design and perform good experiments\nsimulating flight. It looks at the deficiencies of scaling real flight into a ground testing simulation and defines the validity of\nsimplifications required for testing. Particular attention is given to the simulation of aircraft propulsion and noise generation in\nground testing facilities.\nStudy Goals At the end of this course, the student will be able to:\n- Reduce a simulation challenge to its dominant nondimensional scaling parameters\n- Identify the necessary hardware required for ground based testing of the identified parameters\n- Create an effective test plan for a low-speed wind-tunnel test to satisfy predefined measurement objectives\n- Reflect on the possibilities of and limitations to obtaining data from wind-tunnel tests to describe aircraft behavior in free flight\n- Evaluate the power integration effects on aircraft performance and noise for a propeller-driven aircraft" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Fluid-structure interaction"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Viscous flows"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents The transport equations of mass, momentum and energy for flows with viscosity and heat conduction: the Navier-Stokes\nequations; molecular transport properties; boundary layer simplifications.\nIncompressible laminar flows: exact solutions, self-similar and non-similar boundary layers; approximate (integral) methods for\nboundary layer computations.\nLaminar flows with thermal and compressibility effects.\nStability of laminar flows; transition.\nTurbulent flows: basic concepts, law of the wall and defect law, equilibrium boundary layers, introduction to turbulence\nmodelling.\nStudy Goals Understanding and operational knowledge of viscous flow concepts and their relevance to applications in the aeronautical\ndomain." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aircraft aerodynamics"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents After a short recap on inviscid flow the first part of the course deals with boundary layer theory. Topics addressed are: the\nlaminar boundary layer, the transition process, the turbulent boundary layer, laminar and turbulent flow separation, the\nseparation bubble, lift and drag. The second part of the course starts with general information on drag, useful for the\naerodynamic design of aircraft. The course continues with the analysis and design of single and multi-component airfoils,\nillustrated by examples of CFD analyses and windtunnel experiments. Special topics like winglets, high lift systems, flow control\nand propeller propulsion for sustainable aircraft applications will be treated as well. Some aerodynamic analysis and design\ncodes will be demonstrated during the course.\nStudy Goals The course is designed to provide the student with the basic theoretical and experimental tools for the aerodynamic design of\naircraft. At the end the student will be able to apply basic aerodynamics concepts as well as some usefull design codes." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Rotor / wake aerodynamics"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents Introduction to rotary wing aerodynamics. Applications in aircraft, propulsion, fans and wind turbines.\n Conservation laws. Actuator disk/momentum theory. Limitations. Helicopter rotor vertical flight and windmill\nbrake state. Figure of merit. Wind turbine Betz optimum. Lift and drag devices\n Blade elementmomentum method, Tip correction methods. Correction for finite nr. of blades and heavily\nloaded rotors.\n Aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils for rotor application. Aerodynamic properties of pitch and stall\ncontrolled wind turbine. Wind turbine rotor blade design.\n Vortex line methods. Vortex wake structure. Frozen and free wake, vortex core modelling.\n Vortex panel methods. Advanced wake models. Acceleration potential method.\n Detailed rotor near wake structure. Experimental wake velocities and wake vorticity structure.\n 3D effects, Stall delay. Yawed flow and dynamic inflow. Autogiro, helicopter rotor in forward flight.\n Unsteady aerodynamics and dynamic stall effects. Theodorsens Theory. Effects of tower shadow and wind shear.\n Aeroacoustics and rotor aeroacoustics.\n Vertical axis wind turbine rotor and Voight-Schneider propeller\n Effects of inflow turbulence intensity on blade loads. Near and far wake structure\n Wind farm aerodynamics. Rotor-wake interaction. Single and multiple wakes. Effects upon loads and performance.\nStudy Goals Provide an overview of the phenomena and models present in\naerodynamics of rotors, with special emphasis in horizontal axis\nwind turbine rotors. Propellers, vertical axis (crossflow) wind turbine rotors and helicopter rotors\nwill also be addressed, but with less detail.\n\"Hands on\" introduction to the different computational models used nowadays to analyse the\naerodynamics of rotors." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Cfd 2: discretization techniques"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents In these lectures the fundamental principles underlying the approximation of partial differential equations will be explained. This\nunifying approach will be applied to finite difference methods, finite volume methods and finite elements. The main focus will\nbe on the approximation of physical models. Extensions to high order methods and the application to curvilinear domains will be\naddressed\nStudy Goals Understanding the structure of physical models and the discrete representation. Ability to implement numerical schemes.\nInterpretation of numerical results." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Cfd 4: uncertainty quantification"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Cfd: large eddy simulation"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Gas dynamics"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents - How to apply the basic laws of mechanics and thermodynamics to describe compressible flows.\n- How can we properly describe a compressible flow field using the Euler equation + jump relations.\n- Understand the concept of characteristics and invariants in the context of linear and non-linear flows.\n- How to apply characteristics for non-linear flows for the computation of isentropic unsteady flows.\n- Understand the relation between shock waves and characteristics.\n- Application of Hugoniot and Poisson curves to solve a Riemann problem.\n- Definition of characteristics for 2D steady flows, and similarity with 1D unsteady flows (time-like and space-like).\n- How can use the method of characteristics and method of waves to compute a 2D compressible flow field.\n- Investigate the effect of viscosity and heat transfer in a 1D flow (Fanno and Rayleigh flow).\nStudy Goals At the end of this course, the student will be able to:\n- Understand aerodynamic concepts and apply aerodynamic theory for compressible flows.\n- Apply the fundamental equations of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics to describe compressible flows; derive the governing\nequations for compressible flow and discuss the terms.\n- Derive the jump relations for the Euler equations and describe their relation to shock waves.\n- Discuss the role of entropy in combination with the jump relation for a correct description of a flow field.\n- Explain the concept of characteristics and invariants for 1D unsteady and 2D steady flows and how to use them for flow field\ncomputations (MOC).\n- Understand the role of characteristics in shock wave formation, elaborate on the theory of simple waves.\n- Derive the equations governing 1D flows through channels and nozzles in presence of viscosity and heat transfer. Explain the\nphysical phenomena and processes that occur." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Hypersonic aerodynamics"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Flow measurement techniques"@en . . "2.00" . "Course Contents Introduction to experimental analysis of aerodynamic problems. Flow visualization methods. Measurement\ntechniques: Laser Doppler Anemometry, Hot Wire Anemometry, Pressure measurements, Optical refractive\nmethods, Particle image velocimetry, Infra-Red Thermography.\nLaboratory exercise: NACA 0012 airfoil at incidence measured with HWA and PIV\nStudy Goals After this course, students will be able to:\n1) Discuss the main aspects related to the conduction of aerodynamic tests in simulation facilities\n2) Describe and explain the working principle of the most important and up-to-date flow measurement techniques\n3) Select the most suitable measurement technique depending on the aerodynamic problem to investigate\n4) Design and conduct wind tunnel experiments for aerodynamic investigation" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Fluid flow data processing and visualization"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Cfd for aerospace engineers"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents CFD for Aerospace Engineers sets the grounds of the essential physical, mathematical, and numerical models for turbulent fluid\nflows and shows the opportunities and limits of fluid flow simulations in the aerospace industry. This course includes: (1) short\nsurvey of history, basic equations and dimensionless numbers, (2) turbulence theory and models for turbulence simulations with\nDNS, RANS, LES, (3) generation of suitable computational grids, (4) discretization methods, boundary conditions, effect of\nnumerical truncation (5) solvers for large linear systems, error and residuum, (6) visualization, (7) validation and verification, (8)\nhands-on tutorials with ANSYS CFX and OpenFOAM.\nStudy Goals After completion of this course, students (1) know and understand the methods and models used in state-of-the-art CFD\nsoftware, (2) are able to set-up and run CFD simulations, and (3) can critically analyze and evaluate CFD results." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Knowledge based engineering"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents The course will provide a theoretical and practical introduction to Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE) technology, as a means\nto address complex engineering problems through design automation/digitalization principles.\nOther addressed topics, strictly related to KBE include\n- UML/SysMl modelling language (class and activity diagrams)\n- object oriented modelling paradigm\nStudy Goals The main goals are the following:\n- understanding of Knowledge Based Engineering theoretical foundations and programming principles and their application to\nsupport complex engineering design problems\n- hands-on experience in developing simple but representative KBE applications by means of a provided KBE system\n- ability to model product and process knowledge by means of UML/SysMl" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Mdo for aerospace applications"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents The course will introduce students to multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO), as a modern methodology to support\ncomplex product development.\nMain topics:\n- What and why MDO\n- Parameterization techniques\n- Numerical optimisation methods (focus on gradient based methods)\n- Decomposition and coordination of complex computational systems\n- the eXtended Design Structure Matrix (XDSM)\n- MDO architectures\n- Intro to surrogate modeling, discrete&mixed integer problems, genetic\n algorithms and Multi Objective Optimisation\nStudy Goals The main goals are the following:\n- understanding of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) methods and architectures\n- hands-on experience in setting up and solving MDO problems" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Turbomachinery"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents This course educates aerospace students to apply theoretical knowledge in the field of fluid- mechanics and thermodynamics for\nanalyzing and designing a thermal turbomachinery. Typical examples are: axial and radial compressors of gas turbine engines,\nindustrial gas and steam turbines, radial turbines of automotive turbochargers, turbo-expanders and compressors used in\nrefrigeration and liquefaction industry, micro-turbines for power generation.\nSince the turbomachinery field is intrinsically interdisciplinary, it is assumed that students already possess basic knowledge of\nthermodynamics, fluid-mechanics, applied mathematics, propulsion systems, internal flows, acquired in previous courses.\nPrerequisite of the course are therefore bachelor and master courses addressing fundamental (e.g. Thermodynamics, Internal\nFlows) and applied aspects (e.g. Aero-Engines) of air-breathing engines.\nStarting from basic concepts of gas-dynamics and fluid-machinery, the course brings the student to the level that he is able to\nselect a turbomachinery for a specific application, perform the conceptual design of the stages, and eventually predict the flow\ncharacteristics within the blade passages by means of conceptual physical models and more sophisticated simulation tools.\nStudy Goals After the course the student will be able to:\n Classify and illustrate the main features of a turbomachine\n Select the most appropriate turbomachine for a given aerospace application\n Apply first principles to simplified turbomachinery configurations\n Identify the most prominent loss sources of a given turbomachinery stage\n Define the aerodynamic blade design of turbomachinery cascades\n Predict the performance of a turbomachine with analytical and numerical methods\n Devise solutions for performance improvement of turbomachinery cascades based on physical understanding\n Perform the conceptual and detailed fluid-dynamic design of a turbomachine for propulsion systems using analytical and\nnumerical tools" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aero engine technology"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents The course presents advanced concepts in aircraft propulsion. This is an hydrid course in which the lectures are pre-recorded and\nsome for tutorials will be solved in the classroom. The course is aimed at looking into the details of an aircraft engine, the\nvarious components of gas turbine and their interaction. The course is divided into various modules which deal with the various\naspects / disciplines that are essential in an aero engine.\nThe important modules of this course are engine performance, sustainability in aviation, new engine/propulsion concepts, engine\ninlets, turbo machinery, combustion, engine exhaust systems, gas turbine performance and engine controls.\nThroughout the course, practical examples of systems from aircraft engines and gas turbines will be used to demonstrate the\nvarious methods and techniques.\nThe learning goals will be supported by lab visits and guest lectures by experts from aviation industry.\nStudy Goals After the course the students will have basic knowledge of the various modules and disciplines that play an important role in\naircraft propulsion. The specific study goals of the course are\n1. Calculate thermodynamic parameters of Brayton cycle and variations of the cycle.\n2. Identify differences in cycle characteristics between Brayton cycle and other thermodynamic cycles.