. "Geographic Information Science"@en . . "Geography"@en . . "Remote Sensing"@en . . "Environmental sciences"@en . . "English"@en . . "Principles of gis"@en . . "15.0" . "EGM711 – Principles of GIS (15 credits) – this module runs in weeks 1-6 of semester 1 and is a compulsory module.\n\nThis module introduces the theory and practice of Geographic Information Systems, and is intended to provide an understanding of the breadth of potential GIS applications and to equip students with the key concepts and skills required relating to the input, management, manipulation, analysis and output of spatial data. Lecture-based teaching of key concepts is reinforced by linked practical exercises which allow students to develop competence in ESRI's ArcGIS package. The module assumes no prior knowledge or experience of GIS." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to remote sensing"@en . . "15.0" . "EGM713 – Introduction to Remote Sensing (15 credits) – this module runs in weeks 1-6 of semester 1 and is a compulsory module.\n\nThis module offers students the opportunity to study the principles and applications of remote sensing and image analysis and to explore links between remote sensing and GIS. Students will become familiar with theoretical foundations of remote sensing and will develop technical skills through a series of software-based practical exercises and assignments using ERDAS Imagine." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Spatial data management"@en . . "15.0" . "EGM712 - Spatial Data Management (15 credits) – this module runs in weeks 7-12 of semester 1 and is a compulsory module.\n\nThis module builds on the knowledge and practical skills gained in EGM711 to provide students with further experience in the acquisition, manipulation and analysis of spatial data. Methods for generating and collecting digital spatial data from primary and secondary sources are considered, and data processing, selection, integration and analysis extensively practiced. Lecture and practical sessions include digitising, geo-registration, GPS, accessing and using secondary sources, spatial join and overlay, network analysis and 3D modelling, and incorporate experience of a variety of large and small scale vector and raster datasets. The module also incorporates practice in statistical analysis and interpretation. Development of GIS software skills focuses on ArcGIS and extensions." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Gis databases"@en . . "15.0" . "EGM717 – GIS Databases (15 credits) - this module runs in weeks 7-12 of semester 1 and is a compulsory module.\n\nThis module examines the role of databases within the GI industry. It aims to enable students to appreciate the need for database skills that are used in GIS applications. The module is interactive and discussions are encouraged about spatial issues. A range of database skills are introduced which equip the student with knowledge of the potential and scope of databases within a range of different applications. Students will be introduced to a range of open source DBMS and GIS software including PostgreSQL, PostGIS and Quantum GIS." . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Web-based gis"@en . . "15.0" . "EGM715 – Web-Based GIS (15 credits)\n\nThis module examines the role of programming within the GI industry. It aims to enable students to appreciate the need for programming skills that can be used to customise and develop applications. A range of programming skills is introduced which equip the student with knowledge of the potential and scope of programming within various applications." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Photogrammetry and advanced Image analysis"@en . . "15.0" . "EGM702 – Photogrammetry and Advanced Image Analysis (15 credits)\n\nThis module covers advanced topics in visible remote sensing and image analysis, including photogrammetry and digital elevation models, image processing and manipulation, advanced classification techniques such as object-based image analysis (OBIA), and time series analysis using Google Earth Engine. It builds on the topics covered in EGM713, complements the topics covered in EGM722, and provides a foundation for further study in remote sensing." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Spatial analysis and modelling"@en . . "15.0" . "EGM716 – Spatial Analysis and Modelling (15 credits)\n\nThis module builds on the introductory material of EGM711 and EGM712, covering key concepts of spatial data analysis and modelling, and providing extensive practical experience of ESDA and spatial modelling within a GIS environment." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Gis work experience"@en . . "15.0" . "EGM725 – GIS Work Experience (15 credits)\n\nThis module consists of a GI-related work experience placement designed to allow students the opportunity to contextualize their classroom-based learning in a professional environment relevant to a career in GI-related fields and to enhance their employability through work-based learning.\n\nIt is also possible to take one 30 credit Environmental Management module in place of two of the optional modules in semester 2. You would take one of the below modules depending what year you start along with two of the optional modules listed above" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Gis in business and society"@en . . "15.0" . "EGM714 - GIS in Business and Society (15 credits)\n\nThis module investigates the GI industry from the perspective of the GI professional, the GI customer/user and the various functions and processes behind the successful implementation of GIS in real world scenarios. The module aims to give students a firm understanding of GIS in the commercial world, an appreciation of the economic and social value of spatial data and the importance of decision-based techniques in spatial analysis within GIS applications. The module assumes no prior knowledge or experience of GIS." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Gis for environmental management"@en . . "15.0" . "EGM721 – GIS for Environmental Management (15 credits)\n\nThis optional module examines the application of GIS to environmental management, modelling and impact assessment. It aims to enable students to appreciate the need for properly researched information to support strategic and operational environmental management decisions, and to be aware of the means by which such information can be obtained and evaluated." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Programming for gis & remote sensing"@en . . "15.0" . "EGM722 – Programming for GiS & Remote Sensing (15 credits)\n\nThis module develops programming skills using the python programming language. The module seeks to provide students with key skills in the development of repeatable, automated analyses of GIS applications. The module also aims to develop academic writing skills in preparation for the MSc degree." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Environmental Impact assessment"@en . . "30.0" . "EGM804 – Environmental Impact Assessment (30 credits) - this module will run in January 2023, January 2025, January 2027, January 2029\n\nThis module introduces the concepts and requirements of environmental impact assessment, the methodology of planning and carrying out an environmental audit and the use of environmental management systems." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Biodiversity management"@en . . "30.0" . "EGM801 – Biodiversity Management (30 credits) - this module will run in January 2024, January 2026, January 2028, January 2030\n\nBiodiversity managers make decisions based on understanding ecosystems and by applying ecological principles to achieve their objectives. This module covers key scientific topics, which are crucial for developing effective biodiversity management plans in different ecosystems. It exemplifies how ecological-social-economic factors interact to influence our ability to conserve and manage biodiversity." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master in Geographic Information Systems"@en . . "https://www.ulster.ac.uk/courses/202324/geographic-information-systems-30224" . "120"^^ . "Presential"@en . "Course Summary\n\nThe course is designed to help people gain understanding and experience of GIS concepts, functionality and applications. Content focuses on the representation, acquisition, management, manipulation and analysis of spatial data. It also includes modules on remote sensing, spatial databases, web-GIS and GIS in the commercial environment. Additional optional modules include GIS work experience, spatial analysis and modelling, GIS for environmental management, and Customising GIS.\n\nIn addition to acquiring substantial theoretical knowledge of the subject, you will gain extensive practical experience using a variety of software, focusing primarily on ArcGIS but also including ERDAS Imagine, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, MySQL, OpenLayers, Geoserver, QGIS, Excel, SPSS and a number of GIS extensions and plug-ins. One of the core modules provides experience of web-based programming languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript, whilst an optional module in customising GIS applications introduces Esri’s ModelBuilder and the Python programming language.\n\nAfter successfully completing the PgDip modules, you may transfer to the Masters part of the programme. This requires the completion of a substantial independent research project, written in the form of a research journal article (which may, with agreement of your supervisor, be submitted for publication).\n\nAs part of the course resources, you will be provided with a free copy of ArcGIS, the remote sensing package ERDAS Imagine, and the data analysis package SPSS."@en . . . . . "2"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "6720.00" . "British Pound"@en . "15840.00" . "Recommended" . "GIS and geospatial technologies underpin a rapidly growing, multi-billion dollar industry, and are becoming increasingly mainstream within both the public and private sectors, resulting in a need for graduates who have a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.\n\nGraduates of this course have secured employment in a variety of GIS-related roles worldwide, in GIS positions including technicians, analysts, scientists, surveyors, data specialists, mapping officers, consultants, project managers, development, sales and marketing, customer support, GIS training, lecturing and research (including funded PhD projects). The breadth of potential uses of GIS ensures a great diversity of job opportunities; for example, our graduates have found employment with mapping agencies, GIS and SatNav companies, environmental consultancies, ecological and marine resource management and environmental agencies, renewable energy companies, forestry, fisheries, town planning departments, heritage agencies, health and emergency services, housing authorities, local government, aid agencies, countryside recreation, rural development, retail analysis, utilities and infrastructure, Further and Higher Education, mining and mineral exploitation and the oil industry, among others. Knowledge and understanding of geo-spatial data are also increasingly required in a variety of jobs outside of the GI profession, making a GIS qualification a valuable asset enhancing employability in a range of fields."@en . "1"^^ . "TRUE" . "Downstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Faculty of Life and Health Sciences"@en . .