. "Physics"@en . . "Astronomy"@en . . "English"@en . . "Advanced cosmology"@en . . "6.0" . "Recommendations\n\nStudents should have a previous knowledge of the following subjects taught in the bachelor’s degree in Physics: Astrophysics and Cosmology, Statistical Mechanics, General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics and, possibly, of High Energy Physics.\n\nCompetences to be gained during study\n\nBasic competences\n\n— Knowledge forming the basis of original thinking in the development or application of ideas, typically in a research context.\n\n— Be able to apply the acquired knowledge to problem-solving in new or relatively unknown environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.\n\n— Be able to integrate knowledge and tackle the complexity of formulating judgments based on incomplete or limited information, taking due consideration of the social and ethical responsibilities involved in applying knowledge and making judgments.\n\n— Be able to communicate conclusions, judgments and the grounds on which they have been reached to specialist and non-specialist audiences in a clear and unambiguous manner.\n\n— Skills to enable lifelong self-directed and independent learning.\n\n \n\nGeneral competences\n\n— Be able to effectively identify, formulate and solve problems, and to critically interpret and assess the results obtained.\n\n— Be able to write scientific and technical documents.\n\n— Be able to communicate, give presentations and write scientific articles in English on fields related to the topics covered in the master’s degree.\n\n— Be able to critically analyze rigour in theory developments.\n\n— Be able to acquire the necessary methodological techniques to develop research tasks in the field of study.\n\n \n\nSpecific competences\n\n— Capacity to analyze and interpret a physical system in terms of the relevant scales of energy.\n\n— Capacity to identify relevant observable magnitudes in a specific physical system.\n\n— Capacity to test predictions from theoretical models with experimental and observational data.\n\n— Capacity to understand and use current theories on the origin and evolution of the universe and to learn the observational data on which these theories are based.\n\n— Capacity to critically analyze the results of calculations, experiments or observations, and to calculate possible errors.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nLearning objectives\n\n \n\nReferring to knowledge\n\n— Understand the fundamental aspects of the current standard model of cosmology.\n\n— Become familiar with the geometry and dynamics of Friedmann models.\n\n— Understand the observational basis for the existence of dark matter and dark energy, and its theoretical treatment.\n\n— Understand the origin of the cosmic microwave background and the abundance of light elements and understand the calculations of the abundance of the relic density for dark matter candidates.\n\n— Learn some applications of the theory of phase transitions to cosmology.\n\n— Understand the problems that have led to the inflationary model and the main physical and geometric characteristics of cosmic inflation.\n\n \n\n \n\nTeaching blocks\n\n \n\n1. Spacetime and the expansion of the universe\n1.1. Luminosity and angular diameter distances. \n\n1.2. Distances and redshift, Hubble law.\n\n1.3. Space-time geometry. Cosmological principle. Cosmic time, scale factor.\n\n1.4. Robertson-Walker metric.\n\n1.5. Dynamics of expansion. Friedmann equation. Case of matter domination.\n\n2. Cosmic microwave background radiation\n2.1. Discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background. Blackbody spectrum.\n\n2.2. Radiation density as a function of redshift. Dynamics of expansion with radiation.\n\n2.3. Dipole anisotropy.\n\n2.4. Recombination epoch. Reionization, electron optical depth.\n\n3. Cosmic budget and cosmological parameters\n3.1. Baryonic matter in the Universe.\n\n3.2. Evidence for dark matter: galaxies, clusters.\n\n3.3. Matter-radiation equalization epoch.\n\n3.4. Accelerated expansion, dark energy.\n\n3.5. Evidence for dark energy: supernovae Type Ia.\n\n4. Large scale structure\n4.1. Fluctuations in the Universe: growth of linear perturbations.\n\n4.2. Non-linear gravitational evolution and the cosmic web.\n\n4.3. Formation of galaxies and galaxy clusters.\n\n4.4. Anisotropies in the Cosmic Radiation Background: acoustic peaks and Sachs-Wolfe\neffect.\n\n4.5. Further evidence for dark matter and dark energy: the CMB spectrum.\n\n4.6. The Standard ΛCDM model. Matter power spectrum transfer function.\n\n5. Hydrodynamical variables and chemical reactions at equilibrium\n6. Early Universe: thermal history\n6.1. The radiation era\n\n6.2. Formation of baryons\n\n6.3. Neutrinos decoupling and out of equilibrium evolution\n\n6.4. Boltzmann equations\n\n6.5. Nucleosynthesis\n\n6.6. Recombination\n\n6.7. CMB\n\n7. Dark Matter\n7.1. Relic abundance via freeze-out\n\n7.2. Primordial Black Holes and Axions\n\n8. Elements of cosmic inflation\n8.1. The horizon problem\n\n8.2. Realizations of inflation\n\n8.3. Reheating\n\n8.4. Basics of inflationary perturbation theory and relation to CMB\n\n9. The cosmological constant problem\n \n\n \n\nTeaching methods and general organization\n\n \n\nLectures.\nExpository classes.\nProblem-solving activities.\n\n \n\n \n\nOfficial assessment of learning outcomes\n\n \n\nWritten tests (5/10)\nProblem-solving exercises or oral presentations (5/10)\n\nRepeat assessment: Final examination in June\n\n \n\nExamination-based assessment\n\nFinal written examination (10/10)\n\nRepeat assessment: Final examination in June\n\nReading and study resources\n\nBook\n\nDodelson, Scott. Modern cosmology. Amsterdam [etc.] : Academic Press, cop. 2003\n\n Enllaç\nRecurs electrònic Enllaç\n\nKolb, Edward W. ; Turner, Michael S. The early universe. Reading (Mass.) [etc.] : Addison-Wesley, 1990 Enllaç\n\n\nLinde, Andrei. Particle physics and inflationary cosmology. Amsterdam : Harwood Academic, cop. 1990 Enllaç\n\n\nMukhanov, V. F. Physical foundations of cosmology. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005 Enllaç\n\n\nPeacock, John A. Cosmological physics, 9. repr. with corrections. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010 Enllaç\n\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/discovery/search?vid=34CSUC_UB:VU1&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&query=any,contains,b2064349* Enllaç\n\nPeebles, P. J. E. Principles of physical cosmology. Princeton : Princenton University Press, cop. 1993 Enllaç\n\n\nWeinberg, Steven. Cosmology. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 Enllaç\n\n\nIntroduction to Cosmology, Barbara Ryden, Cambridge University Press 2017 Enllaç\n\nMore information at: http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=568422&ens=M0D0B&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Advanced general relativity"@en . . "6.0" . "Learning objectives\n\nReferring to knowledge\n\nBecome familiar with advanced techniques in general relativity applied to the study of black holes and relativistic cosmology, including inflationary theory and structure formation in the universe. Classical theory in both contexts is discussed in detail and an introduction to quantum aspects is provided. \n\nTeaching blocks\n\n1. Mathematical background\n2. General formalism\n2.1. Lagrangian formulation\n\n2.2. Causal structure and conformal diagrams\n\n3. Classical theory of black holes\n3.1. General analysis and theorems\n\n3.2. Charged and rotating black holes\n\n4. Quantum fields in curved spacetime; Hawking radiation\n5. Black hole thermodynamics; Information paradox\n6. Basic notions in the quantum theory of gravity\n7. Relativistic cosmology; Causal structure of FRW universes\n8. Cosmological perturbation theory\n8.1. Formalism\n\n8.2. Transfer functions\n\n8.3. CMB and matter power spectrum\n\n9. Inflation as the origin of primordial perturbations; Predictions and observations\n \n\n \n\nTeaching methods and general organization\n\n \n\nFace-to-face sessions, in which lecturers present the theoretical aspects of the course. Students solve weekly set exercises individually.\n\n \n\n \n\nOfficial assessment of learning outcomes\n\n \n\nContinuous assessment consists of exercises solved weekly by students.\n\n \n\nExamination-based assessment\n\nStudents are entitled to single assessment only if they are unable to meet the requirements for continuous assessment.\n\nRepeat assessment takes place in September and consists of an examination.\n\n \n\n \n\nReading and study resources\n\nCheck availability in Cercabib\n\nBook\n\nPoisson, Eric, A Relativist’s Toolkit. Cambridge University Press (2009) https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511606601\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/permalink/34CSUC_UB/18sfiok/alma991004393639706708 Enllaç\n\nWald, Robert M. General relativity. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1984 Enllaç\n\n\nCarroll, Sean M. Spacetime and geometry : an introduction to general relativity. New intern. ed. Essex :Pearson, 2014 Enllaç\n\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/discovery/search?vid=34CSUC_UB:VU1&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&query=any,contains,b1751678* Enllaç\n\nHawking, S. W. ; Ellis, George Francis Rayner. The large scale structure of space-time. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1973 Enllaç\n\n\nChandrasekhar, S. The Mathematical theory of black holes. New York : Oxford University Press, 1992 Enllaç\n\n\nKolb, Edward W. ; Turner, Michael S. The early universe. Reading : Addison-Wesley, 1990 Enllaç\n\n\nLiddle, Andrew R. ; Lyth, D. H. Cosmological inflation and large-scale structure. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000 Enllaç\n\n\nMukhanov, V. F. Physical Foundations of Cosmology. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005 Enllaç\n\n\nElectronic text\n\nPoisson, E., An Advanced Course in General Relativity Enllaç\n\n\nHartman, T., Lectures on Quantum Gravity and Black Holes Enllaç\n\n\nTownsend, P. K., Black Hole lectures @ DAMTP Enllaç\n\n\n\nMore information at: http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=568435&ens=M0D0B&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Astronomy from space"@en . . "3.0" . "Learning objectives\n\nReferring to knowledge\n\nReceive advanced academic training in the fields of Astronomy from spacecraft and of Space Weather by the study of selected areas in these fields. These subjectes provide the student with basic and updated knowledge to properly prepare them for a subsequent research career in the field. For those who do not seek a career in research, the knowledge acquired in these subjects will contribute in boosting their skills and experience.\nTo understand the basic concepts involved in astrophysical measurements from space and their limitations. Review the conditions and requirements needed in the design of a space mission via the description and anlysis of several scientific missions of the European Space Agency (ESA) and of the Unitated States’ National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).\nTo understand the basic concepts in the fields of Heliophysics, and in particular of the Solar-Terrestrial relations, including: solar activity, interplanetary space, and the Earth’s magnetosphere. To understand the basic concepts of Space Weather, its effects on the geospace and on human activity in the short term, and its applications.\n\nTeaching blocks\n\n \n\n1. Space Based Astronomy\n1.1. Elements of a mission\n\nOrbit. Launch windows. Payload. Subsystems and Launchers.\n\n1.2. Space mission analysis and design\n\nDevelopment phases. Analysis. Selection and implementation. The main agencies: ESA and NASA. ESA’s Cosmic Vision 2015−2025\n\n1.3. Astronomy from the space\n\nScientific goals. Missions: Types and payloads. Data bases and explotation. Future missions (CHEOPS, Juice, Euclid, Plato, etc.).\n\n2. Space Weather\n2.1. Space Weather\n\nDefinition and goals. Effects of solar storms on spacecraft and Earth. Extreme stormy events. Prediction. Radiation risks. The Space Weather programme of ESA/EU and the US National Space Weather programme.\n\n2.2. Heliophysics\n\n\na) Solar wind plasma and interplanetary magnetic field. The Earth’s magnetosphere and magnetospheric storms.\n\nb) Solar activity: flares and coronal mass ejections. The solar activity cycle.\n\nc) Solar energetic particle events.\n\n2.3. Heliophysics and space weather missions\n\nStudy of different scientific missions: Ulysses, SOHO, ACE, STEREO, SDO, Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter. Data and in-situ instrumentation.\n\n \n\n \n\nTeaching methods and general organization\n\n \n\n\nLecturers explain the topics of the programme with the support of electronic material and internet resources, among others. Students are given the material presented in each lecture in electronic format mainly via the Campus Virtual. Personal assignments: the student will deepen in some of the aspects of the subjects explained, prepare a report to be submitted and/or an oral presentation to prove the comprehension of the knowledge acquired. It is intended that these assignments have and important practical component, based as much as possible in actual space missions.\n\n\nGenre perspective will be taken into account in the development and activities of this subject, as much as possible.\n\nThe degree of attendance and assessment activities may be modified in the event of a health crisis, like it was during COVID-19. If this is the case, any changes will be informed to the students in due course through the usual channels.\n \n\n \n\nOfficial assessment of learning outcomes\n\n \n\nThe evaluation criteria are as follows:\n\nThe understanding of the fundamental concepts will be evaluated through the student’s personal work. Students will have elaborated different assignments consisting on short reports and/or oral presentations in English. Pro-active participation in the lecture sessions will be considered. In those cases where there is a reasonable doubt about the student’s gained knowledge, he/she will take a written or oral examination. The corresponding percentages are:\n\nBrief written assignments: 30%\nPreparation and oral presentations of given topics: 50%\nParticipation: 20%\n\n\nFor the re-evaluation there will be an oral presentation and a test-type exam. There is no need to repeat the brief written assignment if it was evaluated positively.\n \n\nExamination-based assessment\n\nOral presentation of a previously agreed topic: 60%\n\nExam: 40% (the same of the oral presentation).\n\n \n\n \n\nReading and study resources\n\nCheck availability in Cercabib\n\nBook\n\nSpacecraft systems engineering. 4th ed. Chichester ; New York : Wiley, 2011 Enllaç\n\n\nSpace mission analysis and design., Wiley J. Larson & James R. Wertz, Kluwer Academic, 1999 Enllaç\n\n\nOrbital Motion, A. E. Roy, 2nd ed., Ed. Hilger, 1982 Enllaç\n\n\nSpace physics : an introduction to plasmas and particles in the heliosphere and magnetospheres, Kallenrode, May-Britt, 3rd ed. Berlin : Springer, 2004 Enllaç\n\n\nIntroduction to space physics. Eds. Kivelson and Russel, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1995 Enllaç\n\n\nSolar Particle Radiation Storms Forecasting and Analysis, Eds. Malandraki, O.E. & Crosby, N.B., Astrophysics and Space Science Library, 444, Springer, 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-60051-2 (eBook)\n\n \tIntroduction to particle radiation from the Sun in Chapters 1 to 6. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-60051-2\n\nPhysics of Space Storms. From the Solar Surface to the Earth. H. E. J. Koskinen (Springer Praxis, 2011). ISBN 978-3-6-00310-3\n\n\nHeliophysics. Space Storms and radiation: causes and effects. C.J. Schrijver and G.L. Siscoe. Cambridge Univeristy Press, 2010. Enllaç\n\n\nElectronic text\n\nSpace radiation hazards and the vision for space exploration Enllaç\n\n\nMore information at: http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=568434&ens=M0D0B&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Elementary particles"@en . . "6.0" . "Recommendations\n\nTo have passed an introductory course in particle and nuclear physics, as the one in the bachelor’s degree in Physics at the UB.\n\nTo have been exposed to an introductory course of high energy physics and accelerators, as the one in the bachelor’s degree in Physics at the UB.\n\n \n\n \n\nLearning objectives\n\n \n\nReferring to knowledge\n\nThis subject is an introduction to modern elementary particle physics.\nThe course is an overview of the field. It starts with the basic taxonomy of particle physics. The role of conservation rules and symmetries is discussed. The basics of field theory required for the quantification of relativistic processes is introduced. The three well established gauge theories (QED, QCD and electroweak interactions) are described and the basic techniques to evaluate cross sections and decay rates for some processes at first order are given.\n\n \n\n \n\nTeaching blocks\n\n \n\n1. Chapter 1. Overview of particle physics\n* Elementary particles and interactions; Baryons and mesons; Weak interactions; More generations\n\n2. Chapter 2. Fields for free particles; Discrete symmetries\n* Scalar fields; Dirac Fermions; Vectors fields; C, P and T symmetries; Propagators\n\n3. Chapter 3. Continuum symmetries in particle physics\n* Symmetry groups and conservation laws; Rotations and angular momentum conservation; Lie groups and lie algebras; Representations of SU(2) and SU(3)\n\n4. Chapter 4. The quark model and effective theories of hadrons\n* Internal symmetries and classification of hadrons; Non-relativistic quark model; The linear sigma model; The non-linear sigma model\n\n5. Chapter 5. QED for leptons\n* Electromagnetic interaction as a U(1) (Abelian) gauge theory (QED); Calculation of scattering amplitudes and cross sections at tree level for several processes in QED (e-mu- --> e-mu-, e+e- --> mu+mu-, e-e- --> e-e-, e-gamma --> e-gamma); Mandelstam variables; Helicity conservation at high energies\n\n6. Chapter 6. QED and the structure of hadrons\n* Concept of form factors; e-p --> e-p elastic scattering: proton form factors; e-p --> e-p elastic inelastic scattering; Bjorken scaling and quarks; Quark distribution functions; The gluons; the QCD Lagrangian\n\n7. Chapter 6. Strong interactions: quantum chromodynamics\n* Representations of SU(N); Internal symmetries and classification of hadrons: SU(2) isospin flavour and SU(3) flavour; Evidence of 3 colours: e+e- --> hadrons; Lagrangian and Feynman rules for QCD; q qbar interactions: colour singlet and colour octet configurations; Asymptotic freedom: perturbative QCD and factorisation; Tests of perturbative QCD: Drell-Yan, e+e- --> 2 jets and the spin of the quark; e+e- --> 3 jets and the spin of the gluon\n\n8. Chapter 7. Weak interactions\n* Weak decays and parity violation: V-A weak charged currents; W boson as mediator of weak charged currents; Low energy tests: muon decay, nuclear beta decay, neutrino decay, neutrino-electron scattering; Fermion mixing matrix; Weak neutral currents: Z0 and the GIM mechanism; CP violation\n\n9. Chapter 8. Electroweak unification\n* Weinberg-Salam model of electroweak interactions; Spontaneous symmetry breaking: Higgs mechanism; Masses of the gauge bosons and fermions\n\n10. Chapter 9. Experimental techniques in particle physics\n* Interaction of particles with matter; Types of sub detectors: calorimeters, tracking and Cherenkov; Accelerators; Measurement of luminosity; Trigger, event reconstruction and data analysis\n\n11. Chapter 10. Example of a HEP experiment: ALEPH\n* The ALEPH detector; Measurement of the number of light neutrinos; Jets physics; Search for new physics\n\n12. Chapter 11. Heavy flavour experiments\n* The LHCb and BaBar experiments; e+e- vs pp machines; Flavour tagging; Secondary vertex reconstruction; Lifetime measurements; Rare decays; CP violation; T violation\n\n \n\n \n\nTeaching methods and general organization\n\n \n\nTheory lectures and resolution of exercises. Exercise sheets to be solved by students.\n\n \n\n \n\nOfficial assessment of learning outcomes\n\n \n\nThe final grade is based on the homework proposed in class and a final assignment or exam.\n\nRepeat assessment consists of an exam.