\n3. Calculate the design point thermodynamic performance of an aircraft gas turbine\n4. Evaluate the effect of engine design parameters on the engine performance\n5. Evaluate the effect of engine architecture on its performance\n6. Compare the efficacy of different engine architecture for different missions\n7. understanding the environmental effects of different aircraft emissions\n8. Evaluate various options of making aviation sustainable\n9. Understand the basic fluid mechanics involved in turbomachinery\n10. Perform the conceptual design of axial compressors and turbines\n11. Compute the flow angles and flow properties within a axial and radial turbomachinery components\n12. Determine matching conditions for compressors and turbines\n13 Analyse the cooling requirements and compute the effect of cooling on engine performance\n14. Evaluate the calorific values for various fuels\n15. Understand the basics of combustion and emission formation in Aero engines\n16. Understand the working of gas turbine combustor\n17. Understand the basic principles of gas turbine controls and evaluate different strategies for control\n18. Enhance reporting and presentation skills" . . "Blended"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced aircraft design I"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Fundamental of aeroacoustics"@en . . "2.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Experimental applications of aeroacoustics"@en . . "2.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Internal flows"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents In this course we address fluid dynamic phenomena of interest in internal flow situations for aerospace propulsion applications.\nThe goal of the course is to develop physical insight into the phenomena that characterize internal flow in fluid machinery. As\nsuch we will discuss not just what happens, but why it happens and what are the consequences for propulsion systems. The\ncourse covers topic, which are not dealt with in courses or texts about external fluid dynamics. The flows described in Internal\nFlows are generally rotational, often three-dimensional, unsteady, and sometimes occurring in non-inertial (e.g., rotating)\ncoordinate systems.\nThe course can be viewed as the development of flow models and ideas to enable allow physical insight into the behavior of\nthree-dimensional and unsteady flows. One of the objectives of the course is to provide an increased ability to interpret\ncomputational and experimental results and hence to effectively extract conclusions about the key features of complex internal\nflows.\nThis course is inspired by 16.540 Internal Flow from the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT. Much of the\nmaterial is based on the lectures of Profesor E. M. Greitzer, with permission.\nStudy Goals 1) Development of physical insight into the phenomena, which characterize internal flow in fluid machinery (not just what\nhappened, but why it happened)\n2) Development of the critical thinking needed to define, in a rigorous manner, the levels of modeling needed for useful\ndescriptions of internal flow situations\n3) Development of the ability to interpret numerical simulations and experimental results in terms of concepts and first principles" . . "Blended"@en . "TRUE" . . "Combustion for propulsion and power technologies"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents 1. Thermodynamics of combustion\n2. Chemical kinetics\n3. Radiation and transport processes\n4. Premixed and diffusion flames\n5. Turbulent reactive flows\n6. Combustion experiments and diagnostics\n7. Laboratory Tutorial & Exercise\n8. Practical combustion systems for aerospace applications\nStudy Goals Write chemical equations and perform stoichiometry calculations.\n Compute heating values of fuels, enthalpies of formation- and adiabatic flame temperature.\n Apply principles of thermodynamics to analyze reacting mixtures at chemical equilibrium.\n Describe the fundamentals of the physics involved in premixed- and diffusion flames.\n Derive equations related to turbulent reacting flows and chemistry interaction.\n Explain laser diagnostics and their role in understanding combustion.\n Discuss critical mechanisms for improving the efficiency and reducing the emissions of air-breathing combustion systems.\n Provide phenomenological descriptions of pollutant formation of conventional combustion systems." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Modeling, simulation and application of propulsion and power systems"@en . . "5.00" . "Course Contents 2nd EDUCATION PERIOD\nPart 1 (2 ECTS)\nModule 1 Introduction, Context, Foundations\nModule 2 Conservation equations\nModule 3 Modeling paradigms\nModule 4 Numerical methods and software\nModule 5 Modelica\nModule 6 Constitutive equations\nModule 7 Components and system modeling\nModule 8 Verification and validation\n3rd EDUCATION PERIOD\nPart 1 (1 ECTS)\nModule 9 Model-based control\nTake Home exam\nPart 2 (2 ECTS)\nModule 10 - Team Project to be chosen among\na Aero engine with GSP or GTPsim\nb Power or propulsion system with Modelica\nStudy Goals After learning the content of the course, the student will be able to:\nGiven an engineering problem related to propulsion and power systems, use the 9-steps method to create or select the appropriate\nmodel and run and interpret simulations in order to obtain a good solution of such problem, and communicate the results.\nIn particular, this overarching objective can be obtained by developing the following theoretical capabilities:\n1. Describe the role and types of models in Propulsion and Power Systems Engineering, and define which different modeling\nparadigms and numerical methods are most appropriate or needed to develop a system model given its purpose.\n2. Formulate a mathematical model for a typical propulsion and power system or component, by first analyzing the functionality\nof a system by means of a process flow diagram; by defining the energy, mass, and momentum conservation balances for the\nsystem of interest, and choosing the most appropriate form of conservation equations; by selecting the constitutive equations\nrequired to close the mathematical model (thermophysical models of fluids, chemical reaction eqs, heat transfer correlations,\netc.).\n3. Choose and configure numerical techniques for the solution of non-linear algebraic and differential-algebraic equation systems,\nwhich result from the formulation of a mathematical model.\n4. Implement and code a system model of a power and propulsion application by adopting an object-oriented modeling approach\n(use of modularity, hierarchy, predefined connectors and inter-module variables).\n5. Evaluate the reliability and possibly the fidelity of a model in the light of its purpose (model validation)\n6. Use system models to solve engineering problems such as system performance assessment, preliminary design of the system\nand its components, the design of control strategies and the tuning of controller parameters, as well as communicate the results of\nthe engineering analysis both verbally, and by means of a technical report." . . "Blended"@en . "TRUE" . . "Control and operations project"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Automatic flight control system design"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents Classical control is still predominantly used in aerospace industry\nfor the design and analysis of automatic flight control systems.\nVarious existing control systems such as Stability Augmentation\nSystems (SAS), Control Augmentation Systems (CAS) and fly-bywire\nsystems are reviewed in detail. The emphasis of the course\nlies in demonstrating, through application of classical frequency\ndomain and state space techniques, how to design systems that\nfulfill the requirements imposed by the aviation authorities, with\nemphasis on understanding the benefits and limitations of such\nsystems.\nStudy Goals After this course the student should be able to:\n- Understand dynamics of linear time invariant systems and design controllers for such system for the desired performance\n- substantiate the function of a Flight Control\n System(FCS) in civil aviation.\n- apply the theory of flight dynamics and control\n to FCS design for civil aviation.\n- verify if a given FCS satisfies the handling qualities for civil aviation\n criteria.\n- design static and dynamic stability augmentation systems.\n- design all longitudinal and lateral autopilot modes for civil aviation." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Exercise automatic flight control system design"@en . . "1.00" . "Course Contents The goal of this exercise is to design a flight control system using classical control theory, using a simulation model in Simulink.\nThe exercise makes you in a practical way familiar with the implementation of inner control loop design, handling qualities\nsatisfying CAP/Gibson/MIL-specifications, and the design of a higher level autopilot mode such as glideslope tracking or terrain\nfollowing.\nStudy Goals To become familiar with classical flight controllers and their design, and to gain insight in handling qualities of open-loop and\ncontrolled aircraft" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Avionics and operations"@en . . "3.00" . "Parts Week arrangement\nLecture and study material\n1. Introduction to avionics systems.\n-. Air Data systems (home study).\n2. Gyroscopes, attitude reference systems.\n3. Compasses, heading reference systems.\n4. Navigation equations.\n5. Flight deck instruments and integrated systems.\n6. The Flight Management System (FMS).\n7. Inertial Navigation Systems.\n8. Radio navigation systems (ADF, VOR, DME).\n9. Landing guidance systems (ILS, GPS).\n10. Communication, Navigation, Surveillance (CNS).\n11. Satellite navigation systems (GPS).\n12. Air Traffic Management (ATM).\n13. The Future Air Navigation System (FANS).\nCourse Contents (see week arrangement)\nThis course provides a comprehensive, unified coverage of the principles of modern navigation equipment and systems, both in\nthe aircraft and on the ground, including the aircraft instrumentation and flight-deck systems, with a special emphasis on the\nimportant trends in the global air navigation and air traffic management system.\nStudy Goals 1. The student can describe in detail the working principles of the avionics systems treated in the course.\n2. The student can demonstrate the avionics systems' functionalities, identify their strong points and weaknesses, and make\ncomparisons between the avionics systems.\n3. The student can evaluate, criticize, and appraise their usage in the current and future operational context" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Stochastic aerospace systems"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents The course AE4304 covers ONLY the first five chapters of the lecture notes, the practical assignment AE4304P covers chapters\nsix to eight. Chapter 9 (Etkin's 4 point model) serves as background reading.\nSo, the lecture AE4304 (and its exam) covers:\n1. Introduction (aircraft do respond to atmospheric turbulence, effects on flight control system design).\n2. Scalar stochastic processes (probability theory, joint probability density functions, covariance and correlation functions,\nstochastic processes, ergodic processes).\n3. Spectral analysis of stochastic processes in continuous time (Fourier analysis, power spectral densities, analysis of dynamic\nlinear system responses in frequency domain).\n4. Spectral analysis of stochastic processes in discrete time (discrete time Fourier transform, Fast Fourier Transform, spectral\nestimates-smoothing).\n5. Multivariable stochastic processes (covariance function matrix and spectral density matrix, multi-variable system responses in\nthe frequency and in the time domain).\nThe practical assignment AE4304P (Matlab or Python) covers:\n6. Description of atmospheric turbulence (physical mechanisms, stochastic models of atmospheric turbulence, the two\nfundamental correlation functions, von Karman en Dryden spectra, models in the time domain).\n7. Symmetric aircraft response to atmospheric turbulence (symmetrical aerodynamic forces and moments due to turbulence, gust\nderivatives, equations of motion of aircraft\nflying in symmetrical atmospheric turbulence).\n8. Asymmetric aircraft response to atmospheric turbulence (elementary two-dimensional fields of turbulence, asymmetrical\naerodynamic forces and moments, asymmetrical gust derivatives, equations of motion).\nStudy Goals Introduction to stochastic processes, spectral analysis, understanding the physics of aircraft responses to atmospheric turbulence,\nderivation of equations of motion of symmetrical and asymmetrical responses to atmospheric turbulence." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Stochastic aerospace systems practical"@en . . "1.00" . "Course Contents Application of MATLAB or Python software to aircraft specific turbulence responses:\n1. Calculation of aircraft time-histories due to both symmetrical and asymmetrical, longitudinal, lateral and vertical turbulence\ncomponents.\n2. Calculation of analytical transfer functions, frequency response functions, and auto- and cross Power Spectral Density (PSD)\nfunctions of state- and output variables (e.g.\nacceleration levels).\n3. Numerical calculation of frequency response functions, and auto- and cross Power Spectral Density (PSD) functions of stateand output-variables.\n4. Calculation of (co)variance- and correlation-functions of aircraft state-and output-variables.\n5. The effects of Automatic Flight Control Systems on the aircrafts responses on atmospheric turbulence.