. "English"@en . . "Law"@en . . "Economics"@en . . "Introduction to law, policy, business and management"@en . . "4.0" . "Basic principles of Law and Policy\nBasic principles of Business and Management" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Introduction to exact sciences and technology"@en . . "4.0" . "Content: \n\nBasic principles of Physics and Engineering\n\n* principles of mechanics and orbital motion\n* electromagnetic spectrum and radiation laws\n* structure of matter and fundamental interactions\n \n\nBasic principles of Life Sciences\n\n* introduction to the human body: cells, tissues, organs: the various systems composing the body and their main role\n* introduction to the cell, cell components (organelles, cytoskeleton), difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells\n* introduction to cell division (mitosis, meiosis), DNA, RNA, transcription, transduction, gene expression\n\nCourse material: \n\nIntroduction to Anatomy and Physiology:\n- Anatomy & Physiology: 6th or 7th edition. Authors: Kevin T Patton, Gary A. Thibodeau\nIntroduction to Cell Biology:\n- Essential Cell Biology, 3rd or 4th edition. Authors: Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Karen Hopkin, Alexander D Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter\n\nIntroductory handbooks made available to the students (e.g. Jewett and Serway, Introduction to Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Wiley )\nIntroductory texts on topics related to the space sector\n\nFormat: more information\nThe general aim is that all students - irrespective of the nature of their initial master - are able to follow the 'truncus communis' courses at the required academic level of the covered discipline, without the necessity of additional specific introduction for students with different backgrounds. Students with a more technical background, follow a course covering the relevant human sciences, and vice versa.\nIntroductory handbooks and/or basic texts are handed over to the students, well before the academic year formally starts. Guidlines are given with respect to the relevance of different topics for space studies.\nThe basic format of the course is that the knowledge adquisition occurs through self-study, with regular feedback from senior and junior academic staff.\n\n\n\nMore information at: https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/syllabi/e/G0S53BE.htm#activetab=toelichting_werkvorm_idm23613856" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Space law, policy, business and management"@en . . "5.0" . "Aims: \n\nUpon completion of this course, the student is able to:\n\nbasically understand how national and international legislation regulates space activities and to apply this knowledge to particular cases;\nunderstand the theoretical underpinnings of space policy and develop a critical appreciation of its practical implementation, in particular in the European context;\nunderstand and explain the economic rationale of space activities and the ensuing interaction between industry and space organisations;\nunderstand and appreciate the role of management to achieve space project goals effectively with respect to time, budget, quality and organisational constraints.\n\nPrevious knowledge:\n\nThis course can only be followed by students who have registered for the master of space studies.\n\n** Content ** \nModule Space Law (1.5 ECTs)\n\nSpace law: International legal foundations;the Outer Space Treaty and other international Agreements\nInternational cooperation\nSelected issues of space law:\n- Liability and Insurance\n- Jurisdiction and property\n- Legal status of Astronauts\n- Space Stations and settlements\n- Launch and satellite operations\n Systems of national Space Law\n\nModule Space Business and Management (2 ECTs)\n\nIn a half dozen session, specialized lecturers treat the following themes:\n\nSpace project management\nProject control\nFinancial control\nContracts and insurances\nLicensing and intellectual property rights\nGovernance and commercialisation\n\nModule Space Policy\n\n- National space doctrines and strategies;their formation,content and place\n- Comparison of space programmes and capabilities worldwide\n- Benefits analysis of space policy\n- International coalitions and competition\n- Issues of European policy\n- Issues of purpose and priority\n\n\nMore information at: https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/syllabi/e/G0S54AE.htm#activetab=plaatsen_in_het_onderwijsaanbod_idm618064" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Fundamental science from space"@en . . "5.0" . "Aims: \n\nUpon completion of this course, the student is able to:\n\nunderstand and explain what the specific advantages and constraints of the space environment are for research in fundamental sciences;\nunderstand and explain how living systems are affected by the space environment;\nunderstand and explain what are the major questions of fundamental science in space and how they are addressed;\nunderstand and explain how interdisciplinary crosstalk between science, technology development, and societal aspects is essential for the scientific exploitation and exploration of space.\n \nModule Space Sciences and Exploration (2.5 ECTs):\n\nHistory of space science\n- the origin of space research\n- the early epoch of space science\n \nFundamental science in space\n- the advantages of space for fundamental science\n- key results in fundamental space science\n- worldwide space science programmes\n \nScientific exploration of space\n- the Earth and its environment\n- solar-system research\n\nModule Life Sciences and Biology in Space (2.5 ECTs)\n\nWith the current progress in space exploration the idea that once men will live on other planets no longer is utopic. Can men, animals and plants survive in space? How will they adapt themselves to this unusual environment? In these lectures a basis is given to address these questions.