\n\n \n\n \n\nReading and study resources\n\nCheck availability in Cercabib\n\nBook\n\nGriffiths, David J. Introduction to elementary particles. 2nd rev. ed. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2008 Enllaç\n\n\nHalzen, Francis ; Martin, Alan D. Quarks and leptons. New York : Wiley 1984 Enllaç\n\n\nPerkins, Donald H. Introduction to high energy physics. Menlo Park, Calif. [etc.] : Addison-Wesley, 1987\n1972 \n\nPeskin, Michael E. ; Schroeder, Daniel V. An Introduction to quantum field theory. Reading (Mass.) : Addison-Wesley, 1998 Enllaç\n\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/discovery/search?vid=34CSUC_UB:VU1&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&query=any,contains,b1402641* \n\n\nMore information at: http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=568428&ens=M0D0B&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Extragalactic astrophysics and galaxy formation"@en . . "6.0" . "Learning objectives\n\nReferring to knowledge\n\nThe main objective of the course is to provide students with an updated overview of the structure and dynamics of galaxies, their formation in a cosmological context and the physical mechanisms that contribute to the evolution of their spectrophotometric, chemical, dynamic and morphological characteristics. The course covers both the observational properties of galaxies and related objects in different redshifts and the modelling of processes involved in their formation and evolution.\n\n \n\nReferring to abilities, skills\n\n— Gain the capacity for critical analysis and synthesis regarding explanations and models associated with the subject area of the course.\n\n— Gain reflection capacity and creativity relating to assignments set in class or proposed by students within the subject area of the course.\n\n— Become familiar with data acquisition and analysis techniques used in astrophysics.\n\n \n\n \n\nTeaching blocks\n\n \n\n1. Preliminary aspects\n1.1. Useful units and equations\n\n1.2. Relations between apparent and intrinsic astronomical quantities\n\n2. Introduction to galaxies\n2.1. What is a galaxy?\n\n2.2. Types of galaxies\n\n2.3. Modern classification of galaxies\n\n2.4. Bivariate distributions of galactic parameters\n\n2.5. Luminosity function: generalities\n\n2.6. Luminosity function and stellar mass function for red and blue galaxy populations\n\n2.7. Physical origin of the luminosity function\n\n2.8. Formation of stars\n\n3. Active galactic nucleus (AGN)\n3.1. Operative definition\n\n3.2. Structure of the basic physiology of supermassive black holes\n\n3.3. AGN taxonomy\n\n3.4. Physics of accretion\n\n3.5. Formation of supermassive black holes\n\n4. Late-type galaxies (LTG)\n4.1. Basic structural characteristics\n\n4.2. Atomic and molecular gas content\n\n4.3. Dust content\n\n4.4. Metallicity\n\n4.5. Scaling laws\n\n4.6. Results of ALFALFA mapping\n\n5. Early-type galaxy (ETG)\n5.1. Basic structural characteristics\n\n5.2. Light profiles\n\n5.3. Kinematics\n\n5.4. Gas and dust content\n\n5.5. Metallicity\n\n5.6. Scaling laws\n\n6. Galaxy groups and evolution\n6.1. Main characteristics of galaxy clusters\n\n6.2. Dynamic models of viralised systems\n\n6.3. Scaling laws in galaxy clusters\n\n6.4. Environmental dependence of galaxy properties\n\n6.5. Evolutionary effects of galaxy aggregation\n\n6.6. Environment-dependent evolutionary mechanisms\n\n6.7. Pre-processing\n\n6.8. Observational examples of galaxy interactions\n\n7. Structure formation in the universe\n7.1. Large-scale structure of the universe\n\n7.2. Structure formation and cosmology\n\n8. Cosmological density perturbations: linear evolution\n8.1. Basic equations\n\n8.2. Fluids without pressure\n\n8.3. Fluids with pressure: Jeans scale\n\n9. Spherical collapse\n9.1. Perturbation energy\n\n9.2. Movement of a spherical layer\n\n9.3. Maximum expansion and collapse\n\n9.4. Spherical collapse limits\n\n10. Relaxation time scales and processes\n10.1. Binary interactions\n\n10.2. Dynamic friction\n\n10.3. Violent relaxation\n\n11. Dark matter halos\n11.1. Statistics based on the linear field of density perturbations\n\n11.2. Press-Schechter formalism\n\n11.3. Excursion set formalism\n\n11.4. Peak theory\n\n11.5. Internal structure of halos: density, velocity dispersion and anisotropy\n\n12. Formation and evolution of galaxies\n12.1. Hierarchical formation of galaxies\n\n12.2. Analytical and semianalytical models\n\n12.3. Modelling of dark matter: grouping of halos and internal structure\n\n12.4. Baryon physics: gas cooling, formation of stars, feedback processes\n\n12.5. Growth of supermassive black holes and emission of AGN\n\n12.6. Population III stars\n\n12.7. Galactic structure: discs and bulges\n\n12.8. Interactions between galaxies and the environment\n\n13. High-z universe\n13.1. High-z galaxies: Lyman-break galaxies, Lyman-alpha emitters, ULIRG\n\n13.2. Evolution with z of global properties of galaxies and the intergalactic environment\n\n14. Introduction to galaxy formation simulations and large-scale structure\n14.1. Theoretical models of galaxy formation\n\n14.2. N-body simulations\n\n14.3. Hydrodynamic simulation\n\n14.4. Examples of simulations\n\n \n\n \n\nTeaching methods and general organization\n\n \n\nThe course consists of lectures with the support of audiovisual material. Some renowned specialists in the field may give some supervised computer practical classes, within the hours of face-to-face teaching. Students are also expected to participate by raising and debating questions on the topics explained in class, under teacher supervision.\n\n \n\n \n\nOfficial assessment of learning outcomes\n\n \n\nContinuous assessment considers the following aspects:\n\n— Showing the knowledge acquired through a project on the analysis of a galaxy cluster, carried out and presented in small groups, (70%) and the delivering of specific tasks (30%).\n\n— The attitude and level demonstrated by students when they ask and discuss questions in ordinary classes or in the time allocated for this purpose.\n\n \n\nExamination-based assessment\n\nSingle assessment consists of a multiple-choice examination on the whole content of the course.\n\nRepeat assessment is held in early September and consists of an examination similar to the one held in June.\n\n \n\n \n\nReading and study resources\n\nCheck availability in Cercabib\n\nBook\n\nH. Mo, S.D.M. White & F. van den Bosch. Galaxy formation and evolution. Cambridge University Press, 2010 Enllaç\n\n\nLongair, M. S. Galaxy formation. 2nd ed. Berlin : Springer, cop. 2008\n\n Enllaç\n\nBinney, James ; Tremaine, Scott. Galactic dynamics. 2nd ed. Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2008 Enllaç\n\n\nSparke, Linda S. ; Gallagher, John S. Galaxies in the universe : an introduction. 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007 Enllaç\n\n1a ed. Enllaç\n\nSpinrad, Hyron. Galaxy formation and evolution. Berlin [etc.] : Springer ; Chichester : Praxis, cop. 2005 Enllaç\n\n\nColes, Peter ; Lucchin, Francesco. Cosmology : the origin and evolution of cosmic structure. 2nd ed. Chichester : John Wiley, cop. 2002 Enllaç\n\n\nArticle\n\nR.S. Somerville & R. Davé Physical models of galaxy formation in a cosmological framework. Dins Annu. Re. Astron. Astrophys. 53:51-113 (2015)\n\n\nKruit, Pieter C. van der ; Freeman, Ken C. Galaxy disks. Dins: Annu. Re. Astron. Astrophys. 49 :301-371 (2011) Enllaç\n\n\nBenson, A. J. Galaxy formation theory. Dins: Physics Reports. 495 : 33-86 (2010) Enllaç\n\n\nBaugh, C. M. A primer on hierarchical galaxy formation.: the semi-analytical approach. Dins: Reports on progress in physics. 69 : 3101-3156 (2006) Enllaç\n\n\nWeb page\n\nWhittle ASTR 5630 & 5640 Graduate extragalactic astronomy Enllaç\n\n\nElectronic text\n\nKruit, Pieter C. van der. Structure and dynamics of galaxies. 2011 Enllaç\n\n\nPhilipps, Steve. Galaxies. 2009 Enllaç\n\n\nAvila-Reese, V. Understanding galaxy formation and evolution. 2006\n\nMore information at: http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=568432&ens=M0D0B&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Frontiers of theoretical physics"@en . . "6.0" . "Competences to be gained during study\n\nCapacity to effectively identify, formulate and solve problems, and to critically interpret and assess the results obtained.\n\nKnowledge forming the basis of original thinking in the development or application of ideas, typically in a research context.\n\nCapacity to apply the acquired knowledge to problem-solving in new or relatively unknown environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.\n\nCapacity to communicate conclusions, judgments and the grounds on which they have been reached to specialist and non-specialist audiences in a clear and unambiguous manner.\n\nSkills to enable lifelong self-directed and independent learning.\n\nCapacity to communicate, give presentations and write scientific articles in English on fields related to the topics covered in the master’s degree.\n\nCapacity to critically analyze rigour in theory developments.\n\nCapacity to acquire the necessary methodological techniques to develop research tasks in the field of study.\n\nCapacity to understand and apply general gravitation theories and theories on the standard model of particle physics, and to learn their main experimental principles (specialization in Particle Physics and Gravitation).\n\nCapacity to analyze and interpret a physical system in terms of the relevant scales of energy.\n\nCapacity to identify relevant observable magnitudes in a specific physical system.\n\nCapacity to test predictions from theoretical models with experimental and observational data.\n\nCapacity to critically analyze the results of calculations, experiments or observations, and to calculate possible errors.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nLearning objectives\n\n \n\nReferring to knowledge\n\nUnderstand the limitations of perturbation theory in quantum field theory. \n\nBe able to extract predictions from Grand Unified Theories and from supersymmetric theories.