\nStudy Goals Introduction to both time- and frequency-domain identification and simulation techniques using MATLAB or Python. The\ntechniques are applied to example aircraft (amongst others Cessna Citation 500)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Nonlinear and adaptive flight control"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Spacecraft attitude dynamics and control"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Helicopter performance, stability and control"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Hybrid"@en . "FALSE" . . "Aerospace human-machine systems"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents This course focuses on the various aspects of actual and future flight deck and air traffic control human-machine interfaces. It provides an extensive theoretical as well as practical knowledge on the specific characteristics of human behavior, such as human control behavior (i.e., cybernetics), human perception (visual & haptic), human mental processing, cognitive factors, and human-automation interaction in manual and supervisory control tasks. Study Goals Overall, the student will have a working knowledge of human operator (pilot) characteristics that are relevant for the design and evaluation of human-machine systems. Specific study goals: The student: * Is able to classify different types of human behaviour according to Rasmussen's rule-skill and knowledge taxonomy * Is able to predict performance and human behaviour in manual control tasks, using McRuer's cross-over theory, and is able to reason on the effect of task variables (motion, haptics, etc.) * Knows the physiology and characteristics of human sensory systems and actuation processes (visual, vestibular, propioceptive senses and neuromuscular system) as relevant for human behaviour, and is able to predict the implications of these properties for human perception and behaviour, and relate this to design choices for displays and manipulators. * can describe the pitfalls of automation (i.e., ironies of automation) and is familiar with various taxonomies on levels & stages of automation. * can analyse accident and incident reports, find latent and active errors and classify these with Rasmussen's SRK taxonomy and identify Reason's error shaping factor. The student understands the wider context of human error (Dekker's \"new view\"). * is familiar with workload and situation awareness, and knows which methods are used to measure these properties * understands the nature of human cognition, can distinguish between different views and models of cognition and knows when these are applicable * can describe the differences and similarities between interface design approaches that aim to support both system and human (control & cognitive) performances * is familiar with workload theory, knows different metrics for workload, and when these are applicable" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced topics in aerospace human-machine systems"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Autonomous flight of micro air vehicles"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "System Identification of aerospace vehicles"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Air traffic management"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Online"@en . "FALSE" . . "Piloted flight simulation"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents Lecture topics, not necessarily in chronological order\n1) Introduction to piloted flight simulation, including fidelity considerations\n2) Use of piloted flight simulation, including training and qualification\n3) Simulator sub-systems\n4) Modelling of vehicle dynamics\n5) Real-time software engineering\n6) Distributed simulation\n7) Motion bases, including cueing\n8) Visual systems, including image generation\n9) Control loading\nStudy Goals 1) You can explain the use cases of piloted flight simulators and the resulting (sub-)system requirements.\n2) You can explain the working principles of piloted flight simulator subsystems (vehicle model, real-time and distributed\nsoftware, motion system, visual system, and control loading).\n3) You can identify the design options for a flight simulators functions, distinguish strong and weak points, as well as relate\nthese to the simulators intended use.\n4) You can identify, analyze, and evaluate piloted flight simulator systems in an operational context, e.g. in a flight training\ncentre or a simulator manufacturing plant.\n5) You can identify and explain the different ways in which the fidelity of a simulator (system) can be evaluated (physical,\nperceptual, behavioural).\n6) You can use common methodologies used for assessing simulator fidelity in industry (QTG, OMCT, numerical stability)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Real-time distributed flight and space simulation"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Physical interaction for aerial and space robots"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Bio-inspired intelligence and learning for aerospace applications"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Robust flight control"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Mathematical and human-inspired decision making"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Agent-based modelling and simulation in air transport"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents Introduction. Agents and Multiagent systems. Agent-based modelling architectures. Examples from air transportation.\nEmergence in Multiagent systems. Agent-based simulation. Agent-based modeling and simulation tools.\nAgent-based coordination, planning, and scheduling in air transportation.\nNature-inspired approaches to solve optimization problems. Swarm intelligence.\nAdaptive behavior and learning in agent-based systems.\nCollaborative decision making in air transportation. Negotiation, auctions, game-theoretic approaches.\nAgent-based model analysis: sensitivity, uncertainty, robustness. Validation of agent-based models.\nStudy Goals The student has to be able:\n- to formulate a practical air transportation problem as an agent or a multiagent system model;\n- to identify appropriate agent-based methods and to apply them;\n- to implement agent-based models;\n- to perform agent-based simulation, interpret and analyze simulation results;\n- to be able to apply agent-based optimization techniques" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Airline planning and optimisation"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents This course provides students with knowledge to analyse planning problems related to airline operations and to develop\nmodeling approaches to solve these problems. The focus is on the relationship between planning models and their operational\nimplications. It starts with a general overview of the airline demand analysis, followed by the study of the planning framework\nwhich airlines operate in. This planning framework includes strategic decisions, namely fleet planning and network\ndevelopment, tactical decisions, such as scheduling and maintenance planning.\nStudy Goals At the end of the course, the students should be able to:\nObj1: identify the main strategic, tactical, and operational problems of an airline;\nObj2: get familiarized with the development and implementation of some modeling techniques:\n(a) mix-integer linear programming,\n(b) multi-commodity flow networks,\n(c) time-space networks,\n(d) Markov decision programming.\nObj3: get familiarized with the development and implementation of some solution techniques:\n(a) branch-and-bound,\n(b) column generation,\n(c) dynamic programming.\nObj4: identify, formulate and solve airline strategic and tactical planning problems:\n(a) airline networks development,\n(b) fleet planning,\n(c) frequency planning,\n(d) aircraft assignment and routing planning,\n(e) crew scheduling, and\n(f) maintenance planning.\nObj5: identify an airline operations problem, analyse and solve it;\nObj6: explain the implications of airline planning decisions and report them in an academic manner" . . "Blended"@en . "TRUE" . . "Stochastic processes and simulation"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents This course introduces various stochastic processes and Monte Carlo simulation to model and analyze aerospace engineering\nsystems under uncertainty. The topics covered in the course are as follows:\n1. Markov chains: Markov property, Chapman-Kolmogorov equations, ergodicity, transition probability matrix, Monte Carlo\nsimulation.\n2. Discrete-Time Continuous-State stochastic processes: linear difference equations, Monte Carlo simulation.\n3. Continuous-Time Markov chains: Q-matrix, stationarity, Monte Carlo simulation.\n4. Poisson processes: properties, time discretization, Monte Carlo simulation.\n5. Brownian motion: properties, Monte Carlo simulation.\n6. Stochastic differential equations, Monte Carlo simulation.\nThe stochastic processes above are illustrated by means of applications in air transportation such as, for instance, aircraft\nmaintenance and airport operations under uncertainty.\nStudy Goals The aim of this course is to provide students with a working understanding of a variety of stochastic processes that are of\nrelevance in aerospace engineering. At the end of the course, the students should be able to:\n1. State the defining properties of various stochastic processes.\n2. Model various applications in air transportation using appropriate stochastic processes.\n3. Evaluate the performace of various stochastic models in air transportation by conducting an analytical analysis or by means of\nMonte Carlo simulation.\n5. Explain the difference in results between the Monte Carlo simulation and the analytical results.\n6. Identify the advantages and limitations of Monte Carlo simulation" . . "Blended"@en . "TRUE" . . "Aircraft noise"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents Aircraft noise\nBasics of acoustics:\nPhysics of sound waves. Harmonic waves, sound speed, wave front and rays. Reflection, refraction and diffraction of sound\nwaves. The dB scale for acoustic power, sound intensity and sound pressure level. Interference, adding sound pressure levels and\nthe standing wave. Directionality of sound sources. Periodic and broadband noise. Doppler effect and shock waves.\nWave equation and its basic solutions:\nDerivation of the wave equation from conservation of mass, momentum and energy. Plane waves, acoustic resistance. Harmonic\nsolution to wave equation. spherical waves, characteristic acoustic impedance.\nPropagation of sound in the atmosphere:\nGeometrical spreading and sound attenuation due to friction. Sound pressure level calculations as a function of distance from the\nsource. Derivation of reflection and transmission coefficient of sound when going from one medium to another medium. Critical\nangle. Effect of temperature gradient on sound propagation. Calculation of shadow zone distance. Ray tracing. Ground effect.\nSound propagation - special situations\nSound transmission through a layer, e.g. a wall. Mass law. Propagation in enclosures, room acoustics, diffuse sound field,\nreverberation time, Sabine's law. Acoustic filters. Attenuation of sound in ducts (with changing cross-sections), e.g. exhaust\nsystems. Helmholtz resonator. Acoustic lining and its application in turbofan engines. Noise barriers.\nAcoustic signal analysis:\nFourier transform (continuous and discrete), power spectral density and spectrum level. Octave band and terts band analysis,\npressure band level. Effect on bandwidth on measured aircraft spectra. Overall sound pressure level. Spectrogram. Examples of\naircraft noise measurements, e.g. from flyovers. Properties of microphones.\nNoise metrics:\nHuman perception of sound, loudness and the phone and sone scale. Equal loudness level contours. Overall loudness level for\nbroadband noise. Equal noisiness curves, overall noy value and perceived noise level. A-weighting and overall A-weighted\nsound pressure level. Effect of the duration of sound on human perception, equivalent A-weighted sound pressure level and\nsound exposure level (SEL). Single flyover noise contours. Noise indices for total noise exposure (Lden). Noise certification.\nDutch aircraft noise model NRM.\nDirectional acoustic sources:\nMonopole, dipole and quadrupole source. Line array of monopoles. Rayleigh integral, loudspeakers.\nAcoustic imaging:\nPrinciple of beamforming. Imaging aircraft noise data.\nAircraft noise sources:\nPropeller noise (mechanism and directional properties) and blade passage frequency. Turbo engine noise and directionality of the\nfan and exhaust jet noise source. Effect of bypassing on exhaust jet noise and effect of acoustic lining on fan noise. Properties of\nairframe (aerodynamic) noise and the modelling of it (ANOPP method).\nProgramming assignment about noise contouring for an aircraft flyover.\nStudy Goals Understand the relationship between aviation and the resulting noise levels, especially around airports" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Sustainable air transport modelling project"@en . . "2.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Operations optimisation"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents The course aims at providing the students with knowledge and experience to set-up and analyze linear and nonlinear\noptimization problems.\nThe course covers the following topics:\n1. Introduction to Operations Research, examples of OR models for air transport.\n2. Linear programmming (LP) models and the simplex Method.\n3. Sensitivity analysis and Duality.\n4. Transportation and assignment problems.\n5. Network optimization and dynamic programming.\n6. Mixed Integer Linear programming.\n7. Nonlinear programming.\nStudy Goals At the end of the course, the students will be able to:\n1. Understand the theory behind basic linear and non-linear optimization problems.\n2. Model a problem as a linear program, a (mixed) integer program or a network optimization problem;\n3. Verify the model using self created test data set.\n4. Create and apply a sensitivity analysis." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Airport and cargo operations"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Aircraft emissions and climate effects"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents The course introduces the students in the state-of-the-art capabilities, research issues and challenges in climate effects of\naviation. Topics include:\n- Combustion and emissions\n- Overview of all environmental effects of aviation\n- Air pollution relevant atmospheric chemistry and physics\n- Local air pollution modelling\n- Aviation environmental policy, new technologies, and other mitigation options\n- General circulation of the atmosphere\n- Atmospheric chemistry and contrail formation\n- Climate change caused by air traffic emissions\n- Modelling of climate impact from aviation\n- Application and show cases for the assessment of mitigation options supporting decision making, e.g. for climate optimized\ntrajectories\nStudy Goals The course aims at providing the students with a thorough understanding of the theory and modelling of the climate impact of air\ntraffic.\nThese elements are required, for example, for the assessment of the air quality and climate impact of aviation and mitigation\nmeasures, including climate optimised trajectories/routing, low climate impact routing and consequences for aircraft design and\nsupersonic transport." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced aircraft noise modelling and measurement"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Maintenance modeling & analysis"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space project"@en . . "0.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Propagation and optimisation in astrodynamics"@en . . "5.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Numerical astrodynamics"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents Basic orbit propagation/integration methods and options; simulation options in Tudat. Defining input for orbit propagation\n Linking analytical and numerical design methods in astrodynamics\n Details of numerical integration methods: multi-stage, multi-step and extrapolation methods (fixed and variable step size)\n Selection of numerical integration methods; quantification of integration errors\nIn principle, the course will only use Tudatpy (the Python interface for the Tudat C++ software). Depending on student interest,\npart of the C++ layer of Tudat may be covered.\nStudy Goals Set up and run a numerical orbit propagation using the Tudat software suite from a given set of simulation settings\n Critically evaluate and analyze numerical orbit propagation results\n Interpret numerical propagation results, and relate numerical results to theoretical predictions\n Select numerical integration scheme for a given astrodynamics problem" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Rocket motion"@en . . "3.00" . "Parts Course Overview\n1. Introduction and recap previous courses on orbital mechanics\n2. Fundamentals of rocket motion\n3. Launch trajectories in a homogeneous gravity field, in vacuum and in an atmosphere (2D); vertical flight, constant pitch angle,\ngravity, and sounding rockets.