\nSpecifically, the major biological processes will be explained as well as the changes induced by microgravity on these systems. The following biological systems will be treated:\n- the human body (muscles, bones, heart, equilibrium organs, kidney, eyes, respiration,...);\n- plants and cel biology;\n- animals (biology of development).\nThese systems will be studied through different experiments which were carried out at different levels, and by means of handbooks and scientific litterature. \nThe general consequences of cosmic radiation on biological systems will be discussed.Techniques will be discussed which are used on Earth to simulate weightlessness (parabolic flights, drop towers, bedrest, water immersion), besides the initial research on microgravity in the US, Russia and Europe during the first spaceflights with animals and men, until the Apollo project.\n\n\n\nMore information at https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/syllabi/e/G0S55AE.htm#activetab=doelstellingen_idm8369264" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Engineering design of space missions and spacecraft components"@en . . "5.0" . "Aims: \n\nUpon completion of this course, the student is able to:\n\nunderstand and explain the orbital mechanics and dynamics of space missions in general and for specific applications;\nunderstand and explain what the main environmental constraints are on the functioning of technology in space;\nunderstand and explain how launchers and space systems (plattforms and payload) are designed to meet the specific conditions of the space environment;\nunderstand and explain how interdisciplinary crosstalk between science, technology development, and societal aspects is essential for the scientific exploitation and exploration of space.\n\nModule 2.5 ects. Orbital Mechanics and Mission Design (2.5 ECTs)\n\nIntroduction\n\nOverview and classification of space missions\n\n\nOrbital mechanics\n\nfundamental laws in kinematics and dynamics (Keplerian orbits, types of orbits,orbital parameters)\nmaneuvers (acceleration and deceleration for in in-plane maneuvers, maneuvers for plane change\nthe central body\nclassification of orbits for space missions\nSpacecraft systems\n\nattitude and orbital control system\npower generation and management\nthermal control\nspacecraft structure\ntelemetry\ncommunications\nLaunch vehicles and launch trajectories\n\nlaunch site\nlaunch trajectory\nlaunch vehicle\nintegration with spacecraft\nMission design\n\nspecification of mission objectives\nexamples of space missions\n\nModule Spacecraft Design and Instrumentation (2.5 ECTs)\n\nGeneral outline\n \nSpacecraft definition and characteristics\nSpace environment and constraints\nMechanical and thermal engineering\nAssembly, Integration, Testing and Verification\nObservation and science mission payloads\n \nDetailed contents\n \nSpace messengers (gravity, magnetic field, photons, particles, dust, samples, gravitational waves)\nWhy space activities and orbit selection.\nSpace segments\n\nOn ground environment\nLaunch environment\nSpace environment and impacts on the design of spacecraft and instrumentation\n- Radiative environment, thermal cycling\n- Vacuum, outgassing\n- Microgravity\n- Contamination\n- Residual atmosphere in Low Earth Orbit, atomic oxygen and drag\n- Radiations\n- Meteorites and orbital debris\n- Electrical environment (solar wind, magnetosphere, radiation belts, plasma environment)\n- Energetic particles, electrons, protons and ions\n- Electrical charge of the spacecraft\nEffects on the optical, mechanical and thermal design, ageing of components.\n\nMechanical and dynamical design of instruments\nThermal design of instruments\nThermal control\nMaterial properties and material selection criteria\nCommunication with and inside the spacecraft\nOn-board software\nData reduction and compression\nRedundancy concepts\nDifferent steps in the design of space instruments\nContamination and cleanliness, on the ground and in space\nElectromagnetic compatibility\nAssembly, Integration, Tests, Verification\nGround Support Equipment\nModel philosophy\nMission Planning\nQualification of instruments\nCalibration of instruments\nEuropean Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECSS) standards\nMeasurement strategies: remote sensing vs in situ; active vs passive\nDetectors: principles, noise properties and constraints on observing modes\n\nMore information at: https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/syllabi/e/G0S56AE.htm#activetab=doelstellingen_idp834864" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Earth observation"@en . . "5.0" . "This course is taught at the UGent. \n\nKeywords: \nEarth observation, remote sensing \n\nPosition of the course\n\nAcquiring an overview of and understanding of different possibilities of application of earth observation, both for the observation of physical properties of the Earth as for socio-economic activities and how the interaction environment-men on Earth can be observed from space. This introduction will be given by guest lecturers directly involved in the use and development of Earth observation (techniques) in a wide variety of disciplines.