\n\nLearn how to describe strongly coupled systems by means of the gauge/string duality. \n\n \n\n \n\nTeaching blocks\n\n \n\n1. Renormalisation group\n2. Introduction to supersymmetry\n3. Introduction to the gauge/string duality\n4. Introduction to Grand Unified Theories\n5. Phenomenology of supersymmetric theories\n6. Open problems in cosmology\n \n\n \n\nTeaching methods and general organization\n\n \n\nTheory lectures and sessions on problem resolution.\n\n \n\n \n\nOfficial assessment of learning outcomes\n\n \n\nAssessment: assessment is based on assignments set throughout the course, and/or an interview at the end of each part of the teaching blocks, and/or a written exam at the end of each section. \n\nRepeat assessment: repeat assessment takes place in September and follows the same rules as regular assessment.\n\n \n\n \n\nReading and study resources\n\nCheck availability in Cercabib\n\nBook\n\nPeskin, Michael E. ; Schroeder, Daniel V. An Introduction to quantum field theory. Reading (Mass.) : Addison Wesley, 1998 Enllaç\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/discovery/search?vid=34CSUC_UB:VU1&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&query=any,contains,b1330066* Enllaç\n\nWess, Julius ; Bagger, Jonathan. Supersymmetry and supergravity. Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1992 Enllaç\n\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/discovery/search?vid=34CSUC_UB:VU1&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&query=any,contains,b1062777* Enllaç\n\nElectronic text\n\nO.Aharony, S.S.Gubser, J.M.Maldacena, H.Ooguri and Y.Oz,\n``Large N field theories, string theory and gravity,’\n Phys. Rept. 323, 183 (2000) [hep-th/9905111].\n\nD.~Mateos,``String Theory and Quantum Chromodynamics,’\n Class. Quant. Grav. 24, S713 (2007) [arXiv:0709.1523 [hep-th]].\n\nJ.Casalderrey-Solana, H.Liu, D.Mateos, K.Rajagopal and U.A.Wiedemann,\n ``Gauge/String Duality, Hot QCD and Heavy Ion Collisions,’ arXiv:1101.0618 [hep-th].\n\n\n More information at: http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=568437&ens=M0D0B&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Galactic astronomy"@en . . "6.0" . "Learning objectives\n\nReferring to knowledge\n\n— Acquire a basic understanding of the structure, kinematics and dynamics of the Milky Way.\n\n— Advance in the knowledge of processes of formation and evolution of spiral galaxies.\n\n— Become familiar with the physical properties of the interstellar medium and of the stellar components of the Milky Way.\n\n— Understand which observables properties are available to us. Understand the precision in what can be attained today, focusing on the Gaia mission of the European Space Agency\n\n— Acquire knowledge of statistical analysis techniques.\n\n \n\n \n\nTeaching blocks\n\n \n\n1. Introduction\n1.1. Galaxies and their place in the Universe\n\n1.2. History of galactic astronomy\n\n1.3. Overview of galaxies: current knowledge\n\n2. Astronomical units\n2.1. Stellar component\n\n2.2. Interstellar matter\n\n2.3. Catalogues and large surveys\n\n2.4. Interstellar extinction\n\n3. Stellar statistics\n3.1. Apparent distribution of stars\n\n3.2. Fundamental equation of stellar statistics\n\n3.3. Luminosity function of stars\n\n3.4. The initial mass function and the star formation rate\n\n3.5. Galaxy models for predicting stellar recounts\n\n4. Galactic Kinematics\n4.1. Kinematics of stars in the solar neighbourhood\n\n4.2. Large scale kinematics\n\n5. The orbits of the stars in the galactic potential\n5.1. Integrals of motion\n\n5.2. Energy and angular momentum: Lindblad’s diagram\n\n5.3. The orbital structure in spherical, asymmetrical and non-asymmetric potentials\n\n5.4. Force and movement perpendicular to the galactic disc\n\n6. Fundamental equations of stellar dynamics\n6.1. Poisson’s equation\n\n6.2. Boltzmann equations without collisions\n\n7. Introduction to the chemical evolution of galaxies\n7.1. Observational evidence\n\n7.2. Gas surface density, rate of supernova explosions, enrichment\n\n7.3. Basic elements of a chemical evolution model: star birth rate and rate of fall of matter\n\n7.4. Some simplified models\n\n8. Collisions and encounters of star systems\n \n\n \n\nTeaching methods and general organization\n\n \n\n— Lectures.\n\n— Presentation of assignments by students to the rest of the class.\n\n— Practical exercises with laptop\n\n— Reading and discussion of recent articles\n\nNote: The degree of attendance to the University for the teaching and evaluation activities may be modified depending on the restrictions arising from the health crisis. If this is the case, any changes will be informed in due course through the usual channels.\n\n \n\n \n\nOfficial assessment of learning outcomes\n\n \n\nAssignments proposed to students, oral presentation in front of the class and hands-on activities. This part counts for the 40% of the final mark of the course. \n\nThe evaluation at the end of the course consists of a written examination to assess the students progress that counts for the 60% of the final mark (with the requirement of passing the exam).\n\nReevaluation: For students who do not pass the exam, a second written exam takes place in June to assess the improvement in the student progress. The final mark includes the 40% of the course activities as well.\n\n \n\nExamination-based assessment\n\nThe evaluation at the end of the course consists of a written examination to assess the students progress.\n\n \n\n \n\nReading and study resources\n\nCheck availability in Cercabib\n\nBook\n\nBINNEY, JAMES, 1950- ; MERRIFIELD, MICHAEL..\n\nGalactic astronomy. Princeton : Princeton University\n\nPress, cop. 1998\n\n Enllaç\n\nBINNEY, JAMES, 1950- ; TREMAINE, SCOTT, 1950-.\n\nGalactic dynamics. (2nd ed. Princeton : Princeton\n\nUniversity Press, 2008\n\n Enllaç\n1a ed. Enllaç\n\nMIHALAS, DIMITRI, 1939-. ; BINNEY, J.AMES, 1950-.\n\nGalactic astronomy: structre and kinematics. 2nd ed.\n\nSan Francisco : Freeman, cop. 1981\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/discovery/search?vid=34CSUC_UB:VU1&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&query=any,contains,b1105403* Enllaç\n\nSCHEFFLER, HELMUT ; ELSÄSSER, HANS, 1929-.\n\nPhysics of the galaxy and interstellar matter.\n\nBerlin : Springer, 1988" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Gauge theory: the standard model"@en . . "6.0" . "Learning objectives\n\nReferring to knowledge\n\nBegin to develop an understanding of the technicalities and common characteristics of gauge theories, such as quantum electrodynamics (QED), quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and electroweak theory.\n\nUnderstand and be able to easily use the characteristic techniques of field theories with gauge symmetry: Feynman diagram, dimensional regularisation, renormalisation groups.\nLearn the fundamental principles of the standard model in elemental interactions: structure, symmetries, radiative corrections and renosmalisation.\nLearn other key aspects of field theories in fundamental interactions.\n\n \n\n \n\nTeaching blocks\n\n \n\nIntroduction: Gauge symmetry and spin-one particles\n* Global symmetries of a theory with N Dirac fermions: covariant derivatives, massless vector fields and the Gauge principle\n\n\nQuantum representations of the Lorentz group and one-particle states. Massless and massive spin-1 particles\n\n\nWard Identity in Compton scattering: One photon case (QED), and N photon case (YM)\n\nNon-Abelian Gauge Theory\n* \n\nConnected Lie group of transformations: Structure constants and Lie Algebra. N-dimensional representations: Adjoint representation, Fundamental representation, and the case of SU(N). Complex, real and pseudo-real representations. Expressing a field in the adjoint representation of SU(N) as a linear combination of the generators in the fundamental representation.\n\n \n\nLocal SU(N) symmetry. Non abelian covariant derivative, Non-abelian Gauge fields, Feynman rules for YM coupled to fermions, and Gauge boson self-interactions. Theta term.\n\n \n\nExtension to more general symmetry groups. U(1) subalgebras, Compact simple subalgebras, and the Cartan catalog. The covariant derivative in the Standard Model.\n\n \nSpontaneous Symmetry Breaking (SSB) and Anomalies\n* \n\nSSB and the Linear Sigma Model: Goldstone’s theorem. Broken and unbroken generators. Flavor symmetry and Pions as Goldstone bosons.\n\n \n\nSSB in gauge theories: the Higgs Mechanism: The U(1) case, photon mass terms, transversity of the vaccuum polarization and the unitarity gauge.The Non-Abelian case: broken generators and gauge-boson mass matrix.\n\n \n\nQuantization of gauge theories with SSB: The U(1) case, Faddeev Popov, R_xi gauges and Ghosts. Fermion-antifermion scattering: Gauge-independence, the role of Goldstones, and the Unitarity gauge. Extension to the non-abelian case.\n\n \n\nAnomalous Symmetries\nQuantisation of gauge theories\n* \n\nPath integral quantization: Generating functional, correlation functions, Green’s functions and propagators.\n\nQuantization of U(1) gauge theory and the Faddeev-Popov method.\n\n \n\nFaddeev-Popov for Non-Abelian YM: Functional determinants, fermionic path integrals, functional determinants for fermions, and the Faddeev-Popov determinant in the non-abelian case, Gauge fixing and Ghosts. Feynman rules for YM theory.\n\n \n\nWard identity and unitarity in Non-Abelian YM theory: Optical theorem. The case of fermion-antifermion annihilation in YM theory: how Ghosts restore unitarity by cancelling unphysical gauge-boson polaizations.\nRadiative corrections in gauge theories\n* Divergent structure of gauge theories\n\nRenormalisation and counter-terms in QCD\nThe meaning of the renormalisation procedure\nCalculation of the beta function in QCD\nThe renormalisation group and fixed points\nThe R parameter and renormalisation ambiguities\nDecoupling of heavy quarks\n\nThe limits of perturbation theory\n* Confinement\n\nInfrared divergences: inclusive and exclusive processes\nThe operator product expansion\nPower corrections to R\n\nGauge structure of the electroweak theory\n* Summary of known results: the origin of the SU(2)xU(1) weak group\n\nUnitarity bounds and renormalization issues of Weak theories\n\nGauges and gauge fixing; Physical states\n\nMass generation and spontaneous symmetry breaking\n\nYukawa Interactions: Fermion masses and the CKM matrix.