\n4. Theory of the multi-stage rocket; optimal mass distribution.\n5. Ballistic flight over the Earth; 2D, and 3D over spherical (non-rotating and rotating Earth).\n6. Launch systems design, unconventional launchers like air launch\n7. Summary and question hour (workout exam question example)\nStudy Goals This course introduces the fundamentals of rocket motion by studying the motion of rockets under different circumstances.\nEmphasising on analytical solutions of the equations of motion, it will provide insight into the qualitative and quantitative\naspects of launch trajectories of rockets in a homogeneous gravitational field, the performance of single and multi-stage rockets,\nand the exoatmospheric ballistic flight over the Earth. It discusses launcher design considerations and unconventional launch\nsystems like air launch.\nAt the end of the course you should be able to\nLO1: Evaluate the performance of existing space launchers that make use of single and multi-stage rockets.\nLO2: Analytically derive equations of rocket motion for specific launch and rocket applications in a homogeneous gravitational\nfield.\nL03: Simulate a range of rocket trajectory scenarios (e.g. in Matlab or python)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Re-entry systems"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please read the restrictions under \"Assessment\"\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\nThe course aims at giving a complete overview of re-entry systems, mainly from a mission point of view, but also from the\nsystem point of view. To begin with the mission, the fundamental principles of mechanics (Newton's Laws) are applied to derive\nthe equations of motion for translational and rotational motion. Subsequently, simplifications are applied to give a description of\nplanar ballistic, gliding and skipping flight, where the focus will be on analytical solutions for quantifying maximum mechanical\nand thermal loads. Next, typical mission applications, such as planetary entry and descent with parachutes and/or propulsion\nsystems are discussed, as well as terminal-area flight of winged entry vehicles. To extend the mission applications, attention is\nalso paid to the atmospheric flight aspects during an aero-gravity assist, aerocapture and aerobraking. As many re-entry missions\nrely on the application of guidance, navigation and control systems, the fundamentals of each of these three sub-systems will be\ndiscussed and applied in simple examples, such that after the course the student has a starting point for further study. The relation\nbetween vehicle configurations (capsule, winged, lifting body, etc.) and mission aspects, such as flight time and (maximum)\nsystem loads is a typical system aspect that will pass review. Finally, all presented theory will be combined in a so-called\ndevelopment plan for building a simulator that can be used for performance analysis of both controlled and uncontrolled re-entry\nvehicles. How to use such a simulator efficiently is depending on what kind of simulation and analysis technique will be used.\nTherefore, the course is concluded with an overview of such techniques like Monte-Carlo Analysis, and how to extract the\nrequired information from the simulated data.\nCourse Contents\nContinuation\nLecture Topics (the actual topics covered may vary per year):\n#01 Introduction\n#02 Entry Environment and Aeroheating\n#03 Fundamentals of Motion\n#04 Ballistic entry\n#05 Gliding Entry\n#06 Skip Entry\n#07 Guidance, Navigation and Control\n#08 Planetary Entry and Descent\n#09 Advanced Descent and Landing Systems\n#10 Terminal Area Energy Management\nStudy Goals At the end of this course, the student will be able to (depending on topics covered):\n1. Identify the influence of the planetary environment on the motion of and loads on an entry vehicle\n2. Derive the equations of planar motion\n3. Identify the three unpowered entry mechanisms (ballistic, gliding and skip entry), and derive the corresponding equations of\nmotion\n4. Apply a sizing methodology to design an entry descent system (parachute and/or propulsion)\n5. Understand the fundamental functions of a Guidance, Navigation and Control System and design a simple system\n6. Name the characteristic phases of the Terminal Area flight, and derive the equations for maximum range and maximum dive\n(steady-state approximation)\n7. Solve typical re-entry problems through a combination of physical insight, analytical skills, and numerical evaluation" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Satellite orbit determination"@en . . "6.00" . "Course Contents Course contents\n1 Dynamics\n Introduction to dynamics\n o Planetary Gravity field\n o Tides and the three-body problem\n o Hill radius and Roche limit\n o Relation to planetary sciences and astrodynamics\n Solving Equations of motion\n o reformulate orbit problem as a system of ordinary differential equations\n o efficiency and accuracy of numerical integration methods\n o implementation of numerical integration methods\n2 Observations techniques and reference systems\n Observation techniques\n o Laser, Doppler and Camera observations\n o Refraction, Electromagnetism, radio- and optical technology\n o Tropospheric and ionospheric refraction\n o Relativity and the definition of time,\n o Classification of time systems (UTC, TAI, etc)\n o Light-time effect\n o Quality of clocks (Allan Variance behaviour of clocks)\n Reference systems\n o Local and global coordinate systems\n o Definition of geoid and reference ellipsoid, height systems\n o Precession and nutation, polar motion, polar wander.\n o Newton or Einstein, consequences for reference systems\n3 Statistics\n Random variables, probability density functions, moments, hypothesis testing\n Least squares minimisation\n o unconstrained linear parameter estimation,\n o data weighting\n o nonlinear parameter estimation.\n Rank deficient equation systems\n o compatibility conditions\n o general and homogeneous solutions\n o constrained linear parameter estimation\n Mechanisation of parameter estimation algorithms\n o Choice of algorithms\n4 Orbit determination\n Perturbation analysis and variational problems\n o state transition matrix for initial state vector problems\n o partial derivatives for dynamical parameters\n Parameter estimation\n o Identification of parameters\n o batch least squares\n o Kalman filter, theory and implementation\n5 Applications\n Global Navigation Satellite Systems:\n o Technology and terminology,\n o various data processing strategies and available software\n o Modelling deformation of the solid Earth,\n o the Earths gravity field and thermospheric density\n Satellite laser ranging and Doppler tracking via DORIS\n o technology and terminology, results and applications\n Observing changes in the cryosphere with satellites\n Hydrology and Oceanography observed with satellites\n6 Homework assignments\n An exercise related to dynamics, observation systems or reference systems\n An exercise related to GNSS applied to orbit determination\n An exercise related to Kalman filtering\n Exercises with the Ghost software, typical examples are to solve:\n o initial value problems (state vector estimation)\n o problems with parameters in a dynamic model (drag parameter estimation)\n o problems with time bias parameters\nStudy Goals The candidate should be able to:\n1) Explain the physical and mathematical aspects of orbit determination (OD), the topics are\n1.1) Solar system dynamics\n1.2) Equations of motion and variational equations\n1.3) Parameter estimation\n2) Construct transformations between various coordinate and time systems that play a role in OD\n3) Examine error sources in satellite tracking data and implement error mitigation strategies\n4) Make use of parameter estimation methods in the context of tracking data for OD\n5) Apply relevant statistical techniques within the framework of OD\n6) Discuss scientific applications of satellite missions that depend on precise OD\n6.1) GNSS techniques to model the deformation of the Earth\n6.2) Satellite gravimetry to model the gravity field of the Earth\n6.3) Satellite altimetry to model the ocean topography\n6.4) Satellite altimeter missions to measure variations of land and sea ice\n7) Apply OD with state-of-the-art software" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Fundamentals of astrodynamics"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents Introduction to astrodynamics; two-body and many-body problems; relative motion; coordinates, reference frames, orbital\nelements, and time; geocentric, cislunar, and interplanetary flight; introduction to orbital perturbations.\nStudy Goals You will be able to:\n1. Provide full and accurate descriptions of the fundamental concepts and phenomena of astrodynamics;\n2. Explain the relationships between astrodynamics concepts & phenomena and the mathematics & physics theory that describes\nthem;\n3. Apply the relevant relationships, models, and methods for astrodynamics analysis;\n4. Derive and manipulate the equations of motion for a spacecraft subject to gravitational and other forces;\n5. Apply the equations of motion, their solutions, and related equations to analyze the absolute and relative positions and\nvelocities of spacecraft as a function of time.\nAdditional detail will be available in the course syllabus." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Planetary sciences II"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents Lectures by topical experts give deeper insight and understanding in planetary sciences topics, with an emphasis on applied\ntechnologies, and previous, current and future space missions, as well as data analysis.\nLecture topics include: Planetary missions, space missions at ESA, JUICE mission to the Jupiter system, Earth observation,\nGravity missions, Harmony mission for Earth observation, space dust, radiation & space weather, re-entry.\nStudents will work in groups (generally 6 students) on the conceptual design of a planetary space mission. The focus is on\ncoming up with the science question (the \"why\" of the mission) and the instruments and operations needed to answer the science\nquestions.\nStudy Goals After completion, the student should be able to:\n- Explain the phases of a planetary mission, from concept to end-of-life.\n- Deduce science questions from the literature that can form the basis for a competitive planetary mission proposal\n- Describe the road map from quantities measured by a space mission to answers of the science questions\n- Produce a conceptual design of a planetary mission in a team, taking into account the state-of-the-art in instrument\ndevelopment and current and past missions.\n- Present in writing an orally a competitive proposal for a planetary mission" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Special topics in astrodynamics"@en . . "2.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Planetary sciences I"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents Planetary science is a major interdisciplinary\nfield, combining aspects of astrophysics with\ngeology, geophysics, meteorology, atmospheric\nand space science. This close relationship\nto geophysics, atmospheric and space sciences\nimplies that the study of the planety bodies\nin our Solar System and beyond\noffers the unique opportunity for comparison\navailable to Earth scientists. This course\nteaches the concepts in the planetary physical\nsciences and solar system properties. The learning\nprocess is greatly enhanced by involving students\nin solving related problems.\nStudy Goals After the course the student should be able to:\n1. Describe the primary physical processes in solar and planetary systems and the properties involved\n2. Apply modelling techniques that are commonly used to describe the primary physical processes in solar and planetary systems\n3. Demonstrate the use of physical principles to derive knowledge on the state and evolution of (extra-)solar system bodies from\nobservations\n4. Assess the quality of evidence of current knowledge of (extra-)solar system bodies\n5. Assess the habitability of a (extra-)solar system body based on inferences of its properties and orbit" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Physics of planetary interiors"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents This course focuses on the different aspects of numerical modelling of planetary interiors. The interior of a planet or moon can\nbe studied via observations of its gravity field, shape, surface features, rotation, and tidal deformations. To interpret these\nobservations, the response of the bodies to different forces and heating scenarios need to be modelled. As a student you will get\nhands-on experience in modelling planetary and exoplanetary bodies with various numerical code packages. Different\nmethodologies will be discussed, ranging from solving the Stokes equation for internal mantle convection to gravity forward\nmodelling and how to solve certain loading scenarios with a finite-element code to the thermal evolution of a planet. You will be\nable to study a range of internal solid and fluid processes and interpret their surface manifestation.\nLecture topics include:\n1. Observations related to planetary interiors: Gravity field, rotation, tides, shape (topography, faults)\n- Example bodies and learn about different internal processes. You will learn how to calculate the internal gravity, density, and\npressure of these bodies.\n2. How to model fluid-solid mechanics of a planet?\n- Stokes equations in planetary science in spherical coordinates, rheology\n- Heat-transport: state equation exercise with different heat regimes\n- Mantle convection applications: dynamics and ocean flows\n3. How to perform gravity field modelling\n- non-uniqueness, advanced isostasy/flexure models, density anomalies\n- Forward modelling density anomalies: spectral vs. volumetric methods\n- Inversion of lithosphere structure\n- Effect of mantle convection on the gravity field\n- Lessons learned from seismology on Earth\n4. Tidal and loading deformation (Numerical code)\n- Effects of tidal potential (normal modes, FEM), dissipation\n- Loading cases: volcanism, meteor impact, ice loading\n- Surface faulting and the relation to stress, planetary seismicity, gravitational potential theory\n5. Special topics on rotation of planetary bodies\n6. Interior and planet evolution (combine all material)\n- Orbital resonance (external effects)\n- Change in thermal state and effect on tectonic regime (internal effects)\nStudy Goals After the course you will be able to:\n1. Recognize the physical processes shaping planetary interiors and understand how they can be approached in a numerical study.\n2. Apply fundamental physical laws (Stokes, Poisson equation, etc) in a schematic numerical modelling setup in spherical\ncoordinates to study relevant problems of planetary evolution.\n3. Able to operate and assess applicability of state-of-the-art numerical simulations of planetary interiors and their evolution\n4. Validate and improve numerical models of planetary interiors with observations.