\n\nContents\n\nIn a half dozen guest lectures of half a day the use of earth observation techniques is explained in several themes, such as: \n* evolution of soil degradation; \n* urban development; \n* protection of (world) heritage; \n* floods: impact study; \n* observation of forest fires; \n* impact of changing climate; \n* evolution of deltas; \n* study of land slides; \n* … \n\nInitial competences\nNone \n\nFinal competences\nUnderstanding the possibilities of earth observation. \n\nMore information at: https://studiekiezer.ugent.be/studiefiche/en/122006486/2023" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "Questions in space studies"@en . . "5.0" . "Aims: \n\nLearning outcomes:\n\nStudents having successfully followed this course\n\nare capable of analysing and understanding the main scientific, technological, and societal aspects of human spaceflight;\nare able to report on these issues for a specialised and a general audience;\ncan apply, in the field of human spaceflight, the knowledge and abilities they obtained during their previous academic master;\nhave shown ability to integrate different aspects in the resolution of specific questions highlighting the interdisciplinary nature of space activities;\nare capable to execute research individually and within a team;\ncan analyse space data using modern tools and a scientific methodology to extract relevant information;\nare familiar with public databases to search and retrieve space-based observational data;\nare familiar with modern analysis methods of space data, including available webtools and numerical packages allowing efficient processing of the data.\n\nModule Questions in Space Studies (3 ECTs)\n\nThe content of the course includes a concise presentation of the main international organisations or agencies of space science and the different industrial and governmental players active in the field. The balance between governmental and entrepreneurial participation will be discussed together with different perspectives and evolving trends in Space Science, space management and technology. A short presentation of the different technological challenges presented in commercial, military and scientific space missions is essential to place the whole program in a good context. The impact of global space related activities on the organisation of society can be evaluated and presented.The course will also give a global survey of different space related commercial, scientific and legal differences between different agencies and industrial players active in space science. Special attention will be given to human interest, sociological and ethical aspects of typical space science and exploration illustrated with historical steps or milestones.\n\nModule Downstream Exploitation of Space Data (2 ECTs)\n\nThe content of the course includes a concise presentation of the main international organisations or agencies of space science and the different industrial and governmental players active in the field. The balance between governmental and entrepreneurial participation will be discussed together with different perspectives and evolving trends in Space Science, space management and technology. A short presentation of the different technological challenges presented in commercial, military and scientific space missions is essential to place the whole program in a good context. The impact of global space related activities on the organisation of society can be evaluated and presented.The course will also give a global survey of different space related commercial, scientific and legal differences between different agencies and industrial players active in space science. Special attention will be given to human interest, sociological and ethical aspects of typical space science and exploration illustrated with historical steps or milestones.\n\nMore information at: https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/syllabi/e/G0L90BE.htm#activetab=inhoud_idp1570864" . . "Presential"@en . "TRUE" . . "The law of international organisations, including discussion sessions"@en . . "6.0" . "Aims\n\nLearning goals\n\nThe course’s fundamental objective is to provide students with advanced knowledge and a critical understanding of the institutional life (including formation, membership, competences, organs, modes of decision-making, accountability and control) of global and regional international organizations as well as of their increasing role and impact, both internationally and within domestic legal systems, in the development and interpretation of legal principles, rules and standards. Particular emphasis will lie on the United Nations and the UN family of organizations at the global level, and on intergovernmental organizations based in Europe (Council of Europe, NATO, OECD, OSCE) at the regional level, and the relationship between such organizations and the European Union as a supranational regional organization.\n\nAn important method develop students’ capacity for a critical understanding of the role and impact of international organizations is the active use of case-studies, including international and domestic case-law and cases demonstrating institutional complexities as well as the development and interpretation of legal principles, rules and standards by particular international organizations and bodies.\n\nContent\n\nThe institutional law of international organisations comprises those rules of law that govern their legal status, structure and functioning. In this course, the most important legal and institutional issues of the law of international organizations will be studied: definition of international organizations; different kinds of international organizations; establishment and dissolution; membership and other forms of participation; legal status of international organizations in international and domestic law; competences; organs; decision-making; types of decisions and their legal significance; financing; control; supervision of the execution of decisions; dispute settlement; external relations of international organizations.Those issues will be analysed more in-depth with regard to a number of international organisations, such as the United Nations and the organizations and organs linked to it (e.g., International Monetary Fund, the World Bank) as well as a number of regional intergovernmental organizations (in particular the OSCE, OECD, Council of Europe, NATO). While studying the selected topics, the historical context and the societal forces that explain their existence and functioning will also be discussed.