\n\nNeutrino Mass and the see-saw mechanism and the PMNS matrix.\n\nAnomaly Cancellation in Gauge Theories\n\nThe electroweak theory beyond tree level\n* Custodial Symmetry and Higgs Effective Theory. Electroweak Precision observables: Delta rho.\n\nFCNC transitions, the GIM mechanism, CP symmetry and CP violation in kaons and other neutral systems\n\nWeak effective theories: Wilson Coefficient, Matching, Anomalous dimensions and Renormalization group equations\n\n \n\n \n\nTeaching methods and general organization\n\n \n\nLecturers explain the different teaching blocks during face-to-face sessions.\n\nStudents solve weekly set exercises.\n\n \n\n \n\nOfficial assessment of learning outcomes\n\n \n\nIndependent study: questions, activities, attitude in class, formality and quality of submitted exercises: 10%\n\nSet exercises: 50%\n\nFinal examination: 40%\n\nRepeat assessment criteria: repeat assessment follows the same criteria as regular assessment and consists of a final exam.\n\n \n\nExamination-based assessment\n\nWritten final exam: 100%\n\nRepeat assessment criteria: repeat assessment follows the same criteria as regular assessment and consists of a final exam.\n\n \n\n \n\nReading and study resources\n\nCheck availability in Cercabib\n\nBook\n\nCheng, Ta-Pei ; Li, Ling-Fong. Gauge theory of elementary particle physics. Oxford : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2000 Enllaç\n\nEd. 1984 Enllaç\n\nGeorgi, Howard. Weak interactions and modern particle theory. Mineola, N.Y. : Dover Publications, 2009 Enllaç\n\n\nKaku, Michio. Quantum field theory : a modern introduction. New York [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 1993 Enllaç\n\n\nPeskin, Michael E. ; Schroeder, Daniel V. An introduction to quantum field theory. Reading (Mass.) [etc.] : Addison-Wesley, cop. 1995 Enllaç\n\n\nRamond, Pierre. Field theory : a modern primer. Redwood City, Calif. [etc.] : Addison-Wesley Pub Co, cop. 1989 Enllaç\n\n\nTaylor, John Clayton. Gauge theories of weak interactions. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1976\n\nMore information at: http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=568436&ens=M0D0B&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "High energy astrophysics"@en . . "3.0" . "Learning objectives\n\nReferring to knowledge\n\nThe objective of this course is to acquire research training in high-energy astrophysics, from an observational and theoretical point of view. The subjects provides students with basic and updated knowledge to properly prepare them for the subsequent career in research. For those who do not foresee a career in research, the learning gained on this master’s degree will boost their skills and increase their experience, which could be useful in the job market.\n\nTo understand the high-energy universe in which we live, first we explain physical mechanisms that can accelerate particles to high energies and radiation processes that lead to astrophysical sources. Then, we study the phenomenology of various kinds of astrophysical high-energy sources, such as supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei, X-ray binary stars, pulsars or supernova remnants. The most recent observational results are presented and the implication is discussed in the available models.\n\nHigh-energy astrophysics is currently in a golden age due to the results that are being obtained from existing observatories, which represent a unique opportunity to advance in the field of high energies. The following observatories are notable:\n— Soft X-ray satellites, such as XMM-Newton or Chandra.\n— Hard X-ray satellites, such as INTEGRAL or Swift.\n— High-energy gamma-ray satellites, such as Fermi.\n— Cherenkov telescopes, such as MAGIC, HESS or VERITAS.\n— Neutrino detectors, such as IceCube.\n\nThe enormous amount of information that has been gathered by these instruments over years requires professionals to process the data properly and contribute to advances in the physics field.\n\n \n\n \n\nTeaching blocks\n\n \n\n1. 0. Introduction - Messengers from space\n* Cosmic rays\n\n Neutrinos\n\n Gravitational waves\n\n Electromagnetic waves \n\n2. 1. Particle acceleration and radiation mechanisms in high energy astrophysics\n* 1.1. Particle acceleration mechanisms\n\n 1.2. Diffusion\n\n 1.3. Energy losses\n\n 1.3. Radiative processes\n\n 1.3.1. Thermal emission\n\n 1.3.2. Synchrotron radiation\n\n 1.3.3. Inverse Compton scattering\n\n 1.3.4. Bremsstrahlung\n\n 1.3.5. Hadronic processes\n\n 1.3.6. Particle annihilation\n\n3. 2. Accretion and ejection in relativistic sources\n* 2.1. Accretion onto compact objects \n\n 2.2. Outflows: jets and winds (general physical description)\n\n 2.3. Flow dynamics (production, propagation, content, termination)\n\n 2.4. Emission in relativistic outflows: electron-positron pairs \n\n 2.5. Emission in relativistic outflows: protons and nuclei \n\n 2.6. Radiation reprocessing\n\n4. 3. Phenomenology of accreting sources with outflows\n* 3.1. Observational tools (analysis and fundamental diagrams)\n\n 3.2. X-ray binary accretion modes\n\n 3.3. Disks and jets \n\n 3.4. Black holes at all scales: from X-ray binaries to AGNs\n\n5. 4. High-energy gamma-ray sources in the Universe\n* 4.1. High-energy gamma-ray detectors and satellites\n\n 4.2. Imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes\n\n 4.3. Galactic high-energy gamma-ray sources (pulsars, pulsar wind nebulae, supernova remnants, X-ray and gamma-ray binaries, etc.)\n\n 4.4. Extragalactic high-energy gamma-ray sources (AGNs, GRBs, EBL, etc.)\n\n 4.5. Fundamental physics at high-energy gamma rays (dark matter, Lorentz invariance, etc.)\n\n \n\n \n\nTeaching methods and general organization\n\n \n\nLecturers explain the topics in the programme with the support of audiovisual material and the Internet among others.\nStudents are given the material presented in each class in electronic format.\nStudents must submit an assignment and give an oral presentation, and a written synthesis test to prove the comprehension of the knowledge acquired.\n\n \n\n \n\nOfficial assessment of learning outcomes\n\n \n\nStudents should work on a topic of high energy astrophysics proposed by teachers. The work, which must be presented orally and submitted in writing, allows part of the assessment to be carried out. The assessment is completed with a written synthesis test and taking into account active participation in class. The percentage of the grade for each part is:\n- Participation: 20%\n\n- Written synthesis test: 30%\n\n- Written work: 20%\n\n- Oral presentation of the work: 30%\n\nThe same system is used for re-evaluation as for evaluation.\n\n \n\n \n\nReading and study resources\n\nCheck availability in Cercabib\n\nBook\n\nAharonian, F. A. Very high energy cosmic gamma radiation : crucial window on the extreme universe. Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, cop. 2004. Enllaç\n\n\nCharles, Philip A. ; Seward, Frederick D. Exploring the X-ray universe. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1995. Enllaç\n\n\nLongair, M. S. High energy astrophysics. 3rd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011 Enllaç\n\n\nPacholczyk, A. G. Radioastrofísica : procesos no térmicos en fuentes galácticas y extragalácticas. Barcelona : Reverté, DL 1979 Enllaç\n\n\nRomero, Gustavo E. ; Paredes i Poy, Josep Maria. Introducción a la astrofísica relativista. Barcelona : Publicacions i Edicions Universitat de Barcelona, cop. 2011 Textos docents ; 365\n\n\nMore information at: http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=568433&ens=M0D0B&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Instrumentation, data analysis and machine learning"@en . . "6.0" . "Learning objectives\n\nReferring to knowledge \n\nUnderstand the mechanisms, techniques and characteristic parameters of particle accelerators\nLearn the working principles of modern detection instruments\nUnderstand the requirements and considerations that determine the design of a modern particle physics or astrophysics experiment\nUnderstand the techniques for the reconstruction of particle physics and astrophysical data\nApplication of machine learning and data analysis techniques to particle physics and astrophysics data \n\nTeaching blocks\n\n \n\n1. Requirements of particle physics experiments\n1.1. Particle production and detection\n\n1.2. Measurements and observables\n\n2. Requirements of astrophysical observations\n2.1. Radiative processes in astrophysics\n\n2.2. Astroparticles: cosmic rays, neutrinos, solar/stellar winds\n\n3. Particle accelerators\n3.1. Types of accelerators\n\n3.2. Acceleration techniques\n\n4. Detection techniques\n4.1. Scintillators\n\n4.2. Tracking with gas and solid detectors\n\n4.3. Silicon detectors\n\n4.4. Calorimetry\n\n4.5. Cherenkov radiation detectors\n\n5. Design of high energy physics experiments\n5.1. Physics program and main characteristics\n\n5.2. Trajectory and momentum measurement\n\n5.3. Energy measurement\n\n5.4. Particle identification\n\n6. Data acquisition and processing\n6.1. Trigger and data acquisition systems\n\n6.2. Calibration techniques\n\n6.3. Reconstruction methods\n\n6.4. Offline data storage and processing\n\n7. Astrophysical instrumentation\n7.1. Optical and radio telescopes\n\n7.2. X-ray and Gamma-ray telescopes\n\n7.3. Cosmic-rays, Neutrino and Gravitational-Wave detectors\n\n8. Astrophysical observation techniques\n8.1. The effect of the atmosphere in astronomical observations\n\n8.2. Site testing and characterisation\n\n8.3. Adaptive and active optics in optical telescopes\n\n8.4. Detectors: concepts and characterisation\n\n9. Practical exercises\n9.1. Data analysis: machine learning and fitting techniques; hands-on sessions\n\n9.2. Measurement of the ALBA synchrotron beam emittance\n\n9.3. Measurement of the muon lifetime\n\n9.4. Astrophysical observation at Parc Astronòmic del Montsec\n\n9.5. [OPTIONAL] Astrophysical proposal and observation at Calar Alto Astronomical Observatory\n\n9.6. Data analysis: cloud computing hands-on sessions\n\n9.7. Data analysis: X-rays using Chandra data; hands-on sessions\n\n9.8. Data analysis: High-Energy gamma-rays using Fermi-LAT data; hands-on sessions\n\n9.9. Data analysis: Very High Energy gamma-rays using CTA/Monte Carlo simulations and publicly available H.E.S.S. data; hands-on sessions\n\n \n\n \n\nOfficial assessment of learning outcomes\n\n \n\nGrading is based on the assessment of the reports submitted for the computer, lab and field exercises, and the supervised project report and presentation.