\n5. Critically review literature in planetary interior modelling and formulate new research questions in this context." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Practical astrodynamics"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Measurement strategies for planetary science missions"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents For planetary science the research question has a profound impact on the measurement strategy and instrument to be used.\nStudying planetary objects and materials in the Solar System thus hinges on observing and obtaining measurements from either\nnearby (in contact) and from afar (remote sensing). In this course you will follow lectures, learn more about planetary analogues\nand gain hands-on experience as you explore different measurement techniques in the lab. By applying measurement techniques\nto a specific rocky or ice planetary analogue material you will try to find out how the data products and the scale at which it is\napplied, influences the research questions that a science mission can address.\nStudy Goals After completion of the course, the student will have obtained practical experience and gained a deeper understanding of how\nmeasurement techniques contribute to characterizing a physical-chemical property of a planetary object.\nAfter this course the student will be able to:\nLO1: Explain key scientific questions that space exploration seeks to answer for rocky (Mars) and icy (icy moons) planetary\nbodies.\nLO2: Understand the underlying physical principles of a measurement technique.\nLO3: Demonstrate to have working knowledge of measurement techniques by participating in a structured laboratory exercise.\nLO4: Evaluate how measurement techniques result in an improved understanding of materials and processes in planetary\nsciences" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space instrumentation"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents The aim of this course is to provide students with an understanding of instrumentation and its role in observational strategies for\nmissions. The course will explore the main observables of the universe and how they are measured in space. For each of the\nobservables, the course will provide: i) The physical context of the observables and how they are generated, ii) The physics of\nthe measure, iii) A review and explanation of the existing and under development space instruments, iv) The missions related to\nthese observables. The course will be divided into three main parts:\n- The Fundamentals of Instrumentation\n- Remote sensing space Instrumentation\n- In-situ space Instrumentation.\nStudy Goals This course aims to familiarize students with the wide range of space instrumentation and observables. By the end of the course,\nstudents will be able to:\n- Understand and describe the relationships between instruments, missions, and observation strategies\n- Identify and explain the physical observables that space instruments measure, including light, ions, magnetic and electric fields,\netc and related phenomena\n- Distinguish between the different types of space instruments, and explain how they are designed and constructed\n- Derive instrument requirements from scientific questions\n- Perform preliminary analysis and use the key driver parameters to size space instruments.\nOverall, this course will equip students with a comprehensive understanding of space instrumentation, enabling them to dive into\nspace observables diversity and the complex processes involved in their measurement." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space engineering practical"@en . . "8.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space debris tracking and mitigation"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Design of lightweight structures I: composites & metals"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents The global course setup is such that there lectures contain the following topics:\n- Thoughts behind lightness\n- Design allowables\n- Interaction between materials processes\n- Materials and their properties\n- Essentials of manufacturing\n- Processing to final products and their applications.\n- The principles of stresses in laminated composites\n- Recycling and other environmental aspects.\n- The principles of repair of structures.\nGuest lectures will be illustrating the course content.\nStudy Goals After succeeding this course the student should be able to:\n- explain parameters and their relationships, which play a role in the development of lightweight structures and parts.\nExamples:\n- be able to judge a structural design on conditions required to call a design a lightweight design.\n- be able to identify carbon glass aramid and dyneema fibres\n- be able to identify metals from composites on micro and macro scale.\n- be able to relate lightweight materials to typical strong and weak points in their performance.\n- be able to give examples of fibre morphologies\n- be able to argue the correlation between fibre content, orientation control, fibre length, manufacturing process and application.\n- be able to recall & argue unwanted stress distributions in composite materials" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Designing materials with aerospace specific properties"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents In this course an unorthodox approach to materials will be presented.\nRather than memorising known routes to reach certain materials properties, the students will be trained to translate these desired\nproperties into material structures and microstructures and to design suitable material production processes to realise these\nproperties.\nThe concept of reverse material engineering for metals, polymers and inorganic materials will be demonstrated in a series of\nlectures.\nThe course is divided in 6 lectures (with a possible 7th lecture). The first lectures cover basic design rules of different material\nclasses and their behaviour. The last three lectures cover material behavior at high temperatures, impact of material degradation\non properties and strategies to extend material durability:\n-polymers\n-metals\n-ceramics and 'smart' materials\n-materials at high temperatures\n-materials and damage\n-materials and lifetime\nThe students will need to deliver a report (assignment). For this they will get a set of questions they need to solve by reading the\nexisting literature.\nStudy Goals The objective of the course is to train the student in reverse material engineering. This skill enables students to initiate and guide\nnew material developments to meet future targets in the industry.\nBy the end of the course, you should be able to:\n- explain structure and property (inter)relationships of metals, polymers and ceramics\n- explain the functionalities of aerospace relevant material properties\n- breakdown and translate these functionalities into material structures and microstructures using reverse engineering\nmethodologies\n- explain material behaviour and function loss and strategies to decrease the impact of damage in the material function\n- give examples of new material concepts and explain the underlying concepts." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Linear modeling (incl. f.e.m)"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents Learn how to model real life engineering problems using Finite Element Methods.\nComputational methods in structural analysis are of prime importance in industry as tools to assess the efficiency and\nperformance of structures in the field of aerospace, mechanical, civil and biomedical engineering. A combination of theoretical\nand practical knowledge in finite element analysis are valuable skills needed to address such problems in industry. To efficiently\nmodel a real life engineering problem using finite element analysis and predict its future behaviour, an engineer must possess a\nstrong theoretical understanding of the finite element method (FEM) along with the understanding of the importance of\nverification and validation of such computational models.\nStudy Goals At the end of this course students are able to:\n1. Explain the different steps in a finite element analysis and apply them to practical engineering problems\n2. Explain and apply basic principles behind finite element analysis (i.e., minimum total potential energy and weighted residual\nfunction)\n3. Develop and implement 1D (bar, truss, beam and frame) and 2D (triangular and rectangular) elements in a finite element set-up\n4. Use and interpret results from 1D and 2D elements in commercial finite element software\n5. Explain and perform verification and validation of results obtained using finite element principles" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Manufacturing of aerospace structures & materials"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents The red line of the course is aiming at knowledge and understanding of manufacturing processes in relation to material properties\nand feasible product designs. The course contents include manufacturing processes for metallic and composite parts, the\nassembly of parts into large (sub)structures, and related topics like Quality control, organisation principles, finances, etc.\nStudy Goals The student should have a good knowledge and understanding of the mainstream manufacturing processes of structural materials\n(lightweight alloys, composites, hybrids).\nThe student should be able to describe and motivate the processing procedures like the processing steps, required tooling and\nequipment, of manufacturing processes.\nThe student should be able to select adequate manufacturing processes for designs of lightweight structures and components, and\nshould be able to motivate his/her choices.\nThe student should be able to analyse and synthesize interactions between materials, design and manufacturing processes.\nThe student should be able to identify and explain manufacturing related flaws and inaccuracies and advice on how to\nprevent/limit those." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Fatigue of structures & materials"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents - Introduction to Fatigue (fatigue as a phenomenon; stress concentrations; residual stresses; fatigue properties of metallic and\ncomposite materials; fatigue strength of notched specimens, residual strength).\n- Fatigue damage mechanisms (initiation, crack growth, delamination growth, transverse matrix cracking, fibre failure).\n- Analysis methods (stress concentration factors, stress intensity factors; energy balance approaches, strain energy release rates).\n- Fatigue loading (Load Spectra, Fatigue under Constant- & Variable-Amplitude Loading).\n- Special Fatigue Conditions (surface treatments; fretting corrosion; corrosion fatigue; high-temperature and low-temperature\nfatigue, moisture ingress).\n- Fatigue and Damage Tolerance of Aircraft Structures: Regulations, tests, scatter, application of fatigue and damage tolerance\nmethods.\nStudy Goals This course provides the students with engineering knowledge and skills to recognize and to analyse fatigue and damage\ntolerance problems in aircraft structures and materials.\nAfter the course the student must be able\n1. Interpret and discuss the fatigue fracture features with respect to the characteristics of each phase in fatigue life\n2. Define and determine stress concentration factors for notched structures with or without residual stresses\n3. Explain and discuss S-N curves with respect to mean stress, material surface effects, and scatter, and perform fatigue life\nanalyses considering mean stress and notch root plasticity\n4. Assess the fatigue life of tension and shear joints, and explain limitations to the similarity principles (K,I,T)\n5. Explain Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics concepts for damage growth, and perform crack growth analyses with these\nconcepts\n6. Explain the consequences of variable- and constant amplitude loading on fatigue life and damage growth, and perform fatigue\nlife analyses for arbitrary load spectra\n7. Explain the effect of environment on fatigue life and fatigue phenomena\n8. Perform residual strength analyses." . . "Hybrid"@en . "TRUE" . . "Polymer science"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Functional coatings"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Trinity exercise"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents The name \"Composite Trinity Exercise\" is based on the fact that designing composite structures requires knowledge of\nproduction methods, materials and geometrical design.\nThe exercise is defined in following parts:\n1. Manufacturing of thermoplastic and thermoset laminates\n2. Determination of fibre volume fraction, void volume fraction and density\n3. Possibly C-scanning of all laminates for determination of laminate quality\n4. Estimation of the maximal bending-torsion coupling for a strip of UD composite\n5. Possibly manufacturing of specimens for mechanical tests, including adhesive bonding of tabs\n6. Performing mechanical tests\n7. Analysing the test results of the mechanical test, including failure analyses\n8. Adhesion of thermoset laminates\n9. Resistance welding of thermoplastic laminates\n10. Possibly preparation of lap shear specimens\n11. Performing lap shear tests\n12. Estimation of the mechanical properties of a sandwich panel\n13. Manufacturing of a sandwich panel by either vacuum infusion, pressing or vacuum bagging.\n14. Performing a bending test on a sandwich panel.\n15. Writing a test report.\nStudy Goals After succeeding this course the student should be able to:\n- produce vacuum infusion based laminates\n- produce thermoplastic based laminates\n- evaluate laminate quality\n- determine fibre volume fraction of laminates.\n- prepare test specimen according to standards\n- perform tests according to test standards\n- apply statistical methods for determination of design allowables.\n- evaluate the difference between modelling and reality" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Stability & analysis of structures I"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents This course introduces analytical and numerical techniques for the analysis of representative aerospace structures under\nmechanical loading, with particular emphasis on determining their stability. The course covers the connection between\nvariational formulations of energy, the equation of equilibrium and the stability of a system. Basic structural components are\nanalyzed using beam and plate theory. The analysis is extended to representative aerospace components using elements of shell\ntheory. Emphasis is placed on the understanding of the models, their assumptions, and ranges of applicability.