\n\n§ 1 Introduction (learning methods, rise and importance of IOs, history, definition)\n\n§ 2 Constituent document (specifics of founding treaty as legal basis of IOs: reservations, revision, interpretation, ….)\n\n§ 3 Legal personality and competences (domestic and international personality; attributed powers; implied powers)\n\n§ 4 Membership (accession, suspension, termination, representation)\n\n§ 5 Organs (composition, functioning, types – mutual relationship, institutional balance)\n\n§ 6 Decision-making (different legal instruments, international organizations as law-makers?)\n\n§ 7 Diplomatic relations (treaty making powers; towards states and towards other IOs)\n\n§ 8 Privileges and immunities (functional necessity; of the organization & its officials; of member state’s representatives)\n\n§ 9 International responsibility (human rights violations by international organizations, access to justice; liability, DARIO)\n\n§ 10 Dispute settlement mechanisms (different constellations, e.g. between member states of IO & organ(s); staff disputes)\n\nMore information at: https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/syllabi/e/C00C5BE.htm#activetab=doelstellingen_idp4477008" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Introduction to management and strategy"@en . . "4.0" . "Aims\n\nUpon completion of this course, the student is able to:\n\nDefine and compare key aspects, basic concepts and approaches (‘schools of thought’) in management and strategy.\nAnalyze and interpret the complexity of managing an enterprise/organization (or part of).\nDefine the complexity related to identifying and implementing a strategy within a company.\nEffectively apply relevant frameworks, models and approaches within the domain of management and strategy.\nUnderstand contemporary issues in management (such as CSR and business ethics).\n\nContent: \n\nModule Introduction to Management (3 ECTs)\n\nStarting from a historical overview of the main directions of thought in managerial sciences, the management process of the company is discussed in detail. Apart from strategic and organizational aspects, the decision-making – and planning processes and implementation, motivation, managing and control (financial control included) are also discussed. This is all systematically discussed using a textbook and supplemented with cases, exercises and background material. During class examples and cases are frequently discussed. Furthermore a reading assignment will be given related to strategy and strategy implementation (Grant, Barney, Porter,…).\n\nModule Introduction to Strategy (1 ECT)\nA deepening reading assignment with regard to strategy determination and strategy implementation (Grant, Barney, Porter,…). In addition we will go deeper into the topic control (including financial control) from a strategic perspective (a.o. Grant)." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced topics in space law, policy, business and management"@en . . "6.0" . "Aims \n\nUpon completion of this course, the student is able to:\n\nunderstand in depth how national and international legislation regulates space activities and to apply this knowledge to particular cases;\nunderstand in depth the theoretical underpinnings of space policy and develop a critical appreciation of its practical implementation, in particular in the European context;\nunderstand in depth selected economic rationale of space activities and the ensuing interaction between industry and space organisations;\nunderstand and appreciate the role of management to achieve space project goals effectively with respect to time, budget, quality and organisational constraints.\n\nContent \n\nGalileo, Outer Space issues incl.jurisdiction and liability, Space debris, Utilisation regimes incl. ITU, Moon, Eut, INT, ESA as framework for European cooperation, European Space policy current developments, Astronauts settlements and tourism, Evolution of Space Organisations, National Space Laws, National Space\nagencies policies, launching contracts, launch installations, Quality assurance\n \nApart from the academic lectures a forum is therefore given to the actors in ESA and EU in order to inform the students on the latest steps towards the formulation of a European Space Policy.\n\nMore information at: https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/syllabi/e/G0G13AE.htm#activetab=doelstellingen_idp15443872" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space organisations"@en . . "4.0" . "Aims \n\nUpon completion of this course, the student is able to:\n\nunderstand the structure of space organisations in the context of international law and the rationale behind and evolution of space law;\nformulate a critical approach to modern issues in space law;\nassess the relative roles of the various stakeholders in the international space sector.\n\nContent\n\n- The legal structure of space organisations (ESA and international space law, national space organisations)\n- Space organisations in a global context (Space law in the UN: UN COPUOS: history, institutional aspects, current activities; Regulators: ICAO, ITU & WIPO; space situation awareness and space traffic management)\n- ESA and the EU on space policy, including industrial policy and procurement; Multiple fora and the Rule of Law in outer space: the PPWT and ICoC projects\n- Private initiatives in space (EUTELSAT, INTELSAT & INMARSAT: privatisation of international space organisations; space tourism)\n\nMore information at: https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/syllabi/e/G0S57AE.htm#activetab=doelstellingen_idp2656464" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Advanced topics in life sciences in space"@en . . "4.0" . "Aims\n\nAdvanced Topics in Life Sciences in Space\n\nContent\n\nAt the start of every lecture, basic concepts of anatomy and physiology will be explained.