\n\n \n\nExamination-based assessment\n\nStudents have to submit the assignments following the instructions from the lecturers. Once the assignments have been assessed, students take an oral exam on their contents. If this exam is successfully passed, the final grade is calculated from the marks of the assignments; otherwise, the subject is graded as failed.\n\n \n\n \n\nReading and study resources\n\nCheck availability in Cercabib\n\nBook\n\nFernow, Richard, Introduction to experimental particle physics, Cambridge University Press cop. 1986\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/permalink/34CSUC_UB/18sfiok/alma991003985719706708 Enllaç\n\nCahn, Robert N, The experimental foundations of particle physics, Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press 2009\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/permalink/34CSUC_UB/18sfiok/alma991004398829706708 Enllaç\n\nLeonardo Rossi et al., Pixel detectors : from fundamentals to applications, Berlin [etc.] : Springer, cop. 2006\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/discovery/search?vid=34CSUC_UB:VU1&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&query=any,contains,b2181103* Enllaç\n\n“Radiative Processes in Astrophysics”, Rybicki, G. B. and Lightman, A. P., Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 1985\nISBN: 9780471827597\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/permalink/34CSUC_UB/13d0big/alma991008156709706708 Enllaç\n\n“Radiation Detection and Measurement”, Glenn F. Knoll, Wiley, 2010 (4th ed)\nISBN: 978-0-470-13148-0\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/permalink/34CSUC_UB/13d0big/alma991004686189706708 Enllaç\n\n“Astrophysical Techniques”, C.R. Kitchin, CRC Press, 2021 (7th ed)\nISBN: 9781138591202\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/permalink/34CSUC_UB/13d0big/alma991008045649706708 Enllaç\n\n“Very high energy cosmic gamma radiation : a crucial window on the extreme Universe”, F. A. Aharonian, World Scientific Publishing, 2004\nISBN: 978-9810245733\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/permalink/34CSUC_UB/13d0big/alma991009280089706708 Enllaç\n\n“Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics”, C. Bambi & A. Santangelo, Springer Nature Singapore, 2023, ISBN: 9789811969591\n\n\n“Particles and Astrophysics: A Multi-Messenger Approach”, M. Spurio, Springer Link, 2017\nISBN: 978-3-319-34539-0\n\n\n\"Fundamentos de fotometría astronómica\", Galadí-Enríquez, D., Marcombo, 2018. ISBN: 978-84-267-2576-9\n\n\n\"De la Tierra al Universo\", Galadí-Enríquez, D., Gutiérrez Cabello, J., AKAL, 2022. ISBN: 9788446051459 \n\n\nWeb page\n\nR.L. Workman et al. (Particle Data Group), Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2022, 083C01 (2022)\n\nMore information at: http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=575606&ens=M0D0B&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Mathematical and statistical techniques"@en . . "6.0" . "Learning objectives\n\n \n\nReferring to knowledge\n\n\nGet acquainted with fundamental results of probability theory and statistics. Understand their relevance to important issues in experimental and theoretical physics.\nUnderstand the power and limitations of Monte-Carlo methods, in particular when applied to physical contexts\nDevelop comprehensive skills on the topic, ranging from the ability to write code to perform computations on specific data to the ability to prove easy mathematical statements in order to solve theoretical issues.\nGet acquainted with the techniques for data analysis and the basic concepts of data mining. Specifically, to code in Python to implement the analysis and to use a variety of software tools for data mining, including Neural Networks.\n \n\n \n\nTeaching blocks\n\n \n\n1. The concept of probability\n1.1. Conditional probability and Bayes theorem\n\n1.2. Frequentists versus Bayesians\n\n2. Random variables\n2.1. Mean, variance and moments\n\n2.2. Change of variables\n\n2.3. Examples of one-dimensional p.d.f’s\n\n2.4. Distributions of more than one random variable\n\n2.5. Examples of n-dimensional p.d.f’s\n\n2.6. Reproducibility\n\n2.7. Some theorems of probability theory\n\n3. Monte Carlo\n3.1. Random generation of uniform numbers\n\n3.2. Generation of different p.d.f.\n\n3.3. The inverse transformation method\n\n3.4. The composition method\n\n3.5. Von Neumann’s method\n\n3.6. Stratified sampling method\n\n3.7. Events with weight\n\n3.8. Monte Carlo integration\n\n3.9. Markov chains\n\n4. Statistical inference\n4.1. Non-parametric estimation\n\n4.2. Parametric estimation\n\n4.3. Confidence intervals\n\n4.4. Fisher Information\n\n4.5. Sufficient statistics\n\n4.6. Cramer-Rao inequality\n\n4.7. Construction of estimators\n\n4.8. The maximum likelihood method\n\n4.9. The minimum chi2 method\n\n5. Statistical tests\n5.1. Hypothesis test\n\n5.2. Significance test\n\n5.3. Decision theory\n\n6. Advanced topics\n6.1. Feldman-Cousins criterion for confidence intervals\n\n6.2. The sPlot method\n\n6.3. The sFit method\n\n7. Multivariate analysis and statistical treatment techniques\n7.1. Introduction to multivariate data analysis\n\n7.2. Data analysis and representation; Statistical distances.\n\n7.3. Principal component analysis\n\n7.4. Clustering\n\n7.5. Discriminant analysis\n\n7.6. Non-parametric methods of estimation of a probability density function\n\n7.7. Hands-on exercises\n\n8. Neural Networks\n8.1. Basic concepts of Artificial Neural Networks\n\n8.2. Design, training and use of Neural Networks\n\n8.3. Self Organizing maps\n\n8.4. Hands-on exercises\n\n9. Data mining\n9.1. Introduction to data mining: basic concepts\n\n9.2. Combination of data analysis techniques to implement a data mining procedure\n\n9.3. Complementary topics: Big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing\n\n \n\n \n\nOfficial assessment of learning outcomes\n\n \n\nThere is no exam for this subject. Instead, 6 problem-solving assignments are set during the course. Grading is based on the assessment of the reports submitted.\n\n \n\n \n\nExamination-based assessment\n\nRepeat assessment: students have to repeat and resubmit the 6 problem-solving assignments following the instructions from the lecturers. Once the assignments have been assessed, students take an oral exam on their contents. If this exam is successfully passed, the final grade is calculated from the marks of the assignments; otherwise, the subject is graded as failed.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nReading and study resources\n\nCheck availability in Cercabib\n\nBook\n\nDeGroot, Morris H. Probability and statistics. 4th ed. Boston : Pearson Education, cop. 2012 Enllaç\n\n2a ed Enllaç\n\nFeller, William. An introduction to probability theory and Its applications, 2nd ed. New York : Wiley, 1972. v. 2 Enllaç\n\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/discovery/search?vid=34CSUC_UB:VU1&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&query=any,contains,b1536375* Enllaç\n\nWitten, I. H. ; Frank, Eibe ; Hall, Mark A. Data mining : a practical machine learning tools. 4th ed. Burlington, [etc.] : Morgan Kaufman, cop. 2017 Enllaç\n\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/discovery/search?vid=34CSUC_UB:VU1&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&query=any,contains,b1727639* Enllaç\n\nLandau, David P ; Binder, K. A guide to Monte Carlo simulations in statistical physics. 4a ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, cop. 2015 Enllaç\n\n\nData Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques; Ian H. , Witten, Eibe Frank, Mark A. Hall, Christopher Pal; Ed. Morgan Kauffmann, ISBN 978-0128042915\n\n\nVideo, DVD and film\n\nNeural Networks: Zero to Hero: youtube series on Neural Networks\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAqhIrjkxbuWI23v9cThsA9GvCAUhRvKZ Enllaç\n\nArticle\n\nWeinzierl, Stephan. \"Introduction to Monte Carlo method\", a: http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0006269 Enllaç\n\n \tConferences\n\nWeb page\n\nScientific computing tools for Python: https://www.scipy.org/about.html \n\nIntroduction to Probability for Data Science: https://probability4datascience.com/\n\nMore information at: http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=568423&ens=M0D0B&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Quantum field theory"@en . . "6.0" . "Competences to be gained during study\n\n— Capacity to effectively identify, formulate and solve problems, and to critically interpret and assess the results obtained.\n\n— Knowledge forming the basis of original thinking in the development or application of ideas, typically in a research context.\n\n— Capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to problem-solving in new or relatively unknown environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.\n\n— Capacity to integrate knowledge and tackle the complexity of formulating judgments based on incomplete or limited information, taking due consideration of the social and ethical responsibilities involved in applying knowledge and making judgments.\n\n— Capacity to communicate conclusions, judgments and the grounds on which they have been reached to specialist and non-specialist audiences in a clear and unambiguous manner.\n\n— Skills to enable lifelong self-directed and independent learning.\n\n— Capacity to communicate, give presentations and write scientific articles in English on fields related to the topics covered in the master’s degree.\n\n— Capacity to critically analyze rigour in theory developments.\n\n— Capacity to acquire the necessary methodological techniques to develop research tasks in the field of study.\n\n— Capacity to analyze and interpret a physical system in terms of the relevant scales of energy.\n\n— Capacity to identify relevant observable magnitudes in a specific physical system.