\nThe topics covered include:\n-General principles of structural analysis and structural stability\n-Beam theory and stability\n-Plate theory and stability\n-Buckling of beams, plates and thin-walled aerospace structures\nStudy Goals 1- Understand the energy formulation of equilibrium and equations of motion\n2- Model simple aerospace structural components using engineering theories\n3- Apply energy methods for the evaluation of structural response\n4- Derive buckling load expressions for beams and plates\n5- Develop insights into buckling phenomena of aerospace thin-walled structures" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Experimental techniques & ndt"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents This is a lecture course on developing the critical thinking needed to perform measurements in the Aerospace Structures and\nMaterials Laboratory. This includes an introduction to the most common sensors for experimental mechanics, non-destructive\ntesting and structural health monitoring, evaluation of the performance of these sensors, selection of sensors for different\napplications and signal processing and control algorithms.\nStudy Goals By the end of the course, you should be able to:\n 1. Analyse a measurement system for the aerospace sector and to determine if it is fit for a specific application.\nThis learning objective acts as an umbrella objective, covering the whole course. Lower level objectives include that by the end\nof the course, you should be able to:\n 2. Explain the principle of operation of the most common sensors and instrumentation in the aerospace structures and materials\nlaboratory.\n 3. Justify the selection of a sensor for a specific measurement application, based on sensor specifications and measurement\nprinciple.\n 4. Analyse a measurement chain and determine signal accuracy and noise levels.\n 5. Assess the performance of signal processing and feedback algorithms for their influence on measurement noise and\naccuracy." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Design & analysis of composite structures I"@en . . "5.00" . "Course Contents 1. Classical Lamination Theory\n a. Short Overview of Materials. Composites Design Philosophy\n b. Theory of Elasticity\n c. Engineering Constants\n d. Stress & Strain Transformations / Implications for Testing\n e. Thin laminates\n2. Progressive damage analysis\n a. Failure criteria\n b. First ply failure & Last ply failure\n c. Damage tolerance analysis\n3. Reliability analysis & Health monitoring\n a. Probability of Failure & Uncertainty quantification\n b. Structural Health Monitoring\n4. Basic Stress Solutions and Buckling of Composite Plates\n a. Typical Airframe Elements\n b. Airframe Design Process, Materials & Damage\n c. Plate Governing Equations / Solution of the PDE\n d. Energy Minimization Methods\n e. Buckling of Composite Plates\nStudy Goals The students should develop in-depth understanding and insight with regard to the basic mechanics of composite materials and\nstructures, and be able to apply the lectures theories and methods to tackle a variety of basic composite design problems. In\naddition, the students should become able to expand the provided analysis tools towards more advanced solutions for their\ngraduation thesis work. Furthermore, the students should be able to understand and apply related scientific literature.\nAt the end of this course the student will be able to:\n- Understand the basic mechanics of composite materials and structures as listed under \"course content\"\n- Show insight into the theory of progressive damage analysis of composite materials and structures by applying the theory and\nmethods and tools listed under the course contents to solve a variety of basic composite structure design problems\n- Understand the philosophy of reliability analysis and calculate the probability of failure of composite structures by\ncombining numerical methods and the mechanics of composite structures\n- Understand the importance of structural health monitoring (SHM) and design a SHM system for a given composite structure\n- Demonstrate the ability to expand the theory, methods and tools towards more advanced solutions in real practice such as\nstudents may encounter during their thesis\n- Understand, select on relevance, and apply additional theory, tools and methods on composite materials and structures found in\nrelevant scientific literature to (design) problems based on the material taught in class" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Polymer composite manufacturing"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents The course explores in depth the manufacturing of polymer composite structures and its underlying physics. By understanding\nthe relationships among physics, part/material quality and the design of the manufacturing process, you will be able to critically\nassess any given manufacturing process. The course is built around a number of polymer composite manufacturing processes\nhighly relevant to the current and future aerospace industry for the manufacturing of high-performance individual parts\n(autoclave processing of prepreg, liquid composite moulding, thermoplastic composite processing), for the assembling of\ncomplex structures (manufacturing of integrated structures, thermoplastic composite welding) and for end of life and recycling.\nThe main basic physical phenomena governing polymer composites manufacturing, e.g. flow (of polymer and of fibres), void\nformation, curing, shrinkage and crystallization, are interwoven within the course.\nStudy Goals At the end of this course, the student should be able to:\n Describe the common manufacturing processes used in aerospace industry in terms of processing steps, tooling and equipment\nas well as advantages, limitations and applicability.\n Correlate and analyse the processes and their principles/underlying physics with manufacturability, part quality and\nmanufacturing design.\n Compare and evaluate the different processes for their suitability of manufacturing common components (aircraft wing, fuselage\netc).\n Recognise manufacturing defects, identify their potential sources and recommend strategies to improve the quality of common\nmanufacturing processes for simple component geometries to reduce scrap rate or to increase yield." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Sheet metal forming"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Structural integrity and maintenance"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Non-linear modeling (using f.e.m.)"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents Learn how to model non-linear structural/solid mechanics problems using Finite Element Method (FEM).\nComputational methods, particularly FEM, are important tools to assess the efficiency and performance of materials & structures\nin the field of aerospace, mechanical, civil and biomedical engineering. Reduced performance and failure of materials &\nstructures are mostly due to the effects of different nonlinearities such as buckling, yielding, damage and fracture. A combination\nof theoretical and practical knowledge in non-linear FEM are valuable skills needed to address such problems in industry and\nacademia.\nUpon finishing this course, you will have the skill set needed to solve various non-linear structural/solid mechanics problems\nusing FEM. Both the theoretical and the practical aspects will be covered. A free FEM package will be used for practical\napplications.\nStudy Goals - be able to explain the theories of non-linear FEM and use them to perform analytical work\n- be able to apply non-linear FEM to solve practical engineering problems\n- be able to identify and employ efficient modelling techniques" . . "Online"@en . "TRUE" . . "Fundamentals of aeroelasticity"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents This course provides an introduction to the physical and analytical aspects of aeroelasticity.\nThe breakdown of the course is:\n1. Introduction to aeroelasticity and aeroelastic phenomena\n2. Illustration of aeroelastic phenomena using simplified aerodynamic and structural models\n3. Aerodynamic models for aeroelastic analysis\n4. Structural models for aeroelastic analysis\n5. Aeroelastic response to gust excitation\n6. Aeroelastic models in state-space format\n7. Aeroelastic aspects in the design of aircraft\n8. Numerical aeroelastic calculations using custom-programmed software.\nStudy Goals At the end of the course the student should:\n1. understand the physical processes which drive aeroelastic phenomena.\n2. be able to formulate and solve aeroelastic response and instability problems.\n3. be able to identify strengths and weaknesses of different aerodynamic and structural models for the analysis of a given\naeroelastic condition.\n4. be familiar with the role of aeroelasticity in aircraft design.\n5. be able to program and solve simplified aeroelastic problems" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Design of self-healing materials"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Design & analysis of composite structures II"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Stability & analysis of structures II"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Continuum mechanics"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Characterization of materials and components"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents This course is an introduction to the most common characterization tools to gather crucial structural and property information of\nmaterials and components. The focus is on knowing about several possible characterisation methods and their underlying\nprinciples of measurement as well as the strategies to extract the most relevant information from the tests for the purpose in\nmind. The characterisation techniques will be taught by various experts in each field. The methods to covered in this course are\nclassified as follows:\n1. Imaging of material structures and surfaces (microscopy, confocal, SEM, EDS)\n2. Chemical analysis of polymers (FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, contact angle)\n3. Structural characterisation (XRD, NMR)\n4. Surface analysis of materials (XPS, AES, AFM)\n5. Electrical and electrochemical characterisation of metals and ceramics (Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, dielectrics)\n6. Thermomechanical analysis of polymers (DSC, TGA, DMA/Rheology)\n7. Mechanical characterization\nStudy Goals Aim of the course is to provide (aerospace, mechanical, maritime) engineering students with adequate skills and knowledge such\nthat later in their technical careers they can handle materials performance issue in which it is important to clarify the material\ncharacteristics such as to link actual material performance to its microstructure. Such knowledge and skills are important in case\nof premature failure or degradation or in sub-or above standard material performance.\nTo this aim:\n- Students will get familiar with the underlying principles of measurement of principal materials characterisation techniques.\n- Students will be able to analyse and interpret data from each characterisation technique.\n- Students will be able to select the right characterisation techniques to correlate structure and property relationships over a wide\nrange of engineering materials." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Material selection in mechanical design"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Aircraft manufacturing laboratory"@en . . "6.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Industrial composite manufacturing"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Additive manufacturing"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents To achieve ambitious sustainability goals that will become necessary in the future, we need to utilise lightweight materials with\nreduced environmental footprint more efficiently. Their structuring to prescribes load paths and manufacturing with minimal\nmaterial waste will become key.\nThis course focuses on studying the basics physics of additive manufacturing processes. The course covers the areas of\nbiologically-inspired materials and processing, topology optimisation for design and explores emerging topics in additive\nmanufacturing.\nDuring the course, students will gain an overview of existing additive manufacturing technologies of metals, ceramics, polymers,\nliving and composite materials.\nWorking in small groups, students will study self-assigned research topics and apply the acquired knowledge for a design\nassignment of a structural component. The understanding of the manufacturing process and the design knowledge, applying\nnumerical optimisation methods, will lead to the creation of an own design which will be manufactured. All parts will be tested\nand evaluated under different criteria and critically assessed with their future perspective in mind.\nStudy Goals The course consists on the one part of lectures to allow the student to understand the fundamentals of materials processing as\nwell as the design and optimisation methods relating to additive manufacturing. Selected guest lecture(s) will highlight how this\nknowledge is applied in specific fields or applications. In parallel to the lectures, a design assignment for a lightweight structure\nwill help the students to explore processing knowledge and freedom associated to the design and optimisation methods to create\nan own structural design which will be tested in a final design competition." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Applied aircraft aeroelasticity"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Spacecraft structures development"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents Spacecraft and launcher structures are subjected to extreme environments, making their design and development and the\nverification thereof (DVV) very complex. In this course\nthe design of the main spacecraft structure, the structural behaviour of non-structural spacecraft components and their interaction\nwill be illustrated and addressed through the design of the structure of a spaceborne instrument. Thermal elastics and dynamics\nof the instrument structure will be considered. In small groups, participating students will have to design their own instrument\nstructure, addressing both thermo-elastics and vibrations. Verification and validation of the designs will be addressed as well.\nThe course will consist of seven weekly modules. In these modules the following topics will be covered:\n- Introduction\n- Thermo-Elastics\n- Vibrations\n- Systems Engineering\n- Verification and Validation\nThe order of the subjects may differ from the above list. The course structure will be explained in detail in the first weekly\nmodule. Students are requested to reserve all scheduled timeslots in their agendas.\nEach module will consist of a combination of learning activities, e.g. reading suggested papers, watching videos and small\nassignments.\nNote that, the course will require group work. Groups will be formed in the first week of the course. Students who are not part of\na group cannot participate in the course. For the purpose of the course, each group will be considered to be a company that tries\nto win the bid of a large space organization to engineer a space instrument.\nAt the end of the course, a mini-symposium will be organized in which each group presents their design for the space instrument\nstructure.\nStudy Goals The overall educational goal of the course is to provide students with an advanced understanding of the design, development and\nverification of spacecraft. Successful students will be able to:\n- Interpret and analyze a requirement specification for a spacecraft payload or instrument\n- Assess what the design drivers for the structural subsystem of a spacecraft payload or instrument are.