\n\nThe human body has developed over thousands of years in the presence of gravity. For example almost 50% of all our muscles are anti gravity muscles intended to keep us upright. In space, the human body tries to adapt to the new environment. However, this adaptation can have serious implications after returning to Earth and resulting in some astronauts in so-called orthostatic intolerance (difficulty in standing upright for some time). Over the 50 years that humans have flown in space, several hazards have been identified: radiation, loss of bone mineral density, and muscular and cardiovascular deconditioning are only some of the most important risk factors. A major objective in the NASA, ESA, and Russian space programs is to seek countermeasures to either avoid or minimize the impact of these hazards. To develop effective countermeasures, the mechanisms of the physiological adaptation have to be understood. Even now, not all mechanisms causing the changes and adaptations in human physiology are fully understood.\n\nFinally, future aspects of human space flight will be discussed: long duration missions (Mars voyage simulation (Mars500), Moon, Mars, asteroids) space participants… Many studies originate from personal experience.\n\n\nMore information at: https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/syllabi/e/G0G07BE.htm#activetab=doelstellingen_idp8679872" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Astrophysics from space"@en . . "4.0" . "This course is taught at the UGent\n\nPosition of the course: \nAstrophysics is one of the cornerstones of the scientific programmes of the various space organizations. This course presents the various astrophysics space programs, the most important astrophysics space missions and the scientific highlights from space astrophysics in the different wavelength regions\n\nContents\n\nIntroduction \n* Optical astronomy: overview and missions \n* Optical astronomy: scientific highlights (extragalactic distance scale, Hubble Deep Field, supermassive black holes, stellar evolution) \n* Infrared astronomy: overview and missions \n* Infrared astronomy: scientific highlights (starburst galaxies, CMB, star and planet formation) \n* Radio astronomy from space \n* High energy astronomy: overview and missions \n* High energy astronomy: scientific highlights (X-ray background radiation, galaxy clusters, X\n* ray binaries, gamma ray bursts)\n\nInitial competences\nThis course can only be followed by students who have registered for the Master of Space Studies.\n\nFinal competences\n\n1  Know the most important players in space and the astrophysics part of their science program. \n2  Discuss the necessity, advantages and disadvantages of astrophysics from space in the various wavelength regions. \n3  Describe the main innovations and properties of the most important astrophysics space missions. \n4  Discuss the scientific highlights of astrophysics from space in the frame of the different space missions\n\nMore information at: https://studiekiezer.ugent.be/studiefiche/en/C002851/2023" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Space weather"@en . . "4.0" . "Aims\n\n− To provide an overview of the current observational data and known effects of the space weather;\n− To provide insight in the basic physics of the solar drivers of space weather;\n− To provide an overview of the current state−of−the−art modeling and forecasting activities for some aspects of space\nweather, e.g. CME initiation and IP CME evolution, gradual SPE events, etc.\n− To explore the effects of space weather on humans and on technology in space and on the ground.\n\nContents\n\nIntroduction and motivation\n \n * Definition of space weather\n * Space weather effects\n * Space weather components\n * Predictions and forecasts\n \nA tour of the Solar System\n \n * Sun\n * Solar corona\n * Interplanetary space\n * Planetary magnetosphere\n \nThe Earth Environment\n \n * Magnetosphere\n * Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling\n * Magnetosphere-thermosphere coupling\n \nSolar energetic particles\n \n * Generation of high-energy particles in space weather events\n * Transport of high-energy particles in the solar system\n * Radiation belts\n \nModels of space weather\n \n * fluid modeling\n * kinetic effects\n \nFollowing a typical space weather storm\n \n * Coronal Mass Ejections (CME): initiation\n * CME: Inter−planetary evolution\n * Impact on the Earth environement\n * Geo−effectivity of magnetic storms\n * Ground and space based solar observations\n * Radio observations\n * In situ measurements (e.g. ACE, CLUSTER)\n * Unsolved problems\n \nResources and Forecast\n \n * Web-based services from NOAA and ESA\n * Simulation: NASA's community coordinated modeling center (CCMC)\n * Soteria and the SSA.\n\n\nMore information at: https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/syllabi/e/G0B32BE.htm#activetab=doelstellingen_idm955520" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Synchrotron radiation research in earth and planetary sciences"@en . . "4.0" . "This course is taught at the UGent." . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Spacecraft technology and space environment"@en . . "5.0" . "Aims\n\n- being able to evaluate the different elements of an aerospace missions: launching, orbital mechanics and corrections, performing the mission requirements during the lifetime of a spacecraft\n- dimensioning and evaluating different (sub)systems of a spacecraft (phase 0-level): structure, propulsion, orbital and attitude control, energy management, thermal control, material choice, payload,….