\n\n— Capacity to understand and apply general gravitation theories and theories on the standard model of particle physics, and to learn their main experimental principles (specialization in Particle Physics and Gravitation).\n\n— Capacity to critically analyze the results of calculations, experiments or observations, and to calculate possible errors.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nLearning objectives\n\n \n\nReferring to knowledge\n\n— Learn to renormalise at one-loop scalar theories and QED.\n\n— Understand the consequences of exact and approximate symmetries.\n\n \n\n \n\nTeaching blocks\n\n \n\n1. Classical field theory\n* Motivations: from the quantum theory of relativistic particles to the quantum theory of fields; Classical field theory; Functional derivative; Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations; Noether’s theorem and conservation laws; Poincaré group generators\n\n2. Quantisation of free field theory\n* Harmonic oscillator and real scalar field; Canonical quantisation of real scalar fields; Klein Gordon equation; Microcausality; Propagators for the Klein-Gordon equation: retarded propagator and Feynman propagator; Particle creation by a classical source; Complex scalar field; Quantisation of the Dirac field; Quantisation of the electromagnetic field\n\n3. Interactive field theory\n* The Ø^4 interaction; Interaction picture; Time evolution operator; Correlation function; Wick’s theorem; Feynman diagrams; Feynman rules; Feynman rules for QED; Disconnected diagrams; Källén-Lehmann spectral representation; Collisions and S-matrix; LSZ reduction formula; Feynman diagrams, and KL and KLS formulas; 1PI diagrams and self-energy\n\n4. Path integral quantisation\n* Path integrals and quantum mechanics; Functional quantisation of the scalar field; Correlation function; Feynman rules for Ø^4 theory; Function generator; Interactions; Functional quantisation of spinor fields; Schwinger-Dyson equations; Conservation laws: Ward-Takahashi identity\n\n5. Renormalisation\n* Ultraviolet divergences and renormalised theories; Renormalised perturbation theory; Dimensional regularisation; Feynman parameters; One-loop renormalisation of Ø^4 theory; One-loop renormalisation of QED; Counterterms; Two-loop renormalisation of Ø^4 theory; Callan-Symanzik equation; Evolution of coupling constants\n\n \n\n \n\nTeaching methods and general organization\n\n \n\nLectures. Expository classes. Problem-solving sessions.\n\n \n\n \n\nOfficial assessment of learning outcomes\n\n \n\nAssessment is based on problem-solving activities carried out throughout the course.\n\n \n\nRepeat assessment consists of an examination in June.\n\n \n\n \n\nReading and study resources\n\nCheck availability in Cercabib\n\nBook\n\nPeskin, Michael E. ; Schroeder, Daniel V. An Introduction to quantum field theory. Reading (Mass.) : Addison Wesley, 1998 Enllaç\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/discovery/search?vid=34CSUC_UB:VU1&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&query=any,contains,b1330066* Enllaç\n\nBanks, Tom. Modern quantum field theory : a concise introduction. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008 Enllaç\n\n\nRamond, Pierre. Field theory : a modern primer. 2a ed. Reading : Addison-Wesley, cop. 1989. Enllaç\n\n\nSrednicki, Mark. Quantum field theory, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007 Enllaç\n\n\nWeinberg, Steven. The Quantum theory of fields v. 1. Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press, 1995-1996 Enllaç\n\n\nZee, A. Quantum field theory in a nutshell. 2nd ed. Princeton : Princeton University Press, cop. 2010 Enllaç Ed. 2003\n\nMore information at: http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=568427&ens=M0D0B&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Star formation and structure"@en . . "6.0" . "Competences to be gained during study\n\n— Capacity to write scientific and technical documents.\n\n— Capacity to communicate, give presentations and write scientific articles on fields related to the topics covered in the master’s degree.\n\n— Capacity to test predictions from theoretical models with experimental and observational data.\n\n— Capacity to critically analyze the results of calculations, experiments or observations, and to calculate possible errors.\n\n \n\n--Capacity to elaborate scientific proposals concerning to a topic of the course program.\n\n-Capacity to analyze observational data from radiointerferometers using CASA tool.\n \n\nLearning objectives\n\nReferring to knowledge\n\n— Learn basic concepts on the physics of the interstellar medium, with a focus on processes relating to star formation in our galaxy and the pre-main-sequence star evolution of objects in different mass ranges (low, intermediate and high).\n\n \n\n— Deepen knowledge of the application of basic physics to gravity, hydrostatic equilibrium, heat transport and nuclear reactions to understand the structure and evolution of stars and gain a vision of current problems of interest in star formation and young stellar object evolution.\n\n \n\n \n\nTeaching blocks\n\n \n\n1. Introduction\n1.1. The Milky Way galaxy\n\n1.2. The interstellar medium\n\n2. The tools: radio interferometry. Optical and near-infrared astronomy\n3. Interstellar medium and star-forming regions\n3.1. Interstellar dust; Composition and physical properties; Extinction, reddening and polarisation; Thermal emission\n\n3.2. Atomic, ionised and molecular gas; Spectral line emission; Free-free emission, recombination lines of HII and physical parameters from HII; Chemistry of the molecular gas and formation of molecules; Molecular lines and physical parameters of molecular-line observations\n\n3.3. Astrochemistry\n\n3.4. Energy balance in molecular clouds; Virial theorem; Turbulence and magnetic field; Magnetically supported cores\n\n3.5. Molecular clouds; Morphology, filaments and dense cores; Sites of star formation, examples of TMC, Orion\n\n4. Young stellar objects\n4.1. Spectral energy distribution; Classification and observational properties of YSO\n\n4.2. PMS evolution; Hayashi and Henyey tracks; ZAMS\n\n4.3. T Tauri stars and Ae/Be stars; Models and observations\n\n4.4. Interaction of YSO with their environment; Jets, Herbig-Haro objects and bipolar molecular outflows\n\n4.5. Accretion and supersonic ejection processes in YSO; Accretion disks; Observation and models\n\n5. Practical cases\n5.1. Basic concepts on calibration and imaging with CASA\n\n5.2. Proposal writing\n\n \n\n \n\nTeaching methods and general organization\n\n \n\n— Lectures.\n\n— Seminars led by guest experts.\n\n— Discussion of recently published articles.\n\n— Discussion of projects presented by the students.\n\n—Discussion of a practical case elaborated from file data, applying observational techniques studied in the course.\n\n--Elaboration of observational proposals \n\n \n\n \n\nOfficial assessment of learning outcomes\n\n \n\nContinuous assessment consists of:\n\n— Submission of short written exercises or problems on the course content to be solved at home.\n\n— An assignment on a topic related to the course contents. This includes a written report (limited length) and an oral presentation (15 minutes).\n\n—A practical case elaborated from file data, applying observational techniques studied in the course\n\nThis part is worth 40% of the final grade.\n\n— Final written examination, consisting of short-answer questions on physical concepts explained throughout the course.\n\nThe final exam is worth 60% of the final grade.\n\nRepeat assessment consists of a written examination, similar to that in continuous assessment, worth 100% of the final grade.\n\n \n\nExamination-based assessment\n\nSingle assessment consists of the oral presentation of an assignment, similar to that in the continuous assessment, and a written examination with questions on the course content and problem-solving exercises.\n\n \n\n \n\nReading and study resources\n\nCheck availability in Cercabib\n\nBook\n\nPrialnik, Dina. An Introduction to the theory of stellar structure and evolution. 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010 Enllaç\n\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/discovery/search?vid=34CSUC_UB:VU1&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&query=any,contains,b1494539* Enllaç\n\nEstalella, Robert ; Anglada Pons, Guillem. Introducción a la física del medio interestelar. Barcelona : Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2008 (Textos docents ; 50) Enllaç\n\n \tThis book covers most of the contents of the course.\n\n2a ed. Enllaç\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/discovery/search?vid=34CSUC_UB:VU1&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&query=any,contains,b1312542* Enllaç\nhttps://cercabib.ub.edu/discovery/search?vid=34CSUC_UB:VU1&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&query=any,contains,b1278664* Enllaç\n\nHartmann, Lee. Accretion processes in star formation. 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009 Enllaç\n\n\nSmith, Michael D. The origin of stars. London : Imperial College Press, cop. 2004 Enllaç\n\n\nStahler, Steven William ; Palla, F. The formation of stars. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2004 Enllaç\n\n\nWard-Thompson, Derek ; Withworth, Antony P. An introduction to star formation. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011 Enllaç\n\n\n\"Interstellar and Intergalactic Medium Barbara Ryden & Richard W. Pogge Cambridge University Press, 2021 \n\nMore information at: http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=568425&ens=M0D0B&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Astronomy"@en . . "6.0" . "http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=569097&ens=M0D0G&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Astrophysics and cosmology"@en . . "6.0" . "http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=569104&ens=M0D0G&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Classical electromagnetism"@en . . "6.0" . "http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=569103&ens=M0D0G&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "General relativity"@en . . "6.0" . "http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=569107&ens=M0D0G&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "High-energy physics and accelerator physics"@en . . "6.0" . "http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=569112&ens=M0D0G&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Quantum physics"@en . . "6.0" . "http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=569100&ens=M0D0G&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Final project"@en . . "24.0" . "Competences to be gained during study\n\nBasic competences\n\nUpon completion of the master course, successful students will be able to:\nCB6 - Display an implicit capacity for original thinking in the development or application of ideas, in a research context.\nCB7 - Apply the acquired knowledge to problem-solving in new or relatively unknown environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts.\nCB8 - Analyze and synthesize scientific information at an advanced level and tackle the complexity of formulating judgements based on incomplete or limited information, taking due consideration of the associated social and ethical responsibilities.\nCB9 - Communicate knowledge, theories and conclusions to specialists and non-specialists in a clear and unambiguous manner.\nCB10 - Display a capacity for on-going self-directed and independent learning.\n\nGeneral competences\n\n\nStudents will also be able to:\nCG1 - Develop the ability to function as a team member.\nCG2 - Apply communication techniques for the search of scientific bibliography and the effective acquisition of information.\nCG3 - Identify new research problems or develop and solve existing ones, interpreting and evaluating critically the results obtained.\nCG4 - Develop the ability to write scientific and technical documents.\nCG5 - Develop the ability to communicate and make oral presentations in the field of the master’s degree.\nCG6 - Analyze critically the theoretical developments.\nCG7 - Acquire the skills and methodologies necessary to carry out research tasks in the areas of the master’s degree.\n\nSpecific competences\n\n\nWith regard to the specific applications of the curriculum, students will be able to:\nCE1 - Analyze and interpret a physical system according to the relevant energy scales.\nCE2 - Identify the relevant observable magnitudes in a given physical system.\nCE3 - Compare the predictions of theoretical models with experimental and observational data.\nCE4 - Uunderstand and use the current theories about the origin and evolution of the Universe and handle the observational data on which these theories are based.\nCE5 - Understand and apply the methodologies of the theories of General Gravitation and of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and its experimental foundations (specialty of Particle Physics and Gravitation).\nCE6 - Understand and apply the methodologies of both ground-based and space-based observational astronomy (speciality of Astrophysics and Space Sciences).\nCE7 - Display the capacity for innovation, development and application of new technologies.\nCE8 - Carry out experiments and calculations using specialized equipment.\nCE9 - Analyze critically the results of calculations, experiments and observations, identifying the associated errors.​\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nLearning objectives\n\n \n\nReferring to knowledge\n\nThe MSc degree in Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology provides students with advanced academic training in the fields of Astrophysics, Space Sciences, Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology. This training will allow you:\n\nAcquire the skills and abilities needed to form part of a research group or start working at a company dedicated to research in these areas.\nUndertake doctoral studies in the abovementioned fields.\nAcquire the skills and knowledge needed to make presentations and scientific work.\nArgue critically, issue judgements and present new ideas based on the analysis of information from these scientific areas.\n\n\nStudents will have to choose between two specialties, Astrophysics and Space Sciences or Particle Physics and Gravitation. However, they will have the possibility to make a master’s degree of a more interdisciplinary nature choosing elective subjects from the other specialty, or even subjects related to other master’s degrees.\n\nThe training offer includes not only theoretical but also practical aspects, in particular of instrumentation, observation and computation.\n\n \n \n\n \n\nTeaching blocks\n\n \n\n1. Master’s thesis topics\n* Any subject which bears some relationship with the two specialities of the master:\n\nAstrophysics and Space Sciences. \nParticle Physics and Gravitation.\n \n\n \n\nTeaching methods and general organization\n\n \n\nDevelop a research project, write a report (thesis) on it and defend it orally in front of a panel of experts.\n\n \n\n \n\nOfficial assessment of learning outcomes\n\n \n\nThere are two evaluation calls per academic year, one between the end of January and the beginning of February, corresponding to the 1st semester, and one between the end of June and the beginning of July, corresponding to the 2nd semester. Each student will have two opportunities to pass the assessment. Students who waive the winter call are entitled to defend their master’s thesis during the spring call, while those waiving the spring call can defend their master’s thesis in September. \n\nThe master’s degree is completed after writing a report and carrying out a 20-minute public presentation in front of an evaluation committee. \n\nEach thesis is evaluated by both the Tutor, who rates the research capacity of the student, and an evaluation committee, consisting of a President and a Secretary, responsible for appraising the written and oral work. \n\nThe evaluation of the oral dissertation is based upon:\n\na) The clarity of the public exposition of the work;\n\nb) the ability to answer questions by the committee; and\n\nc) the scientific quality of the written version of the work.\n\nThe oral presentation may be given in English, Catalan or Spanish. The use of English will have a positive impact on the evaluation.\n\n \n\n \n\nExamination-based assessment\n\nSame as in the official assessment.\n\nMore information at: http://grad.ub.edu/grad3/plae/AccesInformePDInfes?curs=2023&assig=568424&ens=M0D0B&recurs=pladocent&n2=1&idioma=ENG" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master in Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology"@en . . "https://web.ub.edu/en/web/estudis/w/masteruniversitari-m0d0b" . "60"^^ . "Presential"@en . "The master's degree Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology of the University of Barcelona is intended for holders of bachelor's degrees and equivalent undergraduate degrees (particularly in physics), engineers and technical engineers who wish to pursue a specialization in one of the following branches of knowledge: astrophysics and space sciences; atomic, nuclear and particle physics; or gravitation and cosmology. The duration and specific content will depend on each applicant's previous studies.\nThe master's degree seeks to provide students with the training needed to conduct research in one of the fields listed above or in a related field, thanks to the interdisciplinary subjects also included in the program.\n\nThe course focuses on preparing students to begin a doctoral thesis upon completion of their degree, enabling them to pursue an academic career. However, it also provides highly valuable training for a career in the public or private sector, opening up a wide range of employment options.\n\nObjectives\nThe objectives of the master's degree are to provide students with advanced academic training in the fields of astrophysics, space sciences, atomic, nuclear and particle physics, gravitation and cosmology. More specifically, the objectives are:\n\n\n\nto study the content of a carefully selected set of subjects;\n\nto acquire the work methodology needed for conducting research and completing a doctoral thesis in the above fields through the completion of one or more research projects during the program;\n\nto acquire the skills needed to give scientific presentations;\n\nto acquire the competences, skills and abilities required to join a research group and complete doctoral studies or eventually join companies that pursue developments related to research in the mentioned fields.\n\nCompetences\nThe generic competences obtained by students will be instrumental (such as the capacity for analysis and synthesis, a working knowledge of English, knowledge of software tools and decision-making skills), interpersonal (such as critical reasoning, teamwork and creativity), and systemic (such as the capacity for independent learning and the capacity to adapt to new situations).\n\nThe specific competences obtained by students will be the capacity to understand a physical system in terms of the relevant scales of energy, the capacity to identify observable magnitudes and the capacity to test predictions from theoretical models with experimental and observational data.\n\nAnother potential specific competence is the capacity to develop and apply new technologies."@en . . . "1"@en . "FALSE" . . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "1660.20" . "Euro"@en . "4920" . "None" . "Obtaining the Master's Degree in Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology is the first step towards undertaking a doctoral thesis in one of the research lines in the general fields of Astronomy and Astrophysics (astrophysics and space sciences) or Particle Physics and Gravitation (atomic, nuclear and particle physics, gravitation and cosmology). Some of the more applied syllabus content may also open professional doors to work in companies in the aerospace, energy, financial and communications sectors, among others, as these require specialists in the fields of space science, data processing and analysis, process simulation and advanced computation, etc."@en . "2"^^ . "TRUE" . "Upstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Catalan"@en . .