\n- Describe how vibration and thermo-elastic considerations affect the design choices and interact with each other.\n- Develop a conceptual design and perform initial sizing by analysis of the structural (and to some extent, thermal) subsystem of\na spacecraft payload or instrument.\n- Describe in detail how the design of a structural subsystem of a spacecraft payload or instrument can be verified and validated" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Materials for space"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents In this course a number of space missions (for example Vikings, Opportunity, Perseverance, ISS, Hubble telescope, James\nWebb telescope, lightsail-2, Neowise, solar cruiser) will be presented as a carrier for material selection analysis.\nCurrent material choice will be analysed and material designing principles will be explained. The concept of reverse material\nengineering for metals, polymers and inorganic materials will be demonstrated in a series of lectures. In sessions of \"case study\",\nThe students will be trained to translate desired properties into material structures and microstructures and to think about suitable\nmaterial production processes to realize these properties.\nStudents are encouraged to propose alternative materials and reason for their choices. The structure of the lectures will be\ntailored to maximize the student involvement. Students are expected to participate at least 12/14 lectures to have permission to\nthe final exam.\nThe course contains the following topics:\nweek 1: Mars exploration history from Missions to Materials; Material degradation in space - thermal cycling and vacuum\nweek 2: Material degradation in space - meteoroids and orbital debris; case study\nweek 3: Material degradation in space - UV, AO; Material degradation in space - space radiation\nweek 4: Materials testing for space applications (ESA guest speaker); case study\nweek 5: Materials for extreme missions (ESA guest speaker); Space mission energy supply and in-situ resource utilization;\nweek 6: Materials challenge in future space age (ESA guest speaker); case study/oral presentation\nweek 7: Oral presentations\nweek 8: Study period (Q and A)\nweek 9: exam week\nStudy Goals By the end of the course, you should be able to:\n°LO1: Identify space environmental conditions and common materials used for space.\n°LO2: Explain material degradation mechanisms in materials under space conditions such as radiation, vacuum, thermal\nfluctuation etc.\n°LO3: Evaluate or analyse material selection in space-related situations through reverse materials engineering" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spacecraft thermal design"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Thermal rocket propulsion"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents The course focuses on thermo-(chemical) rocket propulsion system analysis and design. Topics dealt with include:\n1. Fundamentals of (thermo-chemical) rocket propulsion;\n2. Ideal rocket motor/nozzle: Ideal performances, optimum thrust, characteristic velocity and thrust coefficient, and quality\nfactors;\n3. Nozzles: Types of nozzles (conical, bell, etc.), nozzle dimensions, flow divergence, boundary layers, under- and overexpansion, and Summerfield criterion;\n4. Chemical propellants: Molar mass, specific heat ratio and adiabatic flame temperature calculation for gas mixtures\n(based on known reaction equation), mass density, dynamic viscosity, thermal conductivity;\n5. Chemical equilibrium calculations, hemical equilibrium flow, frozen flow and chemical kinetics; Introduction to program for\ncalculation of chemical equilibrium gas composition and\ngas properties (in tutorial);\n6. Heat transfer & cooling: Convection, radiation and conduction;\n7. Cooling: Thermal insulation, ablation, radiation, film, dump and regenerative cooling;\n8. Liquid rocket engine combustor design: Steady state internal ballistics, liquid\ninjection, operating pressure, chamber pressure drop, and characteristic length;\n9. Solid rocket motor combustor design*: solid regression, grain shape and internal ballistics including operating pressure,\nnecessary\ncondition(s) for stable operation, pressure sensitivity for initial temperature and change in Klemmung, local conditions (flow\nvelocity, pressure, etc.)), and two phase flow;\n10. Hybrid rocket motor combustor design*: Solid regression, grain shape, (quasi-)steady operation (operating pressure, and\nlocal\nconditions (flow velocity, pressure, etc.));\n11-13 Liquid propellant storage and feed systems including gas-pressure and pump fed systems, motor cycles and propellant\ndistribution;\n14. Capita Selecta\n* Only one of the two will be dealt with. This varies from year to year.\nStudy Goals At the end of this course, the student shall be able to perform important steps in the analysis and design of thermo-(chemical)\nrocket propulsion systems using basic methods that allow for taking into account fluid flow, heat addition, propellant thermochemistry, heat transfer and cooling, liquid, solid or hybrid ballistics, (liquid) propellant feeding, and propellant storage." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Micropropulsion"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents (1) Fundamental theory and state-of-art of micro-propulsion systems for small satellites;\n(2) Down-scaling and manufacturing of miniaturized propulsion systems and components;\n(3) Individual project (variable topic and goals, see below).\n\nStudy Goals Understand the basics of micro-propulsion systems for small satellites and their fundamental differences to larger scale space\npropulsion.\n Apply the basic theory to identify the most important requirements for a micro-propulsion system, starting from the relevant top\n-level mission and satellite requirements.\n Understand and apply down-scaling rules for the miniaturization of propulsion and fluidic systems.\n Know, compare and apply (if required by the specific individual project taken by the student) the main available manufacturing\ntechniques for micro-propulsion systems and components, their range of applicability and their advantages/drawbacks.\n Critically analyze the available state-of-art micro-propulsion options, identify their peculiar characteristics and ranges of\napplicability, discuss and justify the most suitable one(s) based on given mission and satellite requirements.\n Actively contribute to solve the challenges and achieve the goals of the current micro-propulsion research in the SpE\ndepartment, by performing the tasks of a specific project, chosen among the ones proposed by the responsible instructor.\n Acquire hands-on skills on one or more of the following (depending on the specific individual project selected by the student):\nmicro-propulsion laboratory and testing activities; design of micro-propulsion systems and components; micro-propulsion\nverification/optimization by means of analytical or numerical tools; or combinations of the above." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Microsat engineering"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents The course covers the engineering of small satellites. The concept and definition of micro-, nano-, pico-, and femto-satellites is\nintroduced along with the past, present, and future of small satellites in general. The course comprises seven to eight lectures,\npartly from professionals in the space industry. The lectures are intended to familiarise the students with current industry trends\nand state-of the art research in small satellite engineering. The lectures vary each year and potential lecture topics include\ncommunications, AOCS, onboard computer, distributed space systems, miniaturised payloads, small satellite missions and\napplications, etc.\nStudy Goals The course will enable students to design and engineer small satellite missions. The high-level learning objectives of the course\nare:\nThe students shall be able to\n explain key aspects of small satellite missions\n explain and describe elements in the architecture of a spacecraft mission\n discuss in detail at least one element in the architecture of a spacecraft mission\n present and defend their design of an element in the architecture of a spacecraft mission\n show familiarity with current trends in space industry and small satellite research" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space systems engineering"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents The course covers Space System Engineering exemplified by the design of a spacecraft subsystem for a satellite mission of high\nsocietal impact. It introduces a process which allows the creation of successful systems, such as space applications, space\nmissions and satellite subsystems. Methods and tools are presented and exercised which will improve the depth and breadth of\nSpace Systems Engineering graduate level education at the TU Delft by emphasizing the need for the end-to-end approach and\nlife cycle of space systems, including cost and risk handling and using state-of-the-art methods, such as elements of Model-based\nSystems Engineering. Upon completion, the student will have a firm understanding of advanced Systems Engineering and be\nable to apply adequate methods and tools which help to create successful systems.\nStudy Goals The course mission is to enable students to realize a successful space system in an end-to-end Systems Engineering approach.\nThere are three high-level learning objectives:\n1. Participants shall be able to explain the objectives and tasks of Systems Engineering for realizing successful systems together\nwith their needs, potentials, benefits and limitations in a context which comprises Business Engineering and Management.\n2. Participants shall be able to design an end-to-end Systems Engineering process demonstrating a smart balance of risks of cost,\nschedule, and performance.\n3. Participants shall be able to use Systems Engineering methods and tools to design a high-level satellite subsystem, such as the\nAttitude and Orbit Control System (AOCS)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space embedded systems"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents The first part of the course will consist of lectures covering the following topics:\n1. Introduction to embedded systems\n2. Hardware and software elements\n3. Space environment and effects on embedded systems\n4. Fault tolerant techniques in space application\n5. Radiation testing\nThe second part of the course will be dedicated to a Group Assignment: students, in groups of 2-4, will build and program an\nembedded system for a possible space application which will feature fault tolerant techniques\nStudy Goals The students will learn to:\nExplain the basic elements of embedded systems and their characteristics.\nExplain the different radiation environments encountered in space and their effects on electronics components.\nDesign and implement (hardware and software) an embedded system based on microcontrollers.\nApply fault tolerance techniques both on software and hardware parts.\nDefine the system requirements and select the components\nEvaluate the performances of the selected components to ensure they satisfy the system requirements" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Collaborative space system design project"@en . . "5.00" . "Course Contents The Collaborative Space (System) Design Project (CSDP) is a TU Delft/Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (AE) Master course\nin engineering design. The course focuses on the conceptualization and preliminary design phase of a space mission, spacecraft,\nor space instrument and starts on a design challenge co-created by the CSDP organization team and a company, research group\nor other entity.\nAll projects on offer are multi-disciplinary projects, i.e. projects that require different types of design work and knowledge to be\ncombined to provide a design solution. All projects are carried out by a team of students that have to organize and manage\nthemselves.\nEach project is to be organized in 3 phases similar to NASA's System Design Process as defined in a.o. \"NASA's System\nEngineering Handbook\". Some adaptations have been made though to make it fit in the limited course time. The phases are:\n1) Exploration phase; In this phase the team is to explore the problem, the needs, the competition and past missions and to\ndevelop a proposal for the next phase of the project. This includes the identification of a range of high-potential concepts for\nstudy in phase 2, the work distribution, etc.\n2) Concepts design studies phase; In phase 2, the high-potential concepts defined in phase 1 are analyzed in detail for feasibility,\ntraded and a best concept is selected. Additionally the plan for the next phase is to be generated.\n3) Detailed design phase. In this final phase of the project the single concept selected in phase 2 is worked out in detail and a\nplan is developed for the further development of the design is generated.\nEach project phase ends with a review (feedback moment) wherein other teams and expert staff reflect on the outcomes\ngenerated and the engineering design methods used.\nDuring the quarter, workshops/instructions will be held to provide knowledge and training on selected management and\nengineering design topics, including agile management, and the use of integrated design modelling, i.e. the integration of all the\ngeometry, configuration, analysis, and requirements verification into a generative, parametric, unified computational model\nwhere data is shared seamlessly between the different disciplines.\nThe course does not focus on teaching the required disciplinary knowledge and experience, but rather focuses on decision\nmaking, the collaborative integration of the knowledge and experience available in the team, and the iterative design method\nusing different levels of model fidelity to create a feasible design solution in answer to the problem identified by the \"customer\".\nAs projects vary from year to year and may encompass knowledge that is not available in the team, this may require that\nparticipants actively acquire the knowledge required.\nStudy Goals The course aims to develop student skills in multi-disciplinary team projects from a challenge-driven perspective. In more detail,\nstudents will advance their ability in ...:\n- ... disciplinary design including modelling, simulation, visualization, quantitative analysis of alternatives, design tool\nverification, calibration and validation, and design refinement.\n- ... the process of engineering design (ABET definition), including the steps in design, the (iterative) nature of the process,\ndevelopment of a Straw Man design, and development of process models.\n- ... multidisciplinary design, thereby taking into account differences between the different disciplines involved in terms of a.o.\ndifferences in fidelity level of disciplinary models, and dissimilar assumptions;\n- ... systems engineering, including the design phasing, work breakdown and work distribution, modeling and interfaces, and the\nrole of specialty engineering (e.g. cost-, RAMS-, and mass modelling and configuration design).\n- ... concurrent engineering, as opposed to the more classical sequential engineering (the waterfall method).