\n- acquiring insight of existing aerospace technologies, specific loads and test procedures: launch vehicles, satellite systems, launch and environmental loads\n- getting acquainted to project phasing and scheduling\n\nModule 3.87 ects. Spacecraft Technology and Space Environment: Lecture (B-KUL-H04X5a)\n\n1. Introduction\n- History and overview of aerospace\n \n2. Orbital mechanics\n- Keplerorbits and central force field\n- Generalization of force field: geopotential, flattening and asymmetry\n- Orbit perturbuations: periodic and permanent\n- Swing-by and Lagragian points\n \n3. Propulsion, Rockets and Launch\n- Propulsion: thrust, specific impulse, solid, liquid and electrical propulsion, propulsion systems\n- Rocket equation: ideal acceleration and losses, ∆v,…\n- Rockets: working principles, performance, multi-staging\n- Launching: optimalisation, minimum ∆v, injection errors\n- Ariane rocket: technical description, performance and evolutions\n \n4. Satellites\n- Goal, construction and subsystems \n- Telecommunication satellites and other applications\n- Structure: loads, materials, construction\n- Thermal control: passive, active, materials,..\n- Orbital and attitude control: spin en 3D-stabilized S/C, sensors en control-units\n- Electrical power: solar arrays, batteries,…\n- TTC: antennas, telecommunication\n- Project management: phasing and testing\n \n5. Space Environment\n- microgravity, vacuum, atomic oxygen\n- space weather, electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation, radiation belts,…\n- Meteorides, space debris\n\nModule 1.13 ects. Spacecraft Technology and Space Environment: Practicals (B-KUL-H04X6a)\n\n1. Introduction\n- History and overview of aerospace\n \n2. Orbital mechanics\n- Keplerorbits and central force field\n- Generalization of force field: geopotential, flattening and asymmetry\n- Orbit perturbuations: periodic and permanent\n- Swing-by and Lagragian points\n \n3. Propulsion, Rockets and Launch\n- Propulsion: thrust, specific impulse, solid, liquid and electrical propulsion, propulsion systems\n- Rocket equation: ideal acceleration and losses, ∆v,…\n- Rockets: working principles, performance, multi-staging\n- Launching: optimalisation, minimum ∆v, injection errors\n- Ariane rocket: technical description, performance and evolutions\n \n4. Satellites\n- Goal, construction and subsystems \n- Telecommunication satellites and other applications\n- Structure: loads, materials, construction\n- Thermal control: passive, active, materials,..\n- Orbital and attitude control: spin en 3D-stabilized S/C, sensors en control-units\n- Electrical power: solar arrays, batteries,…\n- TTC: antennas, telecommunication\n- Project management: phasing and testing\n \n5. Space Environment\n- microgravity, vacuum, atomic oxygen\n- space weather, electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation, radiation belts,…\n- Meteorides, space debris\n\nMore information at: https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/syllabi/e/H04X5AE.htm#activetab=doelstellingen_idp2776672" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Robotics"@en . . "4.0" . "Aims\n\nThis course is an introduction to Intelligent Robotic Systems, i.e., machines that move (themselves and/or objects in their environment) and sense what is going on in their (immediate) neighbourhood, in order to achieve a given goal under uncertain environment conditions.\n\nApplying AI techniques to a physical system poses challenges that are not apparent in other contexts. This course aims to teach how one casts an embodied-agent problem to a form that lends itself to an AI solution, for instance by choosing AI techniques, sensor/data representations and motor command schemes that are synergetic with one another.\n\nThis course will cover both \"classical\" AI techniques that are easily parametrized by an expert, and techniques that are learned from data. We will study the applicability of both approaches and discuss how to judiciously choose one or the other based on the nature of the task.\n\nSince robotics is about integrating the best things from several research areas (mechanics, computer science, geometry, artificial intelligence, ...), relationships with other courses often occur, but we avoid overlaps as much as possible. The students are intensively stimulated to think and discuss as a researcher.\n\nDuring the course, students\n\nidentify problems that lend themselves to a robot AI solution and decide whether a “classical” or data-driven solution should be preferred,\ncast an embodied-agent problem to a form that lends itself to an AI solution,\ngenerate an intelligent robot behavior (conceptual or in software):\nExtract information from sensor streams (e.g., object/people identity/position, body postures, 3D room and object structures),\nControl robot actuators,\nLearn useful sensorimotor behaviors (e.g., mobility or grasping),\nlearn to analyse robotics applications from a system-level point of view, since robotics is very much a science of integration.\nare stimulated to develop a critical, research-oriented attitude.\n\nContent\n\nThis course is organized as guided self study: there is only a limited number of lectures in class (to explain and discuss the fundamental concepts of robot AI). For the rest of the course the students work on problems of their own choice. Collaboration in groups of maximally three students is encouraged.\n\nThe course has no organized examination session: it uses continuous evaluation, based on the students' reports, to which feedback is provided by the lecturer and all other students. Reports and the feedback to them are public to all participating students, and become an inherent part of the \"course material\". In a final individual discussion session with the lecturer, each student is expected to present the material in a relevant academic research paper in a very critical way, and to show creativity in identifying appropriate applications, open problems, or inherent limitations in the studied material.\n\nThe concept of the course allows to adapt its contents to the interests and background of the students.\n\nMore information can be found on the course's webpage: https://renaud-detry.net/teaching/h02a4a/" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Reliability of space systems"@en . . "4.0" . "Aims \n\nReliability is a critical aspect of mechanical systems, that requires much attention from the earliest phases of design. The designer should be aware of the methods that are used to predict and verify reliability. The objective of the course is to provide the student with basic understanding of reliability aspects in engineering, and to give insight into methodologies to perform system reliability analysis. Specific focus is on reliability aspects of space projects, ranging from mechanical reliability to avionics and software reliability.\n\nReliability of Mechanical Systems: Lecture\n\nAfter successful completion of this course, the student has proven to know and understand the meaning of standard terminology in reliability analysis techniques. He is able to select specific distribution types for different classes of reliability problems, and to apply probability theory on these in order to perform the time dependent reliability analysis of mechanical components. He is able to analyze testing data with respect to the lifetime of a mechanical component, and to transform this information into standard distributions that serve as input for the reliability assessment on the system level. He is able to quantify the reliability of a complex built-up mechanical system, starting from the analysis on the component level, using quantitative techniques. He can apply Markov process modeling for time dependent reliability assessment of systems including repair and maintenance. He is able to describe the main properties of qualitative and semi-quantitative techniques for system analysis, to apply the principles of these methodologies on basic problems, and to critically assess their value in a mechanical engineering context.\n\nIn the framework of fatigue analysis, the student can derive and interpret typical material properties for stress-based approaches, he has insight into the sensitivity of these properties with respect to operational conditions, and is able to apply the stress-based approach for the assessment of the lifetime of a mechanical component that is under regular and irregular time dependent loading, for uni-axial as well as multi-axial stress conditions. The student further knows how stress-based analysis can be extended to the strain-based approach, he can derive and knows how to interpret the corresponding material properties, and knows when and how to apply this technique for the assessment of the lifetime of a mechanical component. The student understands the basic principles of damage tolerant design, and knows how to apply the theoretical principles of linear fracture mechanics in this context.\n\nFinally, the student knows how to apply the principles of strength-load interference in the context of mechanical design. He has insight in the meaning of the concept ‘reliability index’, and can explain how this concept can be generalized in a more generic mechanical design context with multiple design parameters, and how this can be applied making use of numerical simulation techniques. He knows the principles of analytical as well as sampling strategies to estimate the reliability index, and can critically assess the application of these approaches in the context of a specific design problem. He knows how these approaches can be integrated in a framework of reliability based design optimization.\n\nReliability of Space Systems\n\nThe objectives are:\n\nto get acquainted with the space project specific aspects of dependability and reliability.\nto get acquiainted with the space software dependability and reliability.\nto get experience in analysing failure modes.\n\nContent\n\nModule 1.3 ects. Reliability of Space Systems (B-KUL-G0L94a)\n\n1. Space product assurance & dependability\n\nDependability throughout the project life cycle\nDependability risk analysis control\nCritical Items List\nSubsystem dependability\nReliability analysis\nFailure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)\nFailure Detection Identification and Recovery (FDIR)\nSpace system specific reliability challenges\n2. Software reliability\n\nIntroduction to Software Engineering\nDocumentation in different software phases\nSoftware Dependability and Safety\nSoftware Configuration Management\nSoftware Quality Assurance\nSoftware Verification\nSoftware Testing\n3. Case Study FMEA/FMECA\n\nModule 2.7 ects. Reliability of Mechanical Systems: Lecture (B-KUL-H04Y2a)\n\nIn this course, students are challenged to apply their knowledge on engineering mechanics in the context of reliability, focusing on design, production as well as maintenance of mechanical systems. The course covers general theoretical aspects for reliability prediction, analysis, verification and optimization in mechanical engineering:\n\n1. General introduction to reliability: identification of factors that are important for reliability analysis\n\n2. Basic elements of reliability: definitions, distributions, time independent and time dependent reliability models\n\n3. System reliability: combined failure modes, serial and parallel systems, redundancy, reliability calculations based on minimal cuts and maximal paths, Markov chains and processes, modeling of systems with repair and maintenance\n\n4. Analysis methods: FMECA, risk analysis, event and failure tree analysis\n\n5. Reliability in design: load-strength interference, uncertainty modeling and processing techniques, reliability estimation in design, analytical prediction techniques, sampling techniques, reliability based design optimization\n\n6. Fatigue and life time prediction: stress based fatigue analysis, strain based approach, damage tolerant design based on linear fracture mechanics and crack propagation\n\nMore information at: https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/syllabi/e/G0L94AE.htm#activetab=doelstellingen_idp35840" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Satellite navigation and communications"@en . . "3.0" . "Aims \n\nThis course focuses on advanced topics in and beyond contemporary satellite navigation systems, specifically to:\n\nUnderstand how Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) such as GPS or Galileo work, including their satellites, ground segment, and receivers.\nApply general concepts of mathematics, physics and engineering (linear algebra, calculus, estimation theory, astrodynamics) to the practical problems of radionavigation: acquire the electromagnetic signals and compute position and time with them.\nUnderstand measurement errors: satellite orbit and clock estimation, ionosphere, troposphere, multipath, and receiver contributions.\nHave an overview of the radiolocation ecosystem, including system providers, industry, technology trends (hybridization, signals of opportunity, assisted GNSS), challenges (ubiquitous location, power consumption, authentication, integrity, accuracy), standards, and future applications (autonomous cars, UAVs, wearables, IoT…).\nExperiment with a MATLAB GNSS software defined radio (SDR) receiver and real data.\nAt the end, the students should be able to:\n\nUnderstand how GPS/GNSS work in some depth, and have a general understanding of satellite technologies and radiolocation, including concepts applicable to other fast-growing sectors such as mobile network location or satellite mega constellations.\nUnderstand the technology trends and challenges in the satnav sector. \nDevelop satnav receiver algorithms and applications and analyse their performance.\n\nContent\n\nThe course consists of 9 lectures following this (tentative) schedule: \n\nIntroduction: Radionavigation history, trilateration and other radionavigation concepts (TOA, TDOA, Doppler), TOC of the course.\nSatellite Navigation Systems: Constellation design, satellites, launchers, ground segment, operations, current systems (GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, Beidou, etc.), augmentations.\nOrbits and Reference Systems: Basics (Kepler, Newton), Keplerian orbital parameters, inertial and non-inertial systems, datums.\nSignals: Media access (CDMA, FDMA), signal modulations (BPSK, BOC), link budget, carrier frequency properties, coding, error correction techniques, data structure.\nMeasurement errors: Satellite (clock, orbits, biases), signal propagation (ionosphere, troposphere, multipath), and receiver errors (sampling, quantization, biases, others).\nReceivers i: Antennas and RF front ends, signal acquisition, signal tracking, receiver practical implementations (ASIC, FPGA, SDR).\nReceivers ii: Position estimation, authentication, high accuracy.\nIndustry and technology trends: Satnav ecosystem and value chain, hybridization, signals of opportunity, assisted GNSS, authentication, applications.\nGuest Speaker / backup session.\nIn addition there are (tentatively) 4 lab sessions and presentation (The on-campus activities are TBC. They may be removed or replaced by off-campus activities):\n\nOverview of MATLAB SDRs. First experiments with existing samples.\nData grabbing on campus and processing. \nData processing and optimization. Preparation of presentation. \nGroup presentations.\nThe lab sessions will consist of getting familiar with the MATLAB SDRs using RF front ends provided in the lab to get your own samples, processing them with the MATLAB SDR, and reporting the results in the written assignment and presentation. Students will work in groups (size and number TBC depending on the number of students). Each group will grab RF samples using RF front ends provided by the lab. They will process the samples and calculate a position with them using the MATLAB SDRs available. They will prepare a presentation describing all the steps performed: data grabbing, acquisition stage, tracking stage (if used), and position, velocity and timing solution (NB: how to measure the accuracy of your solution against a ‘true solution’, and the ‘true solution’ accuracy, is part of the work). Optionally, groups can focus their lab work on one or more aspects in the receiver chain and develop them in more depth. The results of the work will be compiled into a presentation (power point, pdf or similar), to be delivered in 10-15 minutes in the last session. The presentation slides must be self-standing and include the relevant results and conclusions. \n\nMore information at: https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/syllabi/e/H05T6AE.htm#activetab=doelstellingen_idm8220608" . . "Presential"@en . "FALSE" . . "Master of Space Studies"@en . . "https://www.kuleuven.be/programmes/master-space-studies#about" . "60"^^ . "Presential"@en . "no data"@en . . . "1"@en . "TRUE" . . "Master"@en . "Thesis" . "7099.10" . "Euro"@en . "7099.10" . "None" . "Career perspectives\nGraduates will be in a position to develop a career in the space sector or in space research; taking up roles in the space industry (engineers, product developers and technical-commercial functions), research institutions with activities in space (researchers and project developers), (inter)governmental bodies with responsibilities in research and development programmes related to space (project managers and directors), policymakers on the national, European and international levels and in a broad range of companies and organisations which use or are facilitated by space missions."@en . "3"^^ . "TRUE" . "Midstream"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Faculty of Sciences"@en . .