\n- ... project management and teamwork (assigning roles and responsibilities, setting goals and objectives, coordination and\nmanagement of team process, decision making, handling conflicts, creativity, empowerment and motivation, communication,\nand reflection on own work and work of others)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Airborne wind energy"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents Lecture 1: Introduction to airborne wind energy\nLecture 2: History of kite applications\nLecture 3: Implemented AWE concepts\nLecture 4: Physics of tethered flight\nLecture 5: Theory of tethered flight in three dimensions\nLecture 6: Flight navigation and maneuvering\nLecture 7: Operation of AWE systems\nLecture 8: Practical use of AWE systems\nLecture 9: AWE in the future energy system\nLecture 10: Design and flight dynamics of kites\nLecture 11: Aerodynamics of kites\nLecture 12: Aeroelasticity of kites\nPractical: AWE workshop with Jupyter Notebook\nStudy Goals Give an overview of developments in airborne wind energy, developng mathematical models for kites and designing kite power\nsystems for industrial scale generation of energy." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to wind turbines: physics and technology"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents Wind turbine technology, aerodynamic theory, wind climate, energy production, drive train, control, dynamic modelling,\nCampbell diagram, strength and fatigue, wind farm aspects.\nStudy Goals By the end of this course, you will be able to understand what a turbine is and how it interacts with the environment: what it is\nlike, why it is like that and how to calculate values for its characteristic properties. Specifically, you will be able to:\n describe the components and configurations of wind turbines\n describe the characteristics of wind, use models that quantify wind speed variations and estimate the energy yield of a wind\nturbine\n describe the aerodynamic processes at work in wind energy conversion, calculate the forces and power generated and produce a\nsimple rotor design\n explain the working principles of drive train components and determine the operational conditions that affect power, torque,\npitch angle etc.\n identify the drivers of dynamic behaviour and calculate their typical values\n describe the principles of structural analysis of wind turbines and carry out preliminary predictions of structural failure\n describe the effect of wind turbines on downstream conditions and quantify wind speed and turbulence in wakes" . . "Blended"@en . "TRUE" . . "Wind turbine design"@en . . "5.00" . "Course Contents Overview of the course and the group assignment\nSystem design and scaling rules\nAerodynamic and structural rotor design and analysis\nDrive train and electrical system\nWind turbine control\nThe use of standards for load calculations\nOther optional material (tbd)\nStudy Goals In this course you learn various aspects of designing a wind turbine, including:\n Selecting approaches for design and analysis\n Collect information and data\n Use (simulation) programs, models and calculations\n Analyse and interpret results and draw conclusions about the design\n Make design decisions\nAlthough the assessment is performed by a group assignment, effective teamwork skills are not an explicit learning goal of this\ncourse. There is no learning material or assessment to address such skills. Nevertheless, proper teamwork will contribute to a\ngood outcome of the design activities." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Site conditions for wind turbine design"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Wind turbine aeroelasticity"@en . . "2.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Wind resource and wind farm yield"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Floating offshore wind energy"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Professional training"@en . . "6.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Physical principles of earth system observation 5"@en . . "5.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Deep learning"@en . . "5.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Electronic circuits"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Electrical machines and drives"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Hybrid"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced heat transfer"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents In this course the concepts & mathematics of heat transfer in the engineering context are treated.\nElementary understanding of the three modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation, will be briefly reviewed\nduring the first two lectures.\nDuring the remainder of the course, the underlying physics will be emphasized and advanced mathematical formulations will be\nexplained. A large focus in the course will be on the analysis of heat transfer in real-life integrated systems.\nSubjects in order of appearance:\n- A refresher on the underlying thermodynamics; energy, enthalpy, specific heats and phase change enthalpy.\n- A refresher on Conduction, Convection and Radiation.\n- Integral and differential energy balances in a 1-D and multiple-D continuum; absorption, reaction and dissipation as source\nterms.\n- Stationary conduction: cooling fins, multi-dimensional conduction and Laplaces equation; boundary conditions; analytical\ntechniques & numerical techniques; relaxation.\n- Phase change as a boundary phenomenon; melting and solidification fronts; Jakob number & Stefan condition.\n- Instationary conduction: Fourier and Biot number; boundary conditions; analytical techniques & numerical techniques; stability\ncriteria.\n- Forced & Free convection: Nusselt, Stanton, Prandlt & Peclet numbers; Analysis & the physics behind empirical correlations.\nThe role of boundary conditions.\n- Radiation: radiative exchange between grey bodies, solar radiation, spectral characteristics, surface characteristics.\nStudy Goals More specifically: The student is able to\n1. Distinguish between the different modes of heat transfer, and divide real-life systems into subsystems of elementary heat\ntransfer modes in a qualitative and quantitative manner.\n2. For all of the below; give the physical interpretation of contributors and terms in balances in words and in sketches.\n3. Set up appropriate integral and differential energy balances for one- and multidimensional instationary conduction.\n4. Justify and apply simplifications and define the appropriate boundary conditions, including problems containing phase\nchanges, i.e. Stefan conditions.\n5. Indicate mathematical solution strategies - both analytical and numerical, and apply those for standard geometries.\n6. Distinguish between different modes of convective heat transfer, and distinguish between the different physical mechanisms\nunderlying empirical correlations.\nIndicate implications when more detailed distributions of convective heat transfer are involved.\n7. Estimate the magnitude of radiative heat transfer, distinguish between thermal and short-wave properties and spectral\ndistributions, qualify and quantify the role of surface properties in real-life applications." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to multiphase flow"@en . . "5.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Turbulence"@en . . "5.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Engineering optimisation: concepts and applications"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Materials at high temperature"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Intelligent control systems"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Integration project systems and control"@en . . "5.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Hydrogen technology"@en . . "4.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Systems theory"@en . . "4.00" . "Course Contents During this course the following topics will be covered:\nState-space representation of input-output system (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nLinearization of a system.\nSolution of a linear system (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nImpulse response and step response of a linear system (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nAsymptotic stability, BIBO stability (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nControllability and observability (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nKalman decomposition.\nState feedback (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nState reconstruction by observer (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nSystem description in frequency domain.\nComposition of systems in frequency domain.\nRealization of transfer function.\nStudy Goals After a successful completion of the course you will be able to\nmodel an input-output system by a state space model (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nlinearize a system around a given solution.\ndetermine whether an equilibrium point of a linear system is asymptotically stable, weakly stable or unstable (both for\ncontinuous-time and discrete-time case).\ncompute the solution of a linear time-invariant system (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\ncompute the impulse response and the step response of a linear time-invariant system (both for continuous-time and discrete-time\ncase).\ndetermine whether or not a linear system is controllable (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\ndetermine whether or not a linear system is observable (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nconstruct a Kalman decomposition of a linear system.\ndesign a feedback control (if it exists) which makes an unstable system stable or one which reduces the effect of disturbing\nsignals (both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\ndesign an observer (if it exists) which produces an approximation of the state of the system such that the error converges to zero\n(both for continuous-time and discrete-time case).\nrepresent a linear system in the frequency domain.\nconstruct various realizations of a given transfer function." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Partial differential equations a"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents I: (Wi3150TU) Introduction. Types of second order equations. Initial and initial boundary value problems. Fourier series. Quasilinear, first order partial differential equations. Waves and reflections of waves. Separation of variables. Sturm-Liouville\nproblems. Parabolic, elliptic and hyperbolic equations. Maximum principle. Diffusion and heat transport problems. Lectures (3\nECTS).\nII: (Wi3151TU) Boundary value problems. Delta functions and distributions. Greens function for heat, wave and Laplace\nequations. Fourier and Laplace transform methods. Waves in R2 and in R3. Vibrations of membranes. Bessel functions. Shock\nwaves. Lectures and Maple practical work (3 ECTS).\nStudy Goals Many mathematical--physical problems can be formulated using partial differential equations. Therefore it is important to be\nable to both interpret and solve this type of equations. At the end of the course the student\n1- is able to formulate various physical problems (wave--equation, heat--equation, transport--equations) in terms of partial\ndifferential equations.\n2- has knowledge and understanding of various mathematical techniques which are necessary to solve these problems (Fourier--\nseries, method of separation of variables, Sturm-Liouville problems, Greens' functions, Fourier- and Laplace transformations)\nand is able to apply these techniques to (simple) problems.\n3- is able to interpret the solutions obtained and is able to place them in (a physical) context." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Partial differential equations b"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Numerical analysis"@en . . "6.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Non-linear differential equations"@en . . "6.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Transport, routing and scheduling"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Scientific computing"@en . . "6.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced numerical methods"@en . . "6.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Monte carlo simulation and stochastic processes"@en . . "5.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Object oriented scientific programming with c++"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Ethics and engineering for aerospace engineering"@en . . "3.00" . "Course Contents This course describes and analyses the responsibility of engineers in the light of philosophical, historical and juridical\nbackgrounds. Topics covered include:\n Description and analysis of the problems encountered by engineers who want to act responsible.\n Codes of ethics for engineers.\n Argumentation and reasoning.\n Uncertainty, ignorance, risks, and their implications for responsible behavior.\n (Philosophical) ethics, the foundation of (criteria) for good and bad, right and wrong, responsible and irresponsible behavior.\n Responsibility within and of organizations; the role of law.\nStudy Goals The course has two major study goals:\n1) To get acquainted with the theoretical insights and relevant concepts in ethics of technology\n2) To experience how this theoretical knowledge could be applied to an engineering case\nThe first will be assessed via weekly assignments on brightspace. The second will be assessed with an essay that students write\nin trios or pairs.\nAfter the course students should:\n- be able to recognize and analyze the ethical aspects and problems of their future professional practice and to conduct a solutionoriented debate about such problems;\n- have knowledge of relevant backgrounds (ethics, law, responsibility in and of organizations, historical developments)." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Dutch elementary1"@en . . "3.00" . "no data" . . "Online"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master in Aerospace engineering"@en . . "Luchtvaart- en Ruimtevaarttechniek (tudelft.nl)" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "In the MSc programme in Aerospace Engineering, you will have abundant opportunities for working on projects and internships across the globe, taking advantage of established relationships with Schiphol Airport, the European Space Agency, KLM, Airbus and other aerospace industries and research institutes. You will also have the option of working as a team member in international competitions in extra-curricular activities.\n\nAt TU Delft, you will obtain hands-on experience whilst working in test and laboratory facilities that are unsurpassed in Europe. Our facilities include low-speed and high-speed (up to Mach 11) wind tunnels, GPS measurement stations, the Structures and Materials Laboratory, the SIMONA research flight simulator, a Cessna Citation II flying laboratory, a collection of large and small aircraft and spacecraft parts, the Delfi Ground Station for satellite communications and a clean room for research and training on our own university satellites."@en . . . . . . . . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "2314.00" . "Euro"@en . "20560.00" . "Mandatory" . "no data"